Search Results

Results 1321-1340 of 1979 for John P. Mello Jr.

Uncle Sam Prefers to Receive Than to Give Security Information

The White House last week released its National Strategy for Information Sharing and Safeguarding without much fanfare. The document attempts to address a common complaint lodged against government when it comes to information sharing with the private sector: Uncle Sam likes to receive, but isn't so keen on giving ...


Study: Nefarious Apps Easily Slip Past Jelly Bean Security

The findings weren't very sweet when researchers tested Android 4.2 Jelly Bean's beefed-up security ...

Twitter Takes a Shot at Instagram With Photo Filter Debut

Twitter raised the ante Tuesday in its competition with Instagram for the hearts and eyes of smartphone shutterbugs by introducing image filtering to its mobile applications for Android and iOS ...


Cops Seek Law Requiring 2-Year SMS Storage

A number of law enforcement groups are lobbying Congress to add provisions to a bill revamping the 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) that would require wireless carriers to archive text messages for as long as two years. There may be reasons for companies to archive messages -- but simply functioning as a record-keeping arm for law enforcement is not one of them, privacy advocates maintain...


NASA Shares Earth’s Nighttime Glamour Shots

In 1972, we marveled at the beauty of our planet in a photo taken by the crew of Apollo 17 on its way to the moon. Dubbed the "Blue Marble," the iconic image depicted a blue-and-white globe floating in the blackness of space. On Thursday, we were treated to a different view of Island Earth, one with the undeniable stamp of humanity on it ...

Facebook Messenger May Help SMS, Not Kill It

Facebook on Tuesday introduced a new messaging app for Android smartphones that can be used by members and non-Facebookers alike, a move aimed at building an alternative to SMS text messaging ...


Bill Closing Email Privacy Loophole Clears Committee

A bill to protect email privacy cleared a key U.S. Senate committee last week, buoying the spirits of privacy advocates ...

Firefox 17 Gets Friendly With Facebook, Wary of iFrames

Mozilla has made its Web browser more social -- and more secure -- with the release of Firefox 17 ...


Skype Takes Heat for Security – Both Too Little and Too Much

Microsoft had to temporarily disable Skype's password reset feature last week after a Russian hacker revealed a simple way to lock users out of their accounts ...

Google’s Gov’t Surveillance Report Stirs Privacy, Free Speech Fears

Surveillance of Internet users by governments around the world is on the rise, Google concludes in its latest Transparency Report, which details government requests it receives for information about its users. The United States tops the list of countries making requests for user data ...


Stuxnet Spotted Stateside in Chevron Computers

Chevron was infected with the Stuxnet malware in 2010, the company revealed last week, raising concerns about the effectiveness of cyberweapons as a policy tool ...

Microsoft to Kill the Messenger, Supplant It With Skype

Microsoft will phase out Windows Live Messenger, its consumer instant messaging platform, over the next several months as its users are moved to Skype, the company announced this week ...


Study: Google Play Apps Go Beyond Need-to-Know

An analysis of more than 400,000 apps in the Google Play store has revealed that more than 100,000 of them pose a potential security risk to their users ...

Russian Hacker Gets a Taste of His Own Malware

After a persistent series of attacks on its government computers by a Russian hacker, the Republic of Georgia got mad and refused to take it anymore ...


Legacy Applications a Threat to Windows 8 Security

Windows 8 finally made it to prime time last week. This version of Microsoft's operating system makes significant improvements in its security stance, said Alex Balan, senior product manager at Bitdefender, but some of them are likely to be undermined by users wedded to old programs ...


Bogus Apps Litter Android With Malware

Android is one of the most popular mobile operating systems in the world. As a result, it's also one of the most popular mobile operating systems to be targeted by malware writers ...

MiniFlame Drops Cyberbombs on High-Value Targets

Security researchers have identified a new offshoot of the notorious Flame espionage malware. The malware, called "miniFlame," creates a backdoor in the systems that it infects. That backdoor can then be used by an attacker to gain access an infected machine. The attacker can then write files to the compromised computer, snatch files from it or snap screenshots of its display...


Panetta Sounds Clarion Call for Cybersecurity Action

While U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta did some silicon saber-rattling last week by raising the prospect of a preemptive strike against cyberattacks, he also delivered a wake-up call to Wall Street and Congress about cybersecurity ...

Lytro Gives Photogs Handier Controls, Snappy New Colors

Lytro is giving users of its shoot-now, focus-later digital camera more control over the photos they capture with the innovative snapper ...


Big Businesses Walloped With Climbing Cybercrime Costs

Cybercrime costs continued to climb in 2012 according to a report released Monday by the Ponemon Institute ...

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