Search Results

Results 1561-1580 of 1978 for John P. Mello Jr.

Study: E-Mail May Lose the War Against Spam

Spam and alternative communication technologies have begun to lower the value of e-mail as a mission-critical application for business, according to a study released Monday by IDC, a technology research firm ...

The Steady Migration of Smartphones to Linux

Some 204 million mobile phones, or 14 percent of the world market, will be running on Linux by 2012, according to a report released this week from the London office of ABI Research ...


Canon ZR Camcorders: Fair Sound, Good Video, Great Price

Although digital still camera manufacturers are making great strides in improving the video capabilities of their products, they still have some distance to go before they catch up with conventional camcorders ...

Study: Web News Readers Stick With Stories Longer

Their mode of Cyberspace travel may be called a browser, but what they're doing at news sites on the Web is more than just browsing, according to findings released last week by the Poynter Institute ...

America Offline: Many Don’t Surf, Many Don’t Care

There are some 31 million households in the United States without Internet access, and almost half them don't care a jot about it ...

Silicon and Optics: Hybridizing for Top Performance

Silicon is the lifeblood of electronics today, but in the photonics world -- the world of lasers and fiber optic transport -- it has had to play second fiddle to more exotic substances like indium phosphide and gallium arsenide. Researchers, though, are working to change that orchestration and reap the enormous benefits silicon photonics would create for computers and computer networks...

Social Networking and the Citizen Journalist

The popularity of social networking sites like MySpace and user-generated content sites like YouTube are inducing traditional news organizations to rethink their approach to the Web ...


Snagging Pictures, Videos and Sounds With CaptureWizPro

There are two utilities that I've found essential in my day-to-day operations with Windows. One is a clipboard extender -- a program that archives anything cut or copied to the Windows clipboard. The other is a screen capture application ...

Heavyweights Join Forces for Open IPTV Standards

Delivery of television programming over computer networks using Internet protocols showed signs of a maturing market this week when nine major players supporting the technology announced the formation of a consortium to develop important standards for it ...

Microsoft Hits Cybersquatters With Multiple Lawsuits

Cybersquatters, typosquatters and domain tasters were targeted by Microsoft Wednesday in a series of lawsuits filed in California, Washington and the United Kingdom ...


Virtual Alternative to Post-It Notes Stashes Information Nuggets

I've never been a big fan of Post-it notes. On occasion, though, they have proven to be a convenient vehicle for procrastination ...

Internet Map: Here There Be Malware

If you want to avoid being a victim of information highwaymen on the Web, you may want to pay attention to the domain names of the sites you surf to ...

Amazon, TiVo Bridge PC-to-TV Gap

Consumer reaction to downloading movies and TV programming from the Internet has been less than enthusiastic. For some, it's a hassle to move entertainment content from their PCs to their living rooms ...


Mixcraft: Music Making Made Easy

Of the three pillars of digital lifestyle applications -- video, photos and music -- music remains a bit of a mystery to many users. That's ironic because sharing digital music files was one of the first applications byte-stylers flocked to ...

Studios, Theater Owners Drive Digital Distribution

Warner Bros. Entertainment, Universal Pictures and Digital Cinema Implementation Partners (DCIP) announced Tuesday a joint venture to launch a new system for distributing digital movies to theaters ...

The Under-Hyped Promise of M-Marketing

It's not often that in this gee-whiz age any technology can be accused of being under-hyped, but that's the case with mobile marketing, according to a report released this week by IDC, a research firm based in Framingham, Mass ...


Patrolling Network Security With NetTrooper

Like many home keyboard jockeys, I view my wireless network as a black box. I set it up to share my broadband Internet connection. It does that. So I leave well enough alone ...

The Thorny Problems Posed by Online Predator Bills

Online predators will again be the target of legislation filed in Congress this year ...

Google Paves Way for Wikipedia Breakthrough

For the first time ever, Wikipedia last month cracked into comScore's top 10 hottest properties on the Web, largely due to the exposure the online encyclopedia receives from search engines such as Google ...


Turning Snapshots Into Works of Art

Giving digital images an artful twist isn't anything new in the computer world, but leave it to Alien Skin Software to take the technique to another level of elegance ...

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