Search Results

Results 1581-1600 of 1978 for John P. Mello Jr.

Carnegie Mellon Folds Open Source Into New Degree Offering

The software industry isn't what it used to be. Open source software, globalization and outsourcing have irrevocably changed the sector and the skills needed by those who choose to work in it. That's the reason given by the Western branch of a major Eastern university when it announced last week a new degree program that gives its students the necessary skills to succeed in the brave new world of software...

Report: Web Analytics Market Pumped for Growth

More than one third of the Web analytics market will be upgrading, replacing or deploying systems in the next 12 months, which will create new opportunities for application vendors, according to a report released Tuesday by Jupiter Research ...


Sleek Sync: Good Choice for Music-Mad Cell Phone Users

With Apple grabbing all the headlines of late with its iPhone, it's difficult for other spiffy mobiles to garner any mindshare in the market. That's a shame because a recent offering by Samsung deserves some attention ...

DMCA Exemption Could Unlock Cell Phones

Last November, the Librarian of Congress adopted half a dozen exemptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), among them one that might give cell phone phone users greater freedom to move between carriers with their mobile devices ...

Employers’ Super Bowl Tab: $16 Million a Minute

For the past three years, a Chicago consulting firm has assumed a Grinch-like role with its annual estimate of worker productivity losses attributable to the Super Bowl. Those losses, though, may actually be gains for many businesses, according to the firm's top executive ...


Speech Recognition a Boon for Two-Finger Typists

Some bloggers amaze me -- not by what they say, but by how much they say. It seems to me sometimes that a lot of these guys must be sitting in front of their keyboard 18 hours a day filling screen after screen with their prose ...

Amid Consumer Hype, Businesses Yawn at Vista

Consumers got their first official look Tuesday at Microsoft's new operating system Vista. Businesses, though, have been able to eyeball the software since November of last year, and eyeballing seems to be all they're doing with the new OS ...


Firefox 2.0: Subtle Changes, Big Difference

Browser usage numbers for 2006 are beginning to appear on the Web, and for the first time in many moons the market share of Microsoft's dominant offering, Internet Explorer, has dipped below 80 percent ...

The Burgeoning High-Tech Employment Landscape

High-tech employment made a strong showing in 2006. Average salaries were on the rise and demand for IT professionals was robust, according to a salary survey released Wednesday by, a Web site for high-tech employment opportunities ...


BackOnTrack Eases Pain of Computer Crashes

Meet Alexandra, the commercial says. She likes her computer. After she plants a smooch on her computer's display, a caption adds, maybe too much ...

Ultracapacitor Power Cells: Silver Bullet or Lead Balloon?

It is is a dream come true for energy seekers: a portable energy source that outperforms the best lithium-ion batteries on the market and produces 10 times the power of lead-acid batteries at half the cost -- and without the need for toxic materials or chemicals ...


Video Conversion Confusion? M2Converter Can Clarify

Everywhere you turn these days, someone is pushing video -- on the Internet, on portable media players, even on cell phones. What's omitted by many enthusiastic purveyors of this electronic marvel, though, is that the digital video scene is a jungle of befuddling and confusing formats, a system more conducive to frustration than elation ...

Newspaper Blogs: ‘Constant, Instantaneous Feedback’

Traffic to blog pages at the top 10 newspaper sites jumped 210 percent in December compared to the same month in 2005 ...


Gateway’s 24-Inch Monitor: Computing on a Billboard

Monitor size is like real estate. You can never get enough of it. That's what I thought until I got a gander at Gateway's mammoth 24-inch HD LCD flat-panel display. Working with this monitor is like computing on a billboard ...

New Year, New Jobs, New Online Record

More job seekers than ever descended on employment Web sites during the first week of the new year, according to an online competitive intelligence service ...

Net Neutrality Bill: Saving or Strangling the Internet?

Network neutrality -- an issue that created a firestorm of controversy on Capitol Hill last year -- will be on the congressional agenda again in 2007 thanks to Senators Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and Byron Dorgan (D-ND) ...

Loyalty Hardens for Leading Brands on Internet

There are pundits who say loyalty was stillborn on the Internet, but Keynote Systems isn't one of them ...


Fast Processor ‘Heart’ Enlivens New Apple MacBook

When Apple introduces a new version of a product, it's usually undertaken with some buzz-inducing design flair that fires up the imagination and whets the appetite for consumption. That iss not the case with its new MacBook offerings ...


Internet TV: A Million Channels, Zero Cable Networks

Within five years, cable and satellite television providers will be facing a formidable competitor in their market: the Internet ...


Nikon D40 Eases Transition to Digital SLR World

The proverb "he who hesitates is lost" may be true if you're a member of the Danish aristocracy, but if you've been sitting on the fence about making a move from a point-and-shoot digital camera to a DSLR (digital single lens reflex) model, your hesitation may be rewarded ...

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