Search Results

Results 1621-1640 of 1987 for Jack M. Germain

Intel Unveils Atom-Powered System-on-Chip Plans

Intel announced on Thursday new processors built around its plans for a new category of highly integrated, purpose-built and Web-savvy system-on-chip (SoC) designs ...

MindTouch Sharpens Its Deki App Masher

MindTouch announced on Wednesday the latest version of its open source collaboration and collective intelligence platform, MindTouch Deki (formerly Deki Wiki). Dubbed "Kilen Woods," it features new workflow capabilities, enterprise adapters and usability improvements. The release targets information workers, IT professionals, and developers looking to collaborate and connect enterprise systems and data sources.

JasperSoft Fires Up New OSS Forge

Open source business intelligence (BI) firm JasperSoft on Wednesday announced its next-generation community platform at the O'Reilly Open Source Conference (OSCON). The new platform features tools to enhance community project developers as well as business users. ...

Are VM Environments Open to Attack?

New adopters often see virtualization as the Holy Grail of enterprise computing. It enables consolidation of separate servers and databases to provide more economic operations. Running consolidated computers from one virtualized machine also eliminates the electrical waste spent to keep idling servers and data-processing machines running ...

Study: OSS Communities Are Often Slackers in Security

The most widely used open source software packages for the enterprise are exposing users to significant and unnecessary business risks, according to an open source security study from security firm Fortify Software ...


VKernel: Seeking Simplicity in the Wild, Woolly World of Virtualization

VKernel is a young company with its finger on the pulse of the virtual server market, one of the hottest in the software world. Buzz over virtual servers is so high-pitched, in fact, that CEO Alex Bakman sees the potential for a steady stream of new hires that will swell his company's workforce to 5,000 people over the next five years ...


Wireless Headphone System Lets Lots of Listeners Hear the Tune

The i2i Stream digital music broadcaster is the latest wireless music delivery innovation from Aerielle. It enables users to stream audio wirelessly from any device, including iPods, MP3 players, computers and home entertainment systems ...


Data Brawn Meets Interface Brains

The larger the business or government agency is, the bigger the volume of data it deals with. That translates into massive efforts to manage that data to meet ever-increasing compliance regulations for adequately maintaining electronic records. Any software company that can figure out how to manage this process better than its competition can become king of the vendor hill...


Is the Tide Turning in the ID Theft War?

Depending on which set of criteria you reference, ID fraud either is on a significant decline or will be a lingering threat for several more years ...

With Linspire in Its Belly, Xandros Eyes Expansion

Custom Linux provider Xandros announced Wednesday that it has acquired Linspire , developer of the CNR software distribution facility, and the Linspire and Freespire Linux desktop operating systems ...

MuleSource Whips Galaxy Enterprise SOA Software Into Shape

MuleSource, a provider of open source service oriented architecture (SOA) infrastructure software, on Monday announced the release of Mule GalaxyEnterprise, a solution for storing and managing SOA artifacts with enterprise-class features ...

Tooling Around With Ajax

Social networks are peppering the Internet with Facebook-like interactive features. Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is fast becoming the defacto programming tool for Web developers. But by itself, Ajax is a daunting challenge that requires demanding coding skills ...

Lean, Mean Machines: Tech for the SMB, Part 2

Part 1 of this two-part series discussed hardware for the small to medium-sized business. Part 2 tackles software aimed at the SMB ...

HP Slaps Open Source License on Unix File System

HP announced Monday it is letting its Tru64 Unix Advanced File System (AdvFS) source code run free in the Linux community. Access to this code will provide capabilities that increase uptime, enhance security and help ensure maximum performance of Linux file systems, according to HP officials. ...

Home-Brewed Entertainment the Open Source Way

One of the biggest trends in consumer marketing today is to appeal to the do-it-yourself mentality. Don't think so? Just visit home improvement outlets such as Home Depot and Lowe's for some clues. Then count the number of auto parts stores on your drive to the office ...

Community Source Software: If You Build It, They Will Join

A partnership with the Collaborative Software Initiative (CSI) and the Utah Department of Health is cementing an emerging community sourcing software model that could thrust open source development deeper into vertical markets ...

Open Source Census Broadens Its Mission

The Open Source Census, a collaborative project initiated by OpenLogic to collect and share quantitative data on the use of open source software, has revealed more than 220,000 open source packages and project installations on business hard drives. The census now aims to take a deeper look into open source products used by enterprise adopters. ...

JasperSoft Debuts Web 2.0-Savvy Open Source BI

Open source business intelligence (BI) firm JasperSoft has announced the availability of its new JasperSoft Business Intelligence Suite v3 Professional Edition ...


Top Layer Networks’ Ken Pappas: When PCI Compliance Isn’t Enough

High-profile data breaches continue to spotlight the growing risks consumers face of identity theft and credit card fraud. Four highly visible data breaches disclosed in the last 18 months are particularly worrisome because they show a systemic failure in the procedures that both the public and regulatory agencies expect companies to get right ...

The Storm Worm’s Elaborate Con Game

Despite their discovery of a direct link to the funding sources behind the infamous Storm Virus, IronPort Systems researchers are doubtful law enforcement will ever nail the perpetrators. Still, improving technologies may help to block its continuing spread ...

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