Search Results

Results 1261-1280 of 1979 for John P. Mello Jr.

It’s a Go for Omate’s Android-Powered Smartwatch

With nearly a month to spare, startup Omate burst through its Kickstarter goal of US$100,000 this week and is on its way to shipping its TruSmart smartwatch in time for the holiday season ...

No More ‘Insta’ or ‘Gram’ App Names, Instagram Says

In an abrupt about-face, Instagram has begun cracking the whip over developers using "insta" and "gram" in the titles of their apps ...

Samsung’s OLED TV: The Couple That Plays Together Stays Together

Competition heated up in the OLED TV market Tuesday as Samsung announced it was shipping its first production model using the technology and that it would sell for US$8,999 ...


Poor Patch Management Makes CMSes Low-Hanging Fruit for Hackers

Content management systems like WordPress and Joombla have become popular targets for hackers in recent times because flaws in those systems can be leveraged for mischief across literally millions of websites ...

$5K Cut May Not Be Enough to Goose Volt Sales

Consumers with an itch for a hybrid car can now spend less scratch for one. Chevy announced Tuesday that the 2014 models of its Volt plug-in hybrid vehicle will carry a sticker price of US$34,995, a $5,000 cut from the current model. ...


DDoS Attackers Change Their Game Plans

DDoS attacks have long been a weapon of Internet dissidents to punish those they disagree with, while cybercriminals use them to create a digital smoke screen to hide their misdeeds ...

SmugMug Gives Its Artists a New Palette

For the first time in more than a decade, SmugMug has given itself a major facelift ...


Hackers Demand Ransom for Hijacked Androids

Ransomware has made the jump from personal computers to the Android world ...


Google Play Misses Dangerous Apps at Border Control

Despite yeoman efforts by Google to close a critical hole in its Android mobile operating system that allows any app to be turned into a malicious Trojan, programs are still appearing in the company's Google Play store with the flaw ...

Toshiba’s Super-Fast SD Cards Address Chicken and Egg Problem

There's been a standard for super-fast SD cards for two years now, but signs of products deploying the technology have been absent. That is, they were absent until Tuesday, when Toshiba announced plans to deliver a new line of SD cards using UHS-II technology to the market this fall ...


Who Needs Anonymous When You’ve Got the IRS?

While not many taxpayers consider the Internal Revenue Service a friend, most do expect the agency to protect their data like a brother ...

Nokia Piles Eggs in Its Smartphone Camera Basket

Nokia is expected to bring its monster 41-megapixel camera sensor to its line of Windows Phone 8 handsets Thursday at its "Zoom Reinvented" event in New York City ...


Encryption Merits Can Be Exaggerated

Encryption combined with cloud storage has been hailed as a highly secure way for organizations to protect their data from Net marauders, but their value may be overstated, contend two security pros ...

New Canon DSLR Focuses on Smooth Video

Canon took a step forward Tuesday in solving a problem that's been plaguing DSLR videographers for a long time: maintaining smooth video with a camera's autofocusing system ...

RSS Rises From Google Reader’s Ashes

Procrastinators may have been surprised Monday when they tried to catch up on their news feeds by using their old dependable Google Reader only to find out it didn't exist anymore ...

BlackBerry Wraps Enterprise Security Blanket Around iOS, Android

If you own an iPhone or Android mobile phone and work at a BlackBerry shop, it will be simpler from now on to keep the personal information and apps on your device segregated from those you use for work ...


Hackers Find WordPress Easy Pickings

Adobe Reader and Oracle Java aren't alone in having a bull's eye painted on their code by hackers. WordPress also is becoming a popular target for Internet outlaws ...

X2 Marks the Spot for Comcast’s Cloud TV Initiative

Comcast this week announced new software for its set-top boxes, opening a window into how cable TV companies hope to retain customers tempted to move their eyeballs to online-only alternatives ...


Cybersecurity Tops the Agenda in U.S.-China Weekend Talks

Among the issues on the agenda for the talks over the weekend between China's President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Obama were cybersecurity and hacker attacks on U.S. targets by hackers based in China ...

Obama Takes a Swing at Patent Trolls

The Obama administration on Tuesday targeted patent trolls with a number of initiatives aimed at curbing activity it blames for stymieing innovation in America ...

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