

Mandriva Linux 2007 Adds Gaming to Its Mix

TransGaming, a developer of software portability products for the electronic entertainment industry, announced Thursday that the company's Cedega portability engine will be incorporated into Mandriva Linux 2007. The integration of Cedega within the Mandriva Linux 2007 installer will allow users of t...

Black Duck Software got its feet wet during the SCO uproar, when the Unix firm's legal onslaught against IBM and others sharpened concern over intellectual property rights connected to the use of software code. New issues have arisen since then, however, coinciding with the increased adoption of ope...

Like many in the technology industry and legal community, IBM is wondering when the US$5 billion lawsuit the SCO Group has filed against it -- for alleged breach of contract and the incorporation of SCO code in Linux -- is going to end. Big Blue this week filed for summary judgement in the three-and...

In a twist made possible by virtualization, Novell said this week it would support Linux virtualization, including instances of rival Red Hat's Linux Enterprise 4 operating system, using Xen virtualization optimized for Intel hardware. Novell said it will offer enterprise support both for its own Su...

Linux Hackers Skewer GPLv3

Linux creator Linus Torvalds' objections to GPLv3, the Free Software Foundation's draft of the next version of the popular GNU General Public License, have been reinforced by the rest of the open source operating system's top developers. They share Torvalds' concerns over digital rights management, ...

The Web 2.0 Transformation

One of the original leaders of the open source movement, Tim O'Reilly of O'Reilly Media, kicked off a blogosphere firestorm in late May by sending a cease-and-desist letter over the use of the term "Web 2.0," as his technical conference is trademarked by that name. The complaint has since been withd...

IBM has revealed that it is considering a plan to support an open source software distribution known as Red Flag Linux from Beijing-based Red Flag Software as part of its long-term strategy in China. Red Flag would be the third Linux distribution supported by IBM and its approximately 300 software a...

Hoping to monetize its open source software development, Qlusters this week is making available openQRM Pro, a specialized version of its systems management software, for sale. Like its open source openQRM datacenter provisioning and management software -- which works with Solaris, FreeBSD, Windows ...

Novell aired some dirty laundry this week, announcing it had received notification that it is in danger of being delisted from the Nasdaq stock exchange for delayed reporting of financial results for its latest fiscal quarter. The results have been held up by the company's own voluntary, internal in...

Open source coders have developed a Firefox variant, Torpark, that allows users to go online without worrying about the government, Internet service providers or others tracking their Internet activity. Released by a self-described group of computer security experts and human rights workers that cal...

Much in the way that open source software projects are known to produce forks, or spinoffs, based on different objectives and personalities, Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger is creating an offshoot of his popular communal Internet encyclopedia. Citizendium is intended for named, expert contributor...

The technology that college students are going back to this year is increasingly connected to the open source Linux operating system, says Red Hat, which is highlighting the growing adoption of its open source software and network solutions at institutions of higher learning. Like large enterprises,...

Red Hat this week released its first JBoss product within a new open source stack that folds together Red Hat Linux, JBoss Application Server, JBoss Hibernate and either of two open source databases -- MySQL or PostgreSQL. The Red Hat Application Stack, available via subscription, is offered as an a...

The Mozilla Foundation patches seven security flaws with version of its Firefox browser. Four of them, rated "critical," would allow attackers to install software on vulnerable computers. The critical problems include a JavaScript error that could permit remote execution of code and a vuln...

Web hosting has always been a good place to find Linux servers -- often coupled with other popular open source software such as Apache Web servers -- but Spin Magazine's recent move to Rackspace Managed Hosting illustrates the upsurge in choices for Linux hosting support, which is at the heart of th...

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