Search Results

Results 821-840 of 1979 for John P. Mello Jr.

Microsoft Quashes Bitcoin Scare

Micrososft on Monday withdrew a notice posted earlier in the day to its Windows website, which declared that bitcoin currency no longer would be accepted in its users' accounts ...

Opera Desktop Browser Comes With Ad Blocking Baked In

Opera on Thursday announced that new version of its desktop browser will have ad blocking built in ...


Facebook Exec’s Brazilian Misadventure Signals Bigger Problem

The jailing last week of Facebook Regional Vice President Diego Dzoda in Brazil may have been the tip of an iceberg. Frustrated police made the arrest after Facebook failed to produce WhatsApp messages connected to a drug trafficking case. The incident is one of a growing heap of examples that highlight the difficulties law enforcement agencies face when trying to collect evidence in a digital world without borders...

Ransomware Plague Spreads to Macs

Security researchers atPalo Alto Networks last week announced that they had found the first ransomware in the wild aimed at Macintosh computers, but Apple and one of its developers quickly neutered it ...

Apple Geniuses Flock to Twitter

Apple on Thursday launched a Twitter channel to field support questions from users of its products, as well as to offer them tricks and tips ...


Malvertisers Use Digital Fingerprints to Avoid Detection

In the world of computer security, fingerprints are found in more places than where the tips of hands touch ...

Facebook Exec Sprung From Brazilian Jail

A Brazilian judge on Wednesday ordered the release of Facebook Regional Vice President Diego Dzodan, one day afterBrazilian police placed him under arrest forWhatsApp's failure to produce messages the government believed relevant to a drug ring investigation. Judge Ruy Pinheiro concluded the exec's detainment amounted to coercion, according to press reports...

Apple Event Date Nudges Court Showdown

Apple has changed the date for the launch event for its 4-inch iPhone and new iPad Air from March 15 to March 21, according to news reports ...

Google Brings Project Shield to DDoS Battlefield

Google on Thursday announced that it was expanding its Project Shield program, offering to protect news and human rights websites from distributed denial of service attacks for free. ...

The Downside of Linux Popularity

Popularity is becoming a two-edged sword for Linux ...


Security Pros to Users: Do as We Say, Not as We Do

IT pros -- the gatekeepers of company security policies -- are willing to bend the rules to get things done, according toAbsolute Software, based on survey findings it released last week ...

Gates Sees Both Sides in Apple vs. FBI Ruckus

Microsoft founder Bill Gates on Tuesday attempted to clarify his position regarding Apple's conflict with the FBI, telling Bloomberg he was disappointed that his earlier comments had been construed as taking sides with the government ...

Samsung Raises Curtain on Galaxy S7 Models

Samsung on Sunday introduced two new models of its flagship Galaxy smartphone line at the annual gala for the mobile world, the Mobile World Conference in Barcelona, Spain ...

Hollywood Hospital Succumbs to Hacker Shakedown

Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center on Wednesday announced that it paid approximately US$17,000 to resume normal operations after digital extortionists knocked its computer systems offline ...


DHS Ready to Share Intelligence With Private Sector

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security this month will start sharing threat information with a small number of hand-picked companies under the newly enacted Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act ...

Hollywood Hospital Hacked Back to Paper Age

Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center last week revealed its computer systems were offline after a ransomware attack scrambled the data on its systems ...

Google Expands Europeans’ Internet Amnesia Zone

Google is expanding the right of Europeans to be forgotten on the Internet to domains outside their countries, according to news reports Thursday ...

Twitter Creates Advisory Panel on Tweet Speech

Twitter on Tuesday announced the formation of a panel to advise it on speech, abuse and safety issues ...

Hacker Posts Stolen Data on FBI, Homeland Security Employees Online

The U.S. departments ofJustice andHomeland Security on Monday announced they were investigating reports that a hacker broke into government computer systems and stole sensitive information about employees at the agencies ...


New Safe Harbor Pact Offers Temporary Port in Storm

Through an eleventh-hour maneuver, the United States and the European Union last week avoided action that could have choked the movement of data between the regions and caused financial harm to U.S. companies ...

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