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Results 221-240 of 349 for Vivian Wagner

Winning With Social Marketing

This story was originally published on Jun. 1, 2012, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series ...

Making Business Sites Work Hand in Glove With Social Media

It's not enough to have just a website, or just social media profiles. Businesses need to have both, and the traffic needs to flow seamlessly between them ...

A Moveable Feast: Making Sites Mobile-Friendly

A few years ago, Dave Getty and his wife went on a road trip through Texas. They didn't bring a laptop, so they relied solely on their smartphones to surf the Web. They quickly realized how important it is for sites to be mobile-friendly. ...

The Rise of Corporate Blogging

When Google withdrew from China, it didn't send out a press release or hold a press conference. Instead, it announced the news on its corporate blog. This move proved to be a "milestone event for corporate blogging," said Lou Hoffman, CEO of The Hoffman Agency ...

Microsoft Debuts Shiny New Mobile Peripherals

Microsoft Hardware on Monday unveiled several new mobile-friendly keyboards and mice designed specifically for use with its forthcoming Windows 8 and tablets: the Wedge Touch Mouse, the Wedge Mobile Keyboard, the Sculpt Touch Mouse, and the Sculpt Mobile Keyboard. ...

Good Social Customer Conversations: Start by Listening

Social media sites are all about having conversations, and that's true for businesses as well as individuals. The trick for businesses is knowing how and when to engage in these conversations -- and how to keep up with them. ...

The Persistence of the Facebook Smartphone Myth

On Facebook's earnings call Thursday, Mark Zuckerberg seemed to deny that the company would be developing its own branded smartphone, presumably an effort to put to rest growing speculation -- mostly attributed to unnamed sources -- about a Facebook phone under development at HTC ...

Setting Up Your Dream Shop Online

Shana and Len Bentivegna started their online store, Organic Pet Boutique, as a result of pet food scares and their concern for the safety of their two Shih Tzus, Milo and Ceasar. ...

New Kid on K Street: The Internet Association

A new trade group called "The Internet Association" has been formed to represent the interests of large Internet companies. It will begin operating in September, with Michael Beckerman, a former adviser to the chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives' Energy and Commerce Committee, serving as its president ...

Pinning for Business: Pinterest as a CRM Tool

WORX, a power tool company, has a unique Pinterest board: one devoted entirely to tools that aid in zombie defense. The WORX JawSaw, for instance, has a pin that tells consumers to "accessorize before they rise, and protect yourself now!" ...

App Developers Tilt Toward iOS

A survey of more than 3,600 Appcelerator Titanium developers has revealed that they would rather develop mobile apps for iOS than for Android ...

Learning the Social CRM Data-Management Ropes

Every time people post an update, "like" a page, or otherwise engage with social media, their movements are tracked, followed and recorded. For businesses, this data is a gold mine of information about consumer thinking, preferences and opinions ...

Facial Recognition Faces Congressional Scrutiny

The Senate Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology and the Law met on Wednesday to discuss the promise and pitfalls of facial recognition technology. Led by its chair, U.S. Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., the committee questioned privacy advocates as well as representatives of the FBI, the Federal Trade Commission and Facebook, about how the technology is being used and what privacy issues it raises.

Synchronizing Social Traffic Signals

It's not enough to have just a website, or just social media profiles. Businesses need to have both -- and the traffic needs to flow seamlessly between them ...

Microsoft Remodels Office

Microsoft unveiled the new versions of its Office suite and and Office 365 subscription-based service on Monday ...

Sensor-Equipped Gloves May Give Voice to Sign Language

Making use of sleek black gloves, sophisticated sensors, a microcontroller and a smartphone, students from the Ukraine have created a device that translates sign language into speech ...

Guidelines Aim to Check Aggressive Mobile Ads

In response to increasingly aggressive ads in free mobile apps, mobile security firm Lookout on Monday released guidelines to protect consumer privacy and security and promote responsibility among advertisers ...

Tools for Crafting Social CRM Connections

Financial site Adaptu serves people in all stages of life, from young people just establishing themselves, getting married and buying a home, to more mature investors planning for their children's educations or their own retirement dreams ...

A Bunch of Unused PCs Won’t Be Able to Go Online Monday

Anywhere from 250,000 to 500,000 computers worldwide may lose Web access Monday morning if their users don't manage to remove malware called "DNSChanger" from their machines ...

Microsoft Blames $6.2B Write-Off on Weak Online Ad Division

Based on the underperformance of its online services division, Microsoft announced Monday that it would be taking a write-down of US$6.2 billion.The non-cash, non-tax-deductible income statement charge for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2012 is for the "impairment of goodwill" related primarily to its 2007 $6.3 billion acquisition of aQuantive, Microsoft said.

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