Search Results

Results 1541-1560 of 1978 for John P. Mello Jr.

Toshiba’s New Value-Priced Vista Notebook Shines

Hard-core gadgeteers never need a rationalization to buy a new piece of hardware, but for those who need at least a tissue of temperance whenseeking new tech, the introduction of Microsoft's new operating system,Vista, is an invitation to splurge ...

Intel, AMD Wage High-Stakes Battle Over Low-End Laptops

A tiff between the world's largest chipmaker and an organization selling low-priced laptops to the developing world will ultimately benefit poor kids, according to one tech aid expert ...

Net’s Malware Infection: Growing by 5,000 Sites per Day

With e-mail's value as a malware delivery agent on the decline, writers of malicious software have boosted their efforts to infect Web sites with their nasty payloads ...

Secure Chips for Gadgets Set to Soar

Consumer electronics will become an exploding market over the next six years for chipmakers who incorporate security features into their silicon, according to a research report released last week ...

Blinding Eyes in the Sky Won’t Work, Say Sat Pix Providers

Tightening controls over distribution of commercial satellite photos may not be in the best interest of the nation, according to academic and industry experts on the subject ...


A Wise Word From Microsoft

For years now, Microsoft Word has become synonymous with word processing. Nevertheless, the folks in Redmond, Wash., with the latest release of their word cruncher, have shown they're unafraid to take a daring turn with the program ...

Boston Newspaper Blurs the Line Between Web and Print

For most newspapers, there's a clear line of demarcation between their print and Web operations. Although that line gets fuzzier and fuzzier every day, nowhere has it gotten fuzzier than at BostonNow ...


Charting a Course for Your Brainstorm With Mind Map Apps

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a mind map may be worth many more. That's because a mind map combines both the power of a picture with the suggestion of words ...

Is Customer Support Triple Play’s Albatross?

Broadband providers have been pushing so-called triple play offerings as a means to fatten their coffers, but those services are also contributing to increasing support costs and drooping customer satisfaction ...


Free Desktop Publisher Scribus Is Worth a Look

Adobe Systems created a media tsunami earlier this month when it released its Creative Suite 3, a two-year project designed to roll all the company's formidable software packages for creative types into an integrated monolith. Needless to say, since the package costs more than US$1,000, it isn't something for tinkerers. Given my experience with Adobe's software, there would be much fun in tinkering with the suite in the first place...

SC Patent Ruling Gives ‘Obvious’ New Meaning

In what one attorney described as "the most important patent case in a generation," the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday issued a decision that's expected to make patents that combine existing technologies more difficult to obtain ...

House Bill Would Repeal Net Gambling Prohibition

The chairman of a powerful Congressional committee filed a bill Thursday that aims to repeal the ban on Internet gambling passed last year ...

Congressman Bucks Net Gambling Ban

The chairman of a powerful Congressional committee filed a bill Thursday that aims to repeal the ban on Internet gambling passed last year ...


Gubb App Offers a Long List of Nice Features

We're all inundated with information every day, and we all have our strategies for dealing with that flood. A common tactic adopted by many of us is making lists. The problem with lists, though, is that they can be misplaced ...

DRM’s Disappearance May Spur Amazon Music Store

Over the last 18 months, how often have you heard rumors that an online music service from Amazon was imminent? Plenty, no doubt, so much so that it seems Amazon has redefined the term "imminent" in much the same way that Google redefined the term "beta." ...

Analyst: Web 2.0 Users Would Rather Watch Than Upload

The so-called "New Web" has been hailed as a great place for sharing and interacting, but data released Tuesday by Internet traffic researchers suggests most cybersurfers are watchers, not uploaders ...


Olympus Voice Recorder Sports Sweet Trimmings

With so much sizzle being created in the consumer electronics market by digital media players, it's tough for a traditional gadget like a digital voice recorder to grab much consumer mindshare. That hasn't stopped recorder makers likeOlympus from continuing to introduce innovative and interesting products ...

Open Source, Transparency and Electronic Voting

Transparency has become a rallying cry for critics of existing electronic voting systems made by secretive corporations jealously guarding the software code inside their products. One way to assure transparency in voting systems, those critics maintain, is to require the disclosure of any code used in a voting system or use open source software for those systems...

Satisfying Customers Online May Be Key for Mortgage Lenders

Mortgage lenders have improved their online customers' experience over the last year, but many Web sites still fall far short of meeting their visitors' needs, according to a report released Tuesday by a financial services customer satisfaction research firm ...


Lots of Features Lend Appeal to the Motorola Q

Personal Data Assistants have become dinosaurs, and after taking the Motorola Q for a test drive, it's easy to understand why. Just about anything you'd want to do with a PDA (personal digital assistant) you can do with a smartphone like the Q -- and a lot more ...

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