Search Results

Results 1681-1700 of 1978 for John P. Mello Jr.

Portable E-Newspapers Seen on Horizon

The announcement by Seiko Epson on Monday of a new electronic "paper" display with the highest resolution seen in the technology to date appears to be another sign that the newspaper of the future is close at hand ...


Online Service Offers Two Gigs of Free Backup

While I must confess I've never been a fan of online backup solutions, there was something about Mozy that tempted me to use it ...


Online Service Offers Two Gigs of Backup for Free

While I must confess I've never been a fan of online backup solutions, there was something about Mozy that tempted me to use it ...

Report Cautions Web Builders About Bad Design

Many commercial Web sites fail to pass even basic tests for usefulness and usability largely because their architects use faulty reasoning to justify defective decisions ...

Consumers Driving New Product Innovation

An alarming failure rate for new products has corporations looking to consumers to drive innovation in their markets, according to report released by Forrester Research ...


TuneUp Keeps PCs in Tip-Top Shape

As Windows computers get long in the tooth, they require special attention to keep running at an optimal level. Hard disks and registries need to be cleaned and defragmented. Settings need to be tweaked ...

Microsoft Aims for Dominance of 3rd, 4th Screens

Microsoft is like the earth. When it moves, people notice ...

Convergence Driving Tech Mergers, Study Says

Digital convergence -- the marrying of computer, communications and entertainment technologies -- is driving mergers and acquisitions among technology companies, according to a report released Tuesday by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) ...

Illegal Gambling Thrives on Internet

Being branded illegal by federal government authorities hasn't stunted the growth of online gambling, which will become a US$20 billion worldwide industry by 2009, according to a report released Wednesday by the American Gaming Association, the Washington, D.C.-based lobbying arm of the commercial casino entertainment industry ...


Little Nikon Camera Offers Big Screen, High Performance

Small may be snazzy when it comes to gadgets, but for displays, bigger is better, especially when it comes to digital cameras. Those two-inch LCDs that used to be considered spacious now seem like postage stamps compared to the three- and 3.5-inch murals adorning the latest gallery of byte shootersentering the market ...

HD Radio Could Blunt Satellite Attack on Broadcasters

It used to be called digital radio before the marketers decided to exploit the high definition craze in broadcasting and recast it as HD Radio, but whatever it's called, it could be just the weapon airwave floggers need to fend off a growing threat for their audience from satellite radio ...

Consumers Shun Backups, Study Says

Consumers may have priceless photo, music and video files on their computers these days, but they continue to ignore safeguarding them by backing them up on scheduled basis ...

Study: Online Mortgage Seekers Seal Deals Offline

More and more mortgage shoppers are going online to find loans, but when it's time to seal the deal, most prefer to take their business offline, according to a study scheduled to be released Tuesday by Forrester Research and Compete Inc., both based in Boston ...

Study Says Retailers Unhip to Young Shoppers

If retail marketers are going to capture the loyalty of the next generation of spenders, they're going to have to get hip to the new Web, according to a report from Forrester Research ...

Pact Writers Sidetrack ‘Threat’ to Internet

Provisions in a proposed international treaty that civil liberties groups, developing nations and technology organizations claim will threaten the free flow of information on the Internet have been sidetracked by the pact's writers in Geneva ...

Panel Claims CATV Bill Will Save Consumers Billions

A bill before Congress to revamp how franchises are awarded for delivering television to communities will save consumers US$22 million a day, a panel of telecommunication experts said Wednesday at a press conference in Washington, D.C ...

Mac Vulnerability Tops List of Security Flaws

Apple computer users have long been immune from the Internet nasties that infect users of Microsoft Windows PCs, but that's beginning to change, according to a report released Monday by the SANS Institute ...

Survey Finds 97 Percent of Web Users a Click Away From Infection

Some 97 percent of Web surfers are just a click away from infecting their computers with adware and spyware, according to anti-malware software maker McAfee, of Santa Clara, Calif ...


The Little Photo Editor That Could

For heavy duty imaging work on a PC, there are some very powerful programs on the market. My application of choice is Corel Paint Shop Pro, primarily because I've been using it for years and have become comfortable with its interface ...

Coalition Calls on Congress to Save Internet

A coalition of both right- and left-wing groups called on Congress Monday to "save" the Internet by requiring network neutrality through law ...

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