

Time for a Court Ruling on the GPL?

Michael Newdow may not be a household name to the open-source community. The California atheist sued a Sacramento school district to prevent his third-grade daughter from having to recite or listen to the Pledge of Allegiance because it includes the words "under God." But Newdow's case has some inte...

Orion Multisystems has announced two models of the Orion Cluster Workstation, a computing platform for engineering and scientific professionals who need to solve computationally complex problems. Orion's systems are based on clustering, which is a means of exploiting processor parallelism to generat...

As part of Software Freedom Day, set for August 28, OpenOffice will be translated into three African languages for the first time. After Saturday, the open-source desktop suite will be available to speakers of the South African languages of Zulu, Sepedi and Afrikaans. The new versions have been prep...

On Saturday, August 28, it is possible a new holiday will be born: Software Freedom Day. Organized by grassroots groups, the worldwide event is an effort to promote wider use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). One of the largest regions to see events associated with this day will be Asia, whic...

Linspire today announced the availability of Internet dialer software that provides direct access to the Internet for desktop Linux users via AOL's dial-up ISP service. AOL, a subsidiary of Time Warner, is the world's largest ISP with 29.7 million AOL subscribers in the U.S. and Europe. The AOL Dial...


Macs Are More Expensive, Right?

Everyone knows PCs are faster than Macs, but Macs cost more. Right? There are two issues here: cost and performance. Right now I want to focus on the cost side of the myth, leaving performance for another column, possibly in late September. For today, I'm simply going to argue that Macs and PCs are ...

The UK's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has asked Microsoft to change an ad that claims Linux has been found to be over 10 times more expensive than Windows Server. The group evaluated the truthfulness of the ad after a number of public complaints were filed. In the ad, Microsoft cites figure...


Cisco Systems Acquires P-Cube

Cisco Systems of San Jose, California, Monday acquired privately held P-Cube of Sunnyvale, California.

Linux vendors have issued patches to address vulnerability in Qt, a software toolkit that simplifies writing and maintaining GUI applications for the X Window system. The flaw was unveiled by security researcher Chris Evans, who uncovered a heap overflow in the BMP image decoder in Qt versions prior...


CA’s Ingres Challenge: Programming on Contingency

Lawyers and programmers have a lot in common. Programmers write code and lawyers write legal documents. Both consider the issues, generate written work product, check it for bugs and then release the product. Both professions rely on libraries to avoid reinventing each aspect of the product. There a...

Macromedia announced that this week it will begin shipping Flex Builder, a new integrated development environment designed to streamline Flex application development. The company noted that creation of Flex Builder was prompted by the rapid adoption of Flex, a server application that converts code w...

Gateway today announced that its new line of retail notebooks, desktops and monitors are now available at Micro Center's 20 stores nationwide. The Gateway products are available at Micro Center stores and on the company's Web site, The agreement is the latest in a series of announce...

The Open Source Development Labs (OSDL), a consortium of technology companies and workplace of Linus Torvalds, has announced a major upgrade to its Scalable Test Plaform (STP) enterprise-grade testing services for the Linux kernel. Introduced in 2001, STP provides a set of test suites on a wide rang...

Micro Focus International, a provider of legacy application development and deployment software, announced Wednesday that it will provide a method for migrating legacy applications to HP and IBM Unix and Linux servers. The migration service is part of the company's "Lift and Shift" offering, which c...


Attracting Attackers: Windows vs. Unix

Lots of people believe that the reason there are more attacks on Windows machines than on Unix machines is simply that Windows dominates desktop markets. According to their logic, 90 plus percent of the desktops should lead to 90 plus percent of the attacks. The question is whether they are right. L...

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