Search Results

Results 1341-1360 of 1979 for John P. Mello Jr.

2nd-Gen Nest Thermostat Slims Down, Smartens Up

If thermostats were cars, Nest Labs' would be a Cadillac ...


Tizzy Over Bank Cyberattacks Unwarranted, Say Researchers

A week-long cyber attack on some of the nation's largest banks last week most likely wasn't the Armageddon headline writers made it out to be ...

Tesla Sings the Body Electric With Solar Supercharger Stations

Electric car maker Tesla Motors on Tuesday introduced a network of solar-powered rapid charging stations for its vehicles beginning with several locations across California ...


Feds Back Projects to Bolster Online ID Verification

When Paul Steiner published his 1993 cartoon in The New Yorker with the caption, "On the Internet, no one knows you're a dog," little did he know it would become a mantra among security professionals, especially those concerned about authenticating identities on the Net ...

IT Security Police: ‘Step Away From That IE’

Internet Explorer is too dangerous to use, according to warnings from throngs of security experts, including Germany's Federal Office for Information Security ...


Hacker Claims Old-School Tactic Brought GoDaddy to Its Knees

Someone with the Twitter handle @AnonymousOwn3r made a grab for 15 minutes of fame last week by claiming responsibility for taking down the network for Internet's largest registrar, GoDaddy ...


ID Theft Gives Apple Another Security Black Eye

Once upon a time, security shiners involving Apple were as rare as Windows Vista lovers, but now it seems that a week doesn't go by without the name of Steve Jobs' baby being dragged through the digital mud ...

BitTorrent Sharers Beware: You Are Being Watched

Swappers using the popular file-sharing protocol BitTorrent are spied on constantly by monitoring services, some of them seeking to identify media pirates, researchers at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom reported Tuesday ...


Java Patch May Be Just a Finger in the Dam

Oracle acted swiftly last week to close a zero-day vulnerability in its Java technology, but given Java's track record, that patch is just one hit in a long game of wackamole played with hackers ...

Firefox 15 Goes on a Memory Diet

Better management of memory and updates highlight the latest release of the Mozilla Foundation's Web browser, Firefox 15 ...


Security Sleuths Lay Blame on Apple for SMS Vulnerability

Research released last week fingered the iPhone as the source of a text messaging exploit that could be used to steal sensitive information from smartphone users or work mischief on their hardware ...

Feds Roll Out Wireless Crash Avoidance Test Program

The Starship Enterprise has its deflector shields to defend itself from attacks by enemy weaponry, and if all goes well with a pilot program launched Tuesday by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), road warriors will have wireless systems to defend themselves from collisions with other vehicles ...


Don’t Trust That Text

A well-known iOS hacker who uses the handle "pod2g" revealed a flaw in Apple's mobile operating system, iOS, that he says can be exploited to alter the "reply to" information in SMS messages ...

Sony Stretches PlayStation’s Legs

It's no secret that Sony Computer Entertainment sees mobile gaming as a large contributor to its bottom line in the future. That vision became clearer Tuesday when Sony revealed more details about its PlayStation Mobile service ...


The Honan Affair and the Cloud’s Dark Lining

The attack last week on journalist Mat Honan's iCloud account has the potential to strip the silver lining from the cybernimbus ...

How to Keep Hackers Off of Your Cloud

As digital horror stories go, Mat Honan's is a doozy ...


Can the Cloud Shield Google Wallet From Pickpockets?

Some folks' answer to wallet security is chaining it to their belts. Google's is to chain it to the cloud ...


Siemens Patch Aims to Thwart Stuxnet Offspring

Siemens, which made the industrial controllers targeted by the Stuxnet cyberweapon, announced last week that it was releasing some patches aimed at foiling attacks on its hardware similar to those mounted by the now-famous worm ...

Facebook’s Gloomy Quarter Blamed on Big Fat Mobile Problem

Facebook on Thursday released its first quarterly earnings report since its monster IPO in May ...


The Case Of The Android Botnet

Microsoft security researcher Terry Zink pulled the pin on a virtual grenade when he aired his belief that he'd discovered a botnet manned by Android zombies ...

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