Search Results

Results 1521-1540 of 1987 for Jack M. Germain

Reining In IT Excess With Software Asset Management

Think of the ideal software asset management (SAM) system as a monitor that displays what exactly drivesyour business operations. It provides a readout of all the softwareinstalled throughout the company's computer systems, andmuch more ...

Utility Companies Plug In to Google PowerMeter

Google is now field testing its PowerMeter software with over 10million customers of eight large utility partners in threecountries ...

Phishers Cast Lures Into Facebook’s Social Stream

A new wave of phishing and spamming attacks is hitting Facebook users as scammers attempt to get hold of their passwords, the social networking site acknowledged in a statement. ...

You Could Be File-Sharing More Than You Think

With the Congressional Oversight and Government Reform Committeetaking a fresh look at the privacy and security risks posed byusing LimeWire and other peer-to-peer file-sharing applications, nowis a good time for both home and office users of these services toreassess the safety of their own sensitive data ...

Google Labs Cooks Up New Recipes for Web Wandering

Google launched on Tuesday a series of new search features that letusers integrate options for displaying and analyzing their searchresults beyond the traditional listing of keyword hits ranked byassumed relevance ...

SUCCESS STORY Brings Social Networking to Consumer Electronics Help

It seemed like a simple enough idea when CEO and founderYaniv Bensadon sought a solution for consumers caught in the maze oftech support that encompassed nearly every piece of consumerelectronics equipment and household appliance on the market. ...

New Spec to Grease Wheels for Wireless Gadget Data Sharing

Over a dozen technology companies announced Thursday their participationin the Wireless Gigabit (WiGig) Alliance, an organization formed toestablish a unified specification for 60 gigahertz (GHz) wirelesstechnology. The new wireless alliance has been working behind closeddoors for more than a year ...

Citrix Cuts Ribbon on Self-Service App Store

Virtualization and cloud computing specialist Citrix wants to do for its IT customers what Apple does for users of its App Store. Instead of selling programs like games or restaurant finders for the iPhone or iPod touch, however, Citrix's new Dazzle service will provide on-demand business applications ...

Panda Floats New Cloud-Based Security Tool

Panda Security on Wednesday released a cloud-based antivirus solution in beta ...

Microsoft’s Vine to Reach Out in Emergencies

Microsoft has begun a limited private beta test of an emergencysocial networking service that provides subscribers with aTwitter-like messaging system to track family, friends or specialgroups ...

Is Five Nines Feasible for SMBs?

The concept of five nines availability has its roots inserver deployment. That standard demands that the IT department orthe service provider hired by an enterprise deliver access toapplications and data 99.999 percent of the time ...

Tech Support Forecast: Partly Cloudy

Moving a company into cloud computing changes a lot more than just where the servers happen to be located. For instance, tech support might move out the door as well ...

Congress Squeezes LimeWire for Straight Talk on P2P Security

The Congressional Oversight and Government Reform Committee hasreopened hearings on possible privacy and security risks posed byusing LimeWire and similar peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing applications ...

The Digital Book Drive’s Left-Behinds

The older bits of the world's accumulated knowledge, bound together in volumes of printedbooks and magazines, are slowly disappearing. Out-of-print renditionsoften disappear forever. Libraries with limited shelf space oftenreplace seldom-used titles with newer tomes. A far smaller portion ofprinted matter makes it to page-scanning processes for preservationin digital form...


Paymo: Harnessing a Global Mobile Payments Market

The global economy is changing. For many consumers, the credit card crunch is crumbling their ability to buy things online. ...

Microsoft Serves Up Beta of Upcoming Exchange 2010

Microsoft on Wednesday unveiled a publicbeta version of Microsoft Exchange 2010 ...

Open Core Debate: The Battle for a Business Model

Is software truly open source if you pay for additional features? Youranswer may depend on whether you side with the purists or the, ah,not-so-pure ...

Cyber-Hackers Could Cripple US Power Grid Network

A Wall Street Journal report that foreign hackers have repeatedly penetrated the U.S. power grid computer network has delivered a loud wake-up call ...

The Developer’s Cloud Conundrum

Does cloud computing cause a dilemma for application developers? Does it present problems that devs would not face in building software for earth-bound applications? ...

Open Sourcing Healthcare One Patient at a Time

Open source healthcare IT solutions are just beginning to become acceptable alternatives toproprietary software systems. As is happening in other fields, opensource medical projects are getting noticed as cost-savingalternatives to proprietary vendors ...

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