Search Results

Results 1201-1220 of 1979 for John P. Mello Jr.

Security Firms Scour Mobile Apps

Security pros weren't very kind to mobile applications last week. A number of firms knocked apps produced for the smartphone market for all kinds of risky behaviors that could lead to trouble not only for mobile device owners, but also for their employers ...

Microsoft Beckons New Consumers to Old Online Services

What's in a name? Microsoft is hoping more traffic to two of its online properties ...

IBM, AT&T Hook Up on Internet of Things

IBM and AT&T on Tuesday announced they were forming a global alliance to develop solutions for the Internet of Things. They will be combining their analytic platforms, cloud and security technologies -- all with privacy in mind -- to gain insights from machine-to-machine data collected by a variety of industries ...

IBM, AT&T Hook Up on Internet of Things

IBM and AT&T on Tuesday announced they were forming a global alliance to develop solutions for the Internet of Things. They will be combining their analytic platforms, cloud and security technologies -- all with privacy in mind -- to gain insights from machine-to-machine data collected by a variety of industries ...

Heavy Hitters Go to Bat for WiFi

A group of 18 organizations on Thursday announced the formation of WifiForward, a coalition that aims to persuade policymakers to open more unlicensed wireless spectrum for use by WiFi-enabled devices. Members include the American Library Association, the ARRIS Group, Best Buy, Comcast, the Consumer Electronics Association, Google, the International Association of Venue Managers, Microsoft and Time Warner Cable...

Hackers Perfectly Time Largest DDoS Attack Ever

"Very big NTP reflection attack hitting us right now. Appears to be bigger than the #Spamhaus attack from last year. Mitigating." ...

New Quattro Could Be Shape of Digital Photography to Come

Sigma is known mostly as a maker of lenses for other companies' cameras, but a few years ago it latched on to a new kind of sensor technology and produced an innovative byte snapper that caused a stir in photography circles ...


Defense Contractors Shore Up Security Post-Snowden

Defense contractors have begun to bolster their cybersecurity practices in the wake of the massive leaking of government data by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden ...

Gates Goes Back to the Drawing Board

Running a US$300 billion company is challenging for anyone, but it can be even more challenging when you have a tech titan looking over your shoulder ...

Google Maps for iOS Now Flags Faster Routes

A new version of Google Maps for the iPhone and iPad hit the App Store Tuesday. Added to the app's repertoire is the ability to notify a driver when a faster alternative route is available ...

Mac Birthday Video Stars iPhone

Unlike in 1984, when the Macintosh was introduced, there weren't any Apple ads at the Super Bowl this year. Instead, on the day after the Massacre in the Meadowlands, the company raised the curtain on a 127-second video celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Mac -- on YouTube ...


Target Fiasco Shines Light on Supply Chain Attacks

The holiday data breach at Target was opened up with stolen credentials from a vendor in the company's supply chain, according to reports that surfaced last week. That kind of attack is getting more and more common these days ...

On Paper, Facebook’s a Different Story

Facebook on Thursday announced next week's launch of Paper, a free app for iOS that combines user and curated content into a personalized news medium ...

iPhone May See the World Through Different Lens

Smartphones have been steadily stealing shutterbugs from digital camera makers, but most of those converts are coming from the point-and-shoot snapper crowd. The next step for phone makers is to target more sophisticated photographers who use cameras with interchangeable lenses. Apple appears to be getting ready for that battle ...

Google, Samsung Cut 10-Year Global Patent Deal

Samsung and Google on Monday solidified their business relationship, announcing a far-reaching, global cross-licensing agreement that will cover not only existing patents, but also intellectual property developed by the sprawling companies over the next 10 years ...


Biz Brass Kept in Dark About Breaches

With breaking news about data breaches a common occurrence, you'd think security threats to an organization's data would be something CEOs and their management teams were kept in the know about. Apparently not ...

Internet Outage Leaves China Disconnected for 8 Hours

The Internet went dark in China on Tuesday. For some eight hours, more than 618 million Chinese couldn't access cyberspace. The outage occurred when two-thirds of all Web traffic in the country was redirected to a single IP address located in the United States ...

LogMeIn’s Free Service Permanently Logs Out

LogMeIn on Tuesday announced that it will be shutting down its free service and unifying its existing portfolio of paid products in a single offering ...


Bitcoin’s Popularity Attracts Malware Writers

While most folks know the value of money, few know the latest value of a Bitcoin, a virtual currency prone to wide price swings. Those swings haven't deterred those on the digital leading edge from speculating in the currency -- or bad app writers from cooking up ways to steal it ...

Google Axes Adware-Pushing Chrome Extensions

Following reports of adware being distributed through extensions for Google's Web browser Chrome, the search giant has removed two applets from it its online store ...

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