Search Results

Results 1421-1440 of 1979 for John P. Mello Jr.

Amazon Redesign: Limbering Up for Tablet Action?

The next time you make a shopping trip to, you may be in for a surprise. The Net's largest retailer will be rolling out significant design changes to its online store -- changes that some say make the site more tablet friendly ...

Sprint Hedges Its Bets With Suit Against ATT/T-Mo Merger

Sprint Nextel filed a lawsuit Tuesday to block the proposed US$39 billion merger of rival wireless carriers AT&T and T-Mobile. The move by Sprint appears to be a tactical one aimed at protecting the company's options should the deal be approved by the federal government ...

Nokia Goes All In With Windows Phone in North America

Nokia revealed a bold move Wednesday as it announced its North American operations will stop selling cellphones based on its Symbian operating system and introduce from now on only smartphones based on Microsoft Windows Phone 7 ...

Android Adds Web Wing in Market Renovation

Almost lost in the hoopla over the announcement of Google's Android Honeycomb operating system for tablets was the search giant's unveiling of a new online store for apps for its mobile operating system ...

Facebook Puts HTTPS Security Guard on Full-Time Duty

Facebook announced new measures Wednesday aimed at improving users' security when visiting the site. The news came with an intriguing twist: Mere hours prior to the announcement, it was revealed that the Facebook fan page of the company's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, was compromised by a hacker ...

Refreshed Computer Museum Looks Back at 2 Millennia of Thinking Machines

The Computer History Museum has come a long way since its start in a closet at the Digital Equipment Corporation in 1975, as is evidenced by the institution's US$19 million renovated facility opening its doors to the public Thursday ...

Amazon Plans to Go Google One Better With Android Appstore

Amazon came a step closer to opening its Android Appstore Wednesday by opening a portal for developers. The portal allows app makers to submit their wares to the Internet's largest online retailer so they can be part of the outlet's offerings when its virtual doors open later this year ...

Critics Slam Fox News for Distorting Global Warming Debate

Critics of Fox News' coverage of climate change issues were given a rich vein to mine in an email from a top editor to his staffers, which was made public recently ...

Pro-Wikileaks Attacks More Slap in the Face than Kick in the Head

Cyberattacks this week by supporters of Wikileaks on the home sites of Visa and MasterCard may have been designed to grab headlines rather than actually disrupt the companies' financial operations ...

Do Not Track Proposal Unleashes Fresh Furor Over Online Privacy

The bones of a plan to balance consumer privacy and businesses' need to gather data online was aired yesterday by the Federal Trade Commission and was greeted with both praise and criticism ...


Galaxy Has the Makings of a Tablet Star

Apple's iPad has had the tablet market to itself for eight months now, but that's about to change. Leading the charge on the electronic slate's logy perch is the Samsung Galaxy Tab, a seven-inch tablet running Google's Android operating system ...


Social Nation Offers a Clear Guide to Management in the Network Age

Social networking began as a fascination of the young on college campuses, but it has grown to embrace all age groups all over the world. It's a phenomenon with a potential that's barely been scratched, especially in business. Barry Libert, though, would like to see that change, and he's ready to show companies how to do it ...

Google Builds a Search Algorithm With an Eye for Fashion

Shopping for clothes online has always been challenging for shoppers, but Google thinks it can make it less so with its new Boutiques offering ...


RockMelt Effortlessly Melds Social Networking With a Browser

Given the dominance of the major players in the browser market, any press release announcing a new one might as well be a suicide note. That hasn't discouraged developers from introducing new browsers. Some of those browsers have even been able to spark some initial buzz -- although the kind of buzz volume surrounding RockMelt hasn't been heard in browser circles in some time...

Facebook Gives Mobile the Platform Treatment

Facebook pulled the wraps off its new mobile platform Wednesday at a special event held at its headquarters in Palo Alto, Calif. The offerings in the platform were designed to appeal to consumers, businesses and developers and to expand the reach of the social network's geolocation technology, Places ...

Court Order Could Squeeze LimeWire Dry

A vestige of the music wars at the turn of the century was shut down Wednesday by a federal district court judge in Manhattan ...

WinPho 7 Style – a Little Bit iPhone, a Little Bit Android

By mixing and matching the elements of its competitors' mobile ecosystems, Microsoft hopes its new smartphone software will succeed where its past efforts failed ...

AOL’s Existential Shopping Spree

AOL went on a buying binge this week ...

Microsoft Baits Bing’s Hook With New Rewards Program

Once more, with feeling ...

Pentagon: Yep, We Got Hacked

A "significant compromise" of U.S. military networks has been acknowledged by the Pentagon two years after the breach was reported in the press ...

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