Search Results

Results 1121-1140 of 1979 for John P. Mello Jr.

Leahy Bill Aims to Rein In Government Snooping

Government snooping on Americans would be curtailed under a bill introduced Tuesday in the U.S. Senate ...

Swell Deal Could Give Apple Something to Talk About

It appears Apple is close to acquiring talk radio app Swell for US$30 million.Much of Swell's development team will be joining Apple, and the app will be shut down sometime this week, Re/code reported ...

Apple Trusts a Million Users to Check Out Yosemite

In a rare move, Apple on Thursday rolled out a beta version of its upcoming desktop operating system, OS X Yosemite, to a million "testers." ...

Patent Tips Apple’s iWatch Hand

A patent awarded on Tuesday to Apple may be a tip-off of what the company is planning for the smartwatch it's widely expected to introduce this fall ...


Failure to Communicate Hamstrings Cyberdefenders

A failure to communicate between security pros and company brass may be contributing to the inability of a significant number of organizations to reduce the risk of cyberattacks on their systems ...

EU Rides Apple Over Weak In-App Purchase Policies

The European Union last year adopted a "common position" on how purchases made within mobile and online applications should be treated by operators of app stores. Now, seven months later, Google has been heaped with praise for striving to comply with EU guidance on in-app buys, while Apple has been rebuked for dragging its feet ...

Siri May Be Starting a Hope Chest

It may not be a marriage made in heaven, but the cloud is pretty close ...

Google, Novartis Team on ‘Invisible’ Health Monitor

Novartis' Alcon eye care division has entered an in-license agreement governing all ocular medical uses for Google's smart contact lenses, it announced Tuesday ...


Windows XP Hacked, Supply Chain Poisoned

A supply chain compromise is a security pro's worst nightmare. The thought of malware being planted on computer devices before they leave the factory sends shivers down a cyberdefender's spine. A disturbing case of such poisoning was reported last week by researchers at TrapX ...

Internet Heavyweights Lock Arms to Block Fast Lane

A trade association including Amazon, Google and Netflix on Monday called on the U.S. Federal Communications Commission to adopt rules banning deals by broadband providers for faster delivery of some Internet traffic ...

New IoT Group to Get Devices Talking Among Themselves

Half a dozen companies this week announced a new organization to ensure that the billions of devices that will be added to the Internet in coming years will be able to communicate with each other ...

Nadella Spells Out Microsoft’s Bold Ambitions

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella on Thursday mapped out his vision for the company's future, emphasizing cloud and mobile computing, in a letter to all employees. The letter also appeared on the company's website ...


Report: Malware Poisons One-Third of World’s Computers

Nearly one-third of the world's computers could be infected with malware, suggests a report released last week by the Anti-Phishing Working Group ...

TSA Kills Dead Devices’ Ticket to Ride

In a move that's bound to raise the power management consciousness of air travelers, the U.S. Transportation Security Administration on Sunday announced a ban on electronic devices that won't power up before they're carried onto a plane ...

Emotional Backlash Unlikely to Unsettle Facebook

It's unlikely that Facebook's psych experiment that turned some 700,000 of its users into involuntary lab rats will hurt its brand or advertising revenue ...

Google Aims to Defrag Android Universe

As any Android user knows, the version of the operating system you're using can vary widely because it depends on parties other than Google. That's why nearly two-thirds of users are running a version of Android introduced in 2012 or earlier ...


To Pay or Not to Pay – That’s the Ransomware Question

Ransomware is a growing problem for consumers and businesses alike. In Symantec's most recent quarterly security report, the company's researchers found all targeted attacks -- including ransomware -- grew 91 percent year-over-year ...

SnappyTV Could Amp Up Twitter Amplify

Twitter on Thursday announced a new addition to its social-TV arsenal: SnappyTV. ...

Facebook’s Slingshot Draws a Bead on Snapchat

I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours ...

SC to Mull Free Speech vs. ‘True Threats’ on Social Media

Are threats to people made on social media websites protected under the First Amendment? ...

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