Search Results

Results 1461-1480 of 1978 for John P. Mello Jr.

Microsoft’s Eagle-Eyed LifeCam a Sharp Mix of Features, Price

With high-definition video popping up everywhere, it's a wonder it has taken this long for the first 720p HD webcam to hit the market. It's Microsoft's LifeCam Cinema webcam, and not only is it a honey of a webcam, but at US$79.95, it's nicely priced to boot. ...


Job Hunt Express: A Helpful App for Catching the Employment Train

Even in the best of times, job hunting is a taxing task, but in these economic conditions, it can be a crushing experience. Fruitless replies to job notices, dead-end interviews and inhuman human resource departments can grind a job seekers' resolve to dust. ...


Kindle Gets a Little Bigger, a Little Better With DX Reader

There's a lot to like about Amazon's new super-sized e-book reader, the Kindle DX. It has more than a few nettles, too. ...


Acer Aspire One: Easy on the Eyes, Helpful to the Hands

With all the buzz surrounding netbooks, it seems as if they've been around forever. In reality, though, they're youngsters in the great scheme of things. As such, their characteristics are still in flux, their makers still casting about for the best mix of form and power. Acer, with the introduction of its Aspire One AO751h model, is advancing the netbook closer to that best mix.


Blerp Refocuses the Web Through Comment-Colored Glasses

Marking up Web pages is nothing new. Offerings like Sharedcopy, MyStickies and Stickis allow you to annotate any Web page and, in some cases, share those annotations with others. However, a new entry into this genre, Blerp, adds a new twist to the practice. ...

What Does a Linux Support Contract Buy?

Though it's struggled when it comes to kicking in doors in the consumer market, Linux has clearly found a welcome home in the enterprise, and it appears to be making itself more comfortable with each passing day ...


IMshopping Brings Human Touch to E-Store Browsing

One would think that the cost of doing business on the Web is so small that it would be almost negligible, but that's not the case with many e-tailers, which is why many of them fail. It's also why Prashant Nedungadi decided to found IMshopping, an online company that's trying to emulate offline customer service. With Nedungadi at the helm as CEO, IMshopping recently launched its site in beta.

Instant-On Computing: The Killer OSS-Based PC Feature?

In our age of instant gratification, no one likes waiting for anything. That's why the sluggish launch time of a typical personal computer can make a consumer irritable. It's also why instant-on computing has become a sort of Holy Grail for hardware and software makers in the industry. The pursuit of instant-on is a quest that's given Linux traction in an arena that for years it has found a tough nut to crack -- the PC...


Social Networks and Baby Boomers: Bonanza or Bust?

There are an estimated 44 million Baby Boomers roaming the Net, and legions of marketers looking for ways to reach them. That's because, as a target market, Boomers have what it takes to make hucksters salivate: money ...


Combating Web 2.0 Threats

We live in a Web 2.0 world, but when it comes to fighting Internet-borne security threats, many enterprises are armed with only Web 1.0 weapons, according to a study released this week by San Jose, Calif.-based Secure Computing ...


High-Def Video Brings High Value to New Kodak Camera

Video has been a perk packed with digital point-and-shoot still camerasfor some time, but judging by the quality present in many offerings, it's aperk that has been treated as an afterthought by many digicam makers.Not so by Kodak ...

Electronic Jihad: Winds of Cyber War or False Alarm?

A report that an "electronic jihad" will be launched next week against 15 anti-Muslim Web sites by al Qaeda has stirred up the network security community ...

Strong Q3 Growth Indicates E-Tail Market Still Immature

Online retail sales in the United States jumped 23 percent, to US$28.4 billion, during the third quarter of this year compared with the same July-September period in 2006 ...

Russian Firm Files Patent for Password Cracker

A Moscow-based software maker filed this week for a U.S. patent on a technology it claims will significantly reduce the time it takes to crack computer passwords ...

Feeding the Cash Cow: Beefing Up Mobile Business Services

Business users of mobile services create more revenue for the industry than personal users, according to a New York market research firm ...

RIAA’s Next Target: Usenet

The music industry switched gears last week in its legal campaign to squash piracy of its intellectual property and filed a lawsuit against which it calls "a haven for those seeking pirated content." ...


Casio Exilim Cam Packs a Host of Handy Features

When it comes to slim and sleek in digital cameras, Casio is king. Oneof its latest offerings, the Casio Exilim EX-S880, illustrates why ...

Security Flaw Doesn’t Discriminate

Linux and Apple OS X users are usually insulated from the security woes of their Microsoft Windows counterparts, but that doesn't seem to be the case with a recent vulnerability involving the handling of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) protocols ...


Digital River’s Jim Wehmann: Building a Better E-Commerce Site

Many e-commerce sites are terrible, but they don't have to be that way, according to Jim Wehmann ...

Skype Buy: A Mixed Bag for eBay

Online marketplace eBay paid too much for the Internet phone service Skype, but its head was in the right place when it made the buy, according to a report released Tuesday by a major technology research firm ...

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