Search Results

Results 1621-1640 of 1978 for John P. Mello Jr.

Samsung’s Trace Phone Caters to Slim at Heart

When it comes to gadgets, thin is in. From the latest nano from Apple to the recent crop of slim bar-phones, chunky is strictly L7 for the electronic hipster ...

Gomez Raises Curtain on New Web Measurement Service

Measuring a Web site's performance isn't what it used to be. Site operators are increasingly turning to outside sources for the components of their Web pages. That can muddy the metrics for companies trying to get a handle on how their sites are really performing ...

Social Networking: A Boost for Brand Buzz

Marketers call them "the influentials," and in a world where word-of-mouth marketing is king, they're royalty. However, they may not be as monolithic a class as hucksters believe them to be, according to a report from JupiterResearch ...


PC Software Rivals GarageBand

GarageBand is an outstanding addition to Apple Computer's original iLife software suite ...

The Emerging Threat of Cell Phone Spam

The scourge of the wired world -- spam -- is making its presence felt in the wireless realm, but carriers hope they can stunt the problem in its formative stage ...


Pygmy Portable Drives Offer Backups On the Go

As much as I am enamored with USB "thumb" drives, some storage problems -- such as system backups -- need a more robust solution ...

Majority of iPod Owners Ready to Zune

For decades, Apple Computer has counted on the loyalty of its customers to fuel the company's success, but in one of its most important markets there may be signs that that loyalty is flagging ...

Americans Plug Into Internet for Election Info

More than a third of Americans are turning to the Internet for information about the elections next week, according to a poll released by the Associated Press and America Online last Friday ...

Web Mail in the Workplace: Another Security Threat

Unrestricted access from the office to personal Web-based e-mail can pose security risks to businesses, but the practice is being largely ignored, according to a survey released by a security firm this week ...


Review: New ClipCache Version Worth the Wait

In an era when software companies seem to release new versions of their products every month, Xrayz Software is a true anomaly. It hasn't released a new version of its ClipCache software in three years ...

White Hat Warns of ‘Less Than Zero’ Threat

In the go-go eighties, Bret Easton Ellis's novel Less Than Zero was a cult classic, but today another "Less Than Zero" is attracting another kind of cult -- one bent on computer mischief or worse ...

Internet Addiction: Problem or Pathology?

Researchers at Stanford University have discovered what they say is more evidence that compulsive use of the Internet may be more than just a bad habit ...


Entertainment Consumers Look Beyond Online Search

Search engines have made a boodle for outfits like Google, but when it comes to online entertainment -- especially entertainment on demand -- they may find their relevance waning ...

The Search for Safer Battery Alternatives

Another day, another battery recall ...


Microsoft’s Free Editor Makes Blogging Simple

A large part of the appeal of blogging is its simplicity. Setting up an account at one of the large blogging services like is as untaxing as filling in a few fields in an online form ...

Microsites Gaining Popularity

Microsites -- highly focused mini Web sites within larger ones that encourage consumers to create content -- will be growing in popularity among larger online advertisers in the coming year, according to a report released last week byJupiterKagan ...

Video Games Not Just for the Young Anymore

Video games are often associated with the bloom of youth, but a study released this week shows that isn't true in all segments of the market -- especially the "casual" game market ...

Report: Cell Phone Worms, VoIP Fraud to Grow in ’07

Cell phone worms and VoIP fraud are among the top 10 security threats to watch next year, according to a panel of experts assembled by the SANS Institute ...


Software Puts Film-Like Effects Into Digital Photos

During an annual outing of college chums this past summer, one of the bunch, following a flurry of digital picture taking, smiled wryly and said that he'd recently shot his last roll of Kodachrome 25 ...

Is the WiFi Revolution Underway?

A shift in how entertainment is delivered to the home will increase demand for consumer electronics products with wireless networking capabilities and ignite explosive growth for WiFi, according to a study released this week by ABI Research ...

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