
Xandros today announced the release of xDMS (Xandros Desktop Management Server) for remote management of Linux desktops for the enterprise. The xDMS enables secure deployment, configuration, and updating for up to thousands of Linux desktops through an intuitive graphical interface. "The deployment ...

I love life and I love having choices. I guess you can say I am pro-life and pro-choice. Unfortunately, for most people those labels represent the opposing sides of a very divisive issue. The curious thing is that these terms are not really descriptive of the issue at all. In fact, unless you know...

Microsoft users may feel as though they're the only ones constantly under attack from hackers, but they're not alone with that dubious distinction. Late last week, Red Hat, the Raleigh, North Carolina-based Linux provider, was also hit. The threat came in the form of a fake security warning. The e-m...

Users of Transaction Processing Facility (TPF), IBM's mainframe operating system, seem to have both pride in the OS and an inferiority complex, often referring to it as "IBM's unknown operating system." Even IBM called it "little known" in a press release for its latest version of the system, zTPF. ...

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has made courting Linux users and those considering the open-source option a top priority and said the sheer volume of innovation that Longhorn development efforts are producing will make the next version of Windows worth the wait. Ballmer commented on a range of topics d...


Dear Get Your Act Together

As regular readers of this column know, I'm a big fan of the Apple Macintosh, but I'm much less of a fan of Apple Canada in general and their dealers in the Toronto area in particular. This morning (Tuesday, October 19) I needed an external power adapter for a 17-inch titanium -- since it doesn't ha...

Unisys has joined forces with the SAS Institute to make Linux enterprise-ready for business intelligence in a move that demonstrates the server maker's commitment to meeting customer interest in open-source software and services. The effort is aimed at helping organizations migrate from the propriet...

Does Linux Need a Suit?

When you ask business folk if they've considered hiring an IT consultant to move their company to an open-source platform, some think of a penguin logo and sleep-deprived, pony-tail-sporting developers. Others conjure up an image of an unkempt young techie with his feet up on the desk and Cheetos cr...

Sun Microsystems announced today that Orange SA, a London-based international mobile phone company, has chosen the Java Enterprise System to replace its current Sun software in Europe. Orange has operations in Benelux, and other western Europe regions. Orange has 22,000 employees and is a London-bas...

Black Duck Software has released code designed to help attorneys wade through the multifaceted intellectual property (IP) issues around open-source software. As part of its protexIP solution suite, protexIPTM/license management allows corporate legal teams to manage commercial and open-source softwa...

France built the Maginot Line in the 1930s, a supposedly impenetrable state-of-the-art defense system to protect the country from her long time enemy, Germany. It was meant to prevent a German invasion, but the Germans simply went around it, dealing the French a humiliating defeat in the spring of ...

Red Hat today announced the appointment of Karen Tegan-Padir as Vice President of Desktop Infrastructure Technologies. Tegan-Padir was previously an executive with Sun Microsystems where she most recently held the position of Vice President of Engineering for J2EE platforms and Application Server pr...

JBoss is throwing its open source weight around in the business process management (BPM) ring, adding a workflow engine to its middleware platform with today's launch of jBPM 2.0. JBoss will compete with the likes of Oracle, BEA Systems, IBM and Microsoft for its share of a BPM market that Gartner p...

Metrowerks Corporation has introduced automotive grade Linux technology that is specifically tailored for telematics deployments. The technology meets automotive industry requirements such as fast device boot time, a real-time execution environment and a comprehensive power management framework, the...

IBM is putting rivals Hewlett-Packard and Sun Microsystems on notice with the announcement of two new p5 servers capable of running Linux and Unix and allowing users to run 254 virtual servers on each machine. "HP and Sun should be concerned about IBM's p5 because the price of the machines are relat...

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