Search Results

Results 1481-1500 of 1978 for John P. Mello Jr.

Virgin Mobile and the Case of the Nicked Pix

With all the social networking and photo-sharing Web sites out there, few teenagers are taken by surprise when they find that pictures they posed for have been posted online by their friends. However, few expect to see their likeness then featured, without their permission, on a billboard advertisement for a major telecommunications company ...

Web 2.0 Threats: A Blurring of Boundaries

We live in a Web 2.0 world, but when it comes to fighting Internet-borne security threats, many enterprises are armed with only Web 1.0 weapons, according to a study released this week by San Jose, Calif.-based Secure Computing ...


Pinnacle Rises to Top With Studio 11

Avid Technology has long had a sterling reputation among videoprofessionals for its editing systems. However, while widely respected withthe pro set, its consumer offerings have been at worst ornery and atbest, disappointing. Then the company acquired Pinnacle ...

Exploiting the Dalai Lama to Spread Malware

Given the penchant of online scammers to exploit high-visibility events for their own malignant purposes, security experts were unsurprised this week to learn that Myanmar has became a vehicle for planting malware on unsuspecting users of personal computers ...


Utek CFO Carole Wright: Marrying University R&D With Businesses

Only a few companies can afford to spend millions of dollars onresearching and developing new technologies for their product lines, butthat doesn't necessarily exclude smaller businesses from getting theirhands on cutting-edge innovation ...


Utek CFO Carole Wright: Marrying University R&D With Businesses

Only a few companies can afford to spend millions of dollars onresearching and developing new technologies for their product lines, butthat doesn't necessarily exclude smaller businesses from getting theirhands on cutting-edge innovation ...


Utek CFO Carole Wright: Marrying University R&D With Businesses

Only a few companies can afford to spend millions of dollars onresearching and developing new technologies for their product lines, butthat doesn't necessarily exclude smaller businesses from getting theirhands on cutting-edge innovation ...

Battle for the Third Screen

America's "third screen" -- that is, the mobile market -- is at a crossroads. The direction it will go is anyone's guess, but IDC is advocating that Internet powerhouse Google should take a leading role in determining its path ...

DVR Market Penetration: Riding a Provider-Powered Wave

Consumers are beginning to embrace digital video recorders (DVRs) as they once did VCRs ...

Has the E-Card Scam Storm Blown Over?

E-mail greeting card scams popular during the summer months seem to have lost their luster for information highwaymen ...


Giving Digital Photos a Polish With Optics Pro

Although I'm a hopelessly U.S.-centric person, I still find it engaging from time to time to gauge the opinions of those outside Uncle Sam's borders about what they consider stellar products. One indicator of those opinions is awards like those bestowed in August by the European Imaging and Sound Association (EISA) ...

Is Subprime’s Loss the Tech Industry’s Gain?

The whipping that lenders have taken in the subprime mortgage market could prove beneficial to the nation's technology sector, according to a venture capitalist-turned-professor ...

Social Networks: Eying a Baby Boomer Bonanza

There are an estimated 44 million Baby Boomers roaming the Net, and legions of marketers looking for ways to reach them. That's because, as a target market, Boomers have what it takes to make hucksters salivate: money ...


Turning Photos Into Comic Book Art With Intocartoon

While watching "Who Wants to Be a Super Hero" with my six-year-old the other night, I became intrigued by the way the show segued to commercials. It froze the video and transformed the freeze frame into comic book art ...

Does Online Pharma Marketing Need a Booster Shot?

Online advertising by the pharmaceutical and the health care industry will reach US$2.2 billion by 2011, but the sector's approach to the Web leaves something to be desired, according to a market research report released last week ...

E-mail Attachments: Losing Luster Among Black Hats?

E-mail attachments are no longer used as frequently as before to infect PCs with malicious software, according to a report released Tuesday by malware fighter Sophos, of Burlington, Mass ...

E-Marketers: Looking for a Few More Good Men

When it comes to online target markets, males between the ages of 18 and 34 are a juicy lot for advertisers. However, getting those males in the cross hairs of their messages these days is becoming increasing problematic for marketers ...


Photos on JAlbum: A Little More Exertion, a Lot More Expression

With outlets like Flickr, Shutterfly and Photobucket -- just to name a few -- there's been a considerable decrease in demand for programs for creating photo albums that can be uploaded to personal Web space ...


Electronic Arts’ Chip Lange: The Rise of Casual Gaming

Electronic Arts (EA) -- the world's largest video game publisher by sales -- made a statement in June when it announced it was forming a casual gaming division. Last month, the Redwood, Calif., company punctuated that statement with an exclamation mark by cutting a licensing deal with Hasbro, whose real-world gaming portfolio contains monster brands like Monopoly, Scrabble and Yahtzee...

Back to School for Students, Back to War for RIAA

The Electronic Frontier (EFF) on Wednesday issued a report critical of the music industry's litigation campaign to reduce digital piracy ...

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