Search Results

Results 1161-1180 of 1979 for John P. Mello Jr.

Facebook’s $2B Baby Oculus Denies Rival’s Rights Claims

A simmering conflict between Oculus, a virtual reality startup Facebook bought last month for $2 billion, and ZeniMax Media began to boil Monday ...


Security Pros Struggle With Cyberthreat Angst

As the volume and sophistication of cyberattacks increase, system defenders in the trenches are losing confidence in their ability to protect their organizations' information assets, suggests a survey released last week by Websense and the Ponemon Institute ...

Snapchat Adds New Features to Keep Users From Disappearing

Snapchat built its popularity on pictures that disappear, but new features added to the latest version of the program shows its creators want it to be more than a one-trick app ...

White House Opens Heart About Vulnerabilities

Smarting from speculation that the U.S. intelligence community hoarded knowledge about the Heartbleed bug that's placed millions of servers and devices that access the Internet at risk, the White House Tuesday gave the public some insight into how it decides to release information about vulnerabilities in computer software and hardware ...

Clandestine Fox Nips at Explorer’s Heels

Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser has a flaw that allows hackers to commandeer control of computers, FireEye reported Saturday ...


Cybersquatters Prepare for Mischief

Cybersquatting is a seedy practice that's as old as dot-com, but the upcoming expansion of domain names could be breathing new life into the practice, while offering seamier elements on the Net an invitation for mischief ...

FCC Denies Desertion of Net Neutrality

Reports that the FCC is abandoning its support of Net neutrality are incorrect, the agency's chairman claimed Thursday ...

Lytro’s New Shoot Now, Focus Later Camera Targets Prosumers

The folks who introduced the masses to ex post facto focusing upped their game Tuesday with the introduction of a new camera aimed at shooters who take their photography seriously ...

Wearables Just Don’t Do It for Nike

Nike appears to be retreating from its vanguard position in the computer wearables market ...


Banking Trojan Enters Mobiles via Facebook

Purveyors of a notorious mobile banking Trojan have started targeting Facebook users to infect Android smartphones ...

Next iOS May Add Shazam Music Discovery

Have you ever heard a song you never heard before while you were out and about and wished you knew its title and artist? iOS soon may be able to tell you. The next version is expected to be unveiled at the Apple Developers Conference in San Francisco in June ...

Amazon’s Rumored 3D Smartphone May Radically Change E-Commerce

A picture may be worth a thousand words but the photo of what might be a smartphone in development by Amazon has produced many more words than that ...

Windows Phone 8.1 Becomes Available to Devs and Risk Takers

After an 18-month lull, Windows Phone took a step closer to an upgrade on Monday as Microsoft released version 8.1 of the operating system to developers ...


White Hats Use Heartbleed to Steal Keys

The tech industry reeled last week when security researchers discovered a flaw in a key security technology in the Internet's infrastructure ...

Consumers Can’t Stanch Heartbleeding

Consumers can do little to protect themselves from the catastrophic Heartbleed bug ...

Google Sees Glass in Businesses’ Future

Up to now, Google's smart eyeware, Glass, largely has been considered a diversion for gadget lovers, but the company on Tuesday announced a new program to encourage its use in the workplace ...

Microsoft Adds Sci-Fi Series to Xbox Originals

Microsoft added to its list of original programming for its Xbox gaming system Monday with the announcement of a new science fiction series called Humans. ...


Americans Distrust Tech Companies

The steady stream of reports on government surveillance of Americans has taken a toll on the image of high-tech companies, according to a Harris poll ...

Google+ Changes Rules of Engagement

Gauging your popularity on Google's social network, Google+, got a little easier Tuesday, as the would-be Facebook competitor added page view analytics ...


Clock Counting Down on Windows XP Support

As Microsoft prepares to cut off support for Windows XP, hackers are sharpening their knives in anticipation of carving up the operating system's carcass ...

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