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Results 1481-1500 of 1987 for Jack M. Germain

Latest Opera Browser a Bit Off Key

Using the latest version of the Opera Web Browser (version 10.10) is like meeting up with an oldfriend and finding out he or she now has issues with the relationship ...


ParAccel’s Bid to Build a Better Data Cruncher

Data mining is becoming a crowded field filled with software providers using similar strategies. Their basic goal is always the same. The analytics platforms are designed to slice and dice data to make sales trends and buying opportunities more evident ...

Shuttleworth Reboots Canonical Leadership

Mark Shuttleworth, founder and CEO of Ubuntu commercial sponsor Canonical, announced on Thursday that he is stepping aside to develop cloud products and begin new partnerships. He named Chief Operating Officer Jane Silber to take his place as CEO of Canonical ...


Chrome for Linux: Good Browsers Come to Those Who Wait

Google finally released a beta version of its Chrome Web browser forLinux on Dec. 8, slightly more than one year after releasing itsChrome browser for Microsoft Windows. The wait was worth it,especially given the more than 300 extensions already available tocustomize the new browser ...


Lunascape 6 Orion: A Browser That’s Worth the Switch

Lunascape, a newcomer to the growing field of Web browsers, released its official/stable version of Lunascape 6 Orion on Friday, a little more than one month after introducing the Alpha version ...

Boxee Swings for Spot in Set-Top Box Ring

The Boxee video-on-demand software maker aimsto change the way consumers get free movie and TV entertainment from the Internet with its first hardware venture, called "Boxee Box." ...

VirtualBox 3.1 Aims to Bag Enterprise Market

Sun Microsystems this week released VirtualBox 3.1, including several key enterprise features aimed at maintaining minimal downtime on virtualservers ...


New Ubuntu OS Features Create Good Karma

Canonical's Ubuntu 9.10,otherwise known as "Karmic Koala," could be for the Linux communitywhat the recently released Windows 7 OS from Microsoft is to theWindows world. Of course, this latest release that replaced Ubuntu9.04 did not have as much to do in bettering its predecessor as didWindows 7 had in overcoming Vista ...

Samsung Chimes In With Bada Mobile OS

Does the mobile phone world really need yet another platform, opensource or otherwise? South Korean-based electronics firm Samsung answered yesto that question on Tuesday when it announced thelaunch of Bada ...

Yahoo Lets FOSS Community Drive Its Traffic Server

In a move that resembles a major food vendor giving away its prizerecipe -- minus the secret sauce -- to all of its customers and competitors, Yahoo onMonday donated the source code for its Traffic Server software to theApache Software Foundation through the Apache Incubator Project ...

Is AES Encryption Crackable?

In the field of computer technology, some topics are so frequently and fiercely disputed that they almost resemble religious feuds -- Mac vs. PC, for instance, or open source vs. proprietary software ...


Windows 7 Is a Snooze

Windows 7 is on my wish list. ...

SCO Tosses McBride Overboard, Continues Flying Lawsuit Flag

Unix software firm SCO Groupannounced a corporate restructuring plan Monday to sever ties withCEO Darl McBride and reduced the company's workforce. The restructuring wasdesigned by the firm's Chapter 11 bankruptcy trustee, Edward Cahn ...

Ridding the Web of the XSS Scourge

Cross-site scripting (XSS)/SQL injection attacks have been blamed for numerous data breaches, perhaps most notably the nightmare of the Heartland Payment Systems data breach. This type of attack has been around for at least a decade ...

At Home in the Virtual Office

Today's volatile economy is pushing more companies to consider themerits of a virtual workplace for some or all of their employees.Often, however, the idea fails to goanywhere because neither managers nor their workers are sure how toget started ...


SesameVault Opens Online Video Channel for SMBs

It is rather challenging to hit a moving target when it keeps changingdirections. That's a bit like how Cameron Brain, CEO of Open BoxTechnologies, felt when he set his sights ona particular business market while still in college ...

Openbravo Maps a Shortcut to ERP Implementation

Openbravo announced on Tuesday its next-generation enterprise resourceplanning (ERP) product, called "QuickStart," an alternative to thecompany's generally more labor-intensive community package ...


Whipping MuleSource Into Shape

Having secured funding from Hummer Winblad Venture Partners,Lightspeed Venture Partners and Morgenthaler Ventures, MuleSourcecofounder Ross Mason turned what was the Mule Project into an opensource player on the fast track. Re-invigorated with new CEO GregSchott when another cofounder, Dave Rosenberg, left the company, MuleSource hasbeen ramping up its business in the wake of a recession that hasgutted some proprietary legacy players...

Social Academics: Building a Forum for Online Learning

Mention social networks to most Web users, and they'll likelytell you about general-interest gathering places like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. However, other social networks -- some large, some small -- exist to provide users with a way to communicate about slightly more specific topics. LinkedIn, for one, emphasizes professional and career networking. Wesabe is one that's focused on personal finance...

Is There a Dark Cloud Over SSL’s Green Glow?

The security of any given computer system is no better than the skills researchersbring to finding the next potential program flaw. Network securityworkers concentrate on updating patches and making sure only validatedusers can access the corporate LAN (local area network). Meanwhile, security researchershunt for existing but unidentified infrastructure flaws that could letin the bad guys...

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