Search Results

Results 1561-1580 of 1987 for Jack M. Germain

Portable Password Protector Locks Your Secrets Tight

Creating strong passwords with letters and numbers is vital to keepingsecure access to computers and online accounts. Remembering them andeasily retrieving them are equally vital. A password is only as goodas the user's ability to remember it ...

How the Virtual Workforce Is Changing Everything

In a society far away and long ago, people mostly farmed and ran storefront businesses where they lived. Then came the migration to the cities, where a new generation of workers stuffed into bulgingurban-based factory jobs. Many spent their entire adult lives working for The Man in an upstairs office ...

The Making of an Open Source Developer Hero

Every industry has a hero who paves the way with innovation. Cisco is looking for developer heroes for the open source software industry and hopes to find three as winners of its Think Inside the Box Developer Contest ...


Gogimon Machine Delivers Serendipitous Search Experience

The drawback with using most search engines is they all seem to give similarresults and generally all have the same look and feel. They lackpersonalization and offer a mostly boring environment ...


Sylvania Netbook With Ubuntu: A Good Mix

Given the many options out there, someone in the market for a portable computer may have a hard time deciding whether to go with an ultra-small netbook or a small-but-not-THAT-small notebook computer. ...

Linux Netbooks: What’s on the Menu?

I recently carried out a personal quest for a netbook computer.Relying on a bit of insider snobbery since I write about computertechnology almost daily, I was not expecting a big problem in making aselection ...

Closing the Sale With Live Video Chat

The Internet provides opportunities for businesses to interact withcustomers in new ways. As innovations in social media appear,enterprises slowly adopt those same trends to offeralternatives for making the sale online ...

The Search for an Open Source Killer App for Web 2.0

A quiet battle of sorts is taking place behind the scenes in thesoftware industry. Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud computing haveevolved, placing much more attention on Web-based applications ...

Report: Hackers Will Be Bolder, Smarter, Craftier in 2009

As malware writers and Internet attackers become moresophisticated, 2009 looks to be a year of more focused attacks byprofit-driven criminals bent on stealing data from businesses,employees and consumers ...


No More Napkin Plans: Q&A With Syncplicity CEO Leonard Chung

Syncplicity, a startup online data management company, announced last October the closing of its post-seed funding round for US$2.35 million. The company offers an automated, all-in-one service for online and offline file syncing, backup and sharing ...


No More Napkin Plans: Q&A With Syncplicity CEO Leonard Chung

Syncplicity, a startup online data management company, announced last October the closing of its post-seed funding round for US$2.35 million. The company offers an automated, all-in-one service for online and offline file syncing, backup and sharing ...


No More Napkin Plans: Q&A With Syncplicity CEO Leonard Chung

Syncplicity, a startup online data management company, announced last October the closing of its post-seed funding round for US$2.35 million. The company offers an automated, all-in-one service for online and offline file syncing, backup and sharing ...

Suckers for Spam: When Will They Ever Learn?

The old adage about a sucker being born every minute is no less true among respondents to spam. Dishonest people have always been trying to make a fast buck by duping others into confidence scams, and the Web has give those people an easy way to communicate with more potential marks. However, modern-day scam artists may be capable of making a faster buck from a lot fewer suckers...

The Linux Licensing Labyrinth

It's a small wonder that the Linux operating system remains vibrant in multiple industries and is poised to make a dash for more consumers' desktops, considering how often misunderstandings get in the way of its advancement ...

Open Source in a Down Economy: The Money Race Is On

The sour economy is causing industries and individuals alike to tighten their belts in just about all areas of spending, including software. Downloading free and low-cost open-source software is often an attractive alternative to proprietary commercial products. The potential for enterprises and other users to switch from high-priced software to open-source alternatives poses a new opportunity for open-source developers...

Terra Soft to Merge With Japanese Cell Developer Fixstars

Terra Soft Solutions, the developer of Yellow Dog Linux (YDL), has been acquired by the Japanese software firm Fixstars Corporation, a developer of Cell Broadband Engine solutions ...


TrackVia: Powerful Search Tool for All the Nooks and Crannies

Search and databases often have troubled relationships. Web-based search utilities have become essential business tools. The database is the lifeblood of many a business' record-keeping system. Both are vital -- just don't try to put the two together or integrate spreadsheets and other documents with them ...

Why So Many Java Mugs?

Web developers have many options for the servlet containers they use to host Java apps. Included in these choices are both classic proprietary and a host of open source containers. For the typical Java application developer, the container that holds one or more Java applications together is fairly transparent ...


System Mechanic 8.0: Smooth Layout, Rough Start

Putting Iolo Technologies' System Mechanic 8.0 throughits paces was a long-overdue reunion with an old friend of sorts. Ihad used a much earlier version when it was a different label yearsago. I had forgotten how adept the program's design was even back thenat rooting out the hundreds of glitches and clutter that fall into thedeep recesses of the Windows operating system...


Physicist Ian Appelbaum Puts New Spin on Semiconductors

University of Delaware's Dr. Ian Appelbaum is looking to "spin" hisresearch on the magnetic properties of electrons to get moreelectronic enhancements from semiconductors ...

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