Search Results

Results 1241-1260 of 1979 for John P. Mello Jr.

Mrs. B, Author Square Off Over ‘Everything Store’

Mammoth tomes about high-tech entrepreneurs with a secretive bent are almost a sure bet to stir up a hornet's nest of controversy when they're published. That's certainly been the case with Brad Stone's The Everything Store about CEO Jeff Bezos and Amazon. The twist here is that the critic in the point position for Amazon is Bezos's wife, MacKenzie...


IE Gets Top Props for Thwarting Socially Engineered Malware

Using social engineering to distribute malware is a favorite of hackers. That's because it unloads the burden of infecting a computer onto its operator. By duping an Internet innocent into making just one errant click, an online bandit can inflict a world of hurt ...


‘Hacker Madness’ Strikes Idaho Judge

A federal judge in Idaho appears to have had a fit of hacker madness ...


Strong Encryption, Natural Language Search Make Potent Cocktail

Strong encryption and natural language search can be like oil and water. That's because encrypted data can't be digested by your typical search engine. However, CipherCloud announced a solution to that knotty problem last week ...

Swartz’s Whistleblower Protection Scheme to Carry On

A press freedom advocacy group announced Tuesday it would be taking charge of a project started by Aaron Swartz to protect whistleblowers leaking confidential documents to journalists ...


‘Paunch’ Arrest Puts Blackhole Hackers on Data Diet

When Russian authorities nabbed the alleged master hacker behind the Blackhole malware kit last week, they sent a shockwave through the digital underground ...

Nest Brings Brains and Brawn to Smoke Detection

The company that brought Apple-style elegance to the lowly home thermostat is attempting to do the same for the common smoke detector ...


Encryption Lets NSA Store Your Email Forever

If you want to prolong your email's stay with the NSA, just encrypt it ...

Google’s New EU Deal – Same as the Old Deal?

After three years of wrangling with Google over its alleged anticompetitive business practices, the European Union has suggested there may be some light at the end of the tunnel ...


Reengineering Human Behavior Can Foil Phishing

Almost all cyberattacks these days require an element of social engineering. Spammers are always looking for that hot button to induce a click on a link or an attachment. Drive-by artists continually experiment with poisoned banner ads designed to steer the curious into an online dark alley. Spearphishers put together persuasive pitches pretending to be friends or a trusted institution...

NY ‘Text Stops’ Drive Home Safety Message

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday unveiled a plan to identify existing Park-n-Ride facilities, rest stops and parking areas on the state's highways as "Texting Zones." ...


BYOD Security Is All About Juggling Risks

Allowing workers to use personal phones and tablets to do their jobs has created security risks in the workplace, but those risks can be minimized if they're managed ...

Heavy Attacks Expected as Microsoft Scrambles to Fix IE Flaw

Microsoft revealed Tuesday it was investigating a previously unknown security flaw affecting all versions of its Web browser, Internet Explorer ...


Web App Firewalls Blunt Attacks

Web applications have become attractive targets for hackers because they allow bad actors to maximize the reach of their mischief with a minimum of effort ...


Considering a Cyberstrike Against Syria

As America crawls toward retaliation against Syria for its government's use of chemical weapons on its citizens, debate rages over what form it should take. Could cyberweapons be part of such an action? ...

Sony’s Lens Cameras Make Smartphone Photography Smarter

Sony introduced its QX10 and QX100 lens-style cameras on Wednesday. The devices, which look like very thin point-and-shoot cameras, can connect to a smartphone wirelessly and use the phone's display as a real-time viewfinder ...

Ice Wall Offers Thin Hope for Fukushima Recovery

The Japanese government on Tuesday announced it would be allocating US$473 million to help the operator of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), build an ice wall to prevent water being used to cool it from poisoning the surrounding groundwater ...


No End to the Headaches Endpoints Give System Defenders

If there's one attack surface that's attracting growing attention from digital marauders, it's a system's endpoints. With the proliferation of devices accessing corporate networks, securing connections can be a defender's nightmare ...

Uncle Sam Wants Your Facebook Data

Facebook on Monday released transparency reports of government requests for its users' data ...


New Payment Card Standards Go Beyond Compliance

Standards can be a way to get organizations to do things you want them to do, but oftentimes they don't get them to do much more ...

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