Search Results

Results 1641-1660 of 1978 for John P. Mello Jr.

Survey: Brands Marred by Poor Online Transactions

Transaction failures at a company's Web site can have a significant negative impact on the business' brand, according to a survey released Monday by TeaLeaf Technology and Harris Interactive ...

Are Hybrid Satellite TV Boxes the Wave of the Future?

Worldwide shipments of hybrid set-top boxes -- boxes that combine a broadband connection with satellite TV reception -- will reach 50 million by 2011, according to a report from ABI Research ...

International Broadcast Rights Treaty Inches Forward

A proposed treaty that would expand the rights of broadcasters over what they deliver to consumers cleared a significant hurdle last week at a meeting of an international copyright panel ...

Back-to-School Promotions Reap Benefits for Online Retailers

The top 10 fastest growing Web sites in August with back-to-school online advertising campaigns were announced Tuesday by Internet media and marketing research firm Nielsen//NetRatings ...


Lifecam Makes Racy Arrival in Consumer Marketplace

Webcams have been around for awhile now, but it hasn't been until recently that they've started to become a hit with the instant messaging crowd. The classic videophone may have been a bust, but the marriage of Webcam and IM has started to capture the affection of Net gabbers ...

Sears, Intel Top Web Respect Rankings

Sears and Intel crowned a list of top performing Web sites released Monday by theCustomer Respect Group (CRG), an international research and consulting firm that focuses on how corporations treat their online customers ...

Manpower, Not Money, Stuns Web Analytics Newbies

Web analytics have become a critical part of every company's Web presence, but many businesses are often surprised by how time consuming traffic-crunching programs can be ...

Music Scene May Be Unchanged by MySpace Move

A deal announced Tuesday between social networking Goliath MySpace and digital content manager Snocap will have a marginal impact on Internet music sales, according to some observers of the market ...


Free Podcasting Program Hectic but Fun

So all this hype about podcasting has tickled your curiosity, but you haven't a clue where to start. Try WildVoice ...


New Gateway Ultra Notebook Is Ultra Fine

It's always been a rule in the technology world that the smaller/lighter/thinner something is, the more you're going to pay for it ...

Liberties Group Claims Patent Rule Hurts Open Source

A legal test used to assess the validity of patents threatens the development of free and open source software, according to a civil liberties group ...


VideoStudio 10 Crams Editing, Authoring Into Impressive Package

There are two schools of thought when it comes to consumer video editing programs ...

Dell, Others Working on Battery Standard

To some observers, it may seem like closing the barn door after the horses have escaped, but next month a group of high-tech companies -- including leading notebook computer makers Dell, Lenovo, Apple and Hewlett-Packard -- will be holding a summit meeting in San Jose, Calif., to get the ball rolling on manufacturing standards for lithium-ion batteries for portable and handheld electronic devices...


Checklist Puts Your To-Do List on Steroids

To-do lists have been a staple for software writers since the invention of the personal computer. Maybe that's because we all have things to do and never tire of finding better and faster ways to get them done ...

Making a Case for Web Analytics

Persuading a company's brass to buy tools to analyze Web traffic is an easy sell these days, but that's not the case when it comes to hiring bodies to interpret the data produced by the tools ...

Nielsen to Track Rich Media Ads on Web

To accommodate the increased use of rich media ads by online marketers, Nielsen//NetRatings is modifying its media intelligence service, AdRelevance ...

Google’s Picasa Photo Software Finds Its Web Legs

I've been using Picasa since before Google bought it, and have found the feisty program a gem for managing my growing library of digital photos, as well as a handy tool for quick tinkering with snapshots when launching a full-blown image editor would be overkill ...

Home Network Drive Market to Reach $1.2 Billion

As more consumers discover the benefits of wireless networking in their homes, their eyes will start opening to the perks of network storage. That awareness will fuel some beefy growth in the market over the next five years, according to a report released Wednesday by ABI Research ...

Colleges Brace for Malware Wave

While returning to school may only be a fleeting thought for most students at this time of year, it's top of mind for the folks charged with keeping university networks free from a host of electronic nasties ...


Kodak’s EasyShare V610 Camera Doubles the Fun

Trading digital electronics for mechanical parts has given camera makers an opportunity to tinker with the design of their wares in inventive ways, none more so than Kodak ...

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