Search Results

Results 1701-1720 of 1987 for Jack M. Germain

Radiospire: Raising the Antenna for Wireless HD

Consumers are enamored with HD entertainment devices. What consumers abhor, however, is the quagmire of cabling that tethers their HDTVs, high-def DVD players, gaming consoles and surround sound systems together ...

Will the Vista Migration Path Become the Road Less Traveled?

Growing concerns over migrating to Vista may push companies to adopt alternative operating systems. A study released in late November revealed that 90 percent of the Windows users polled reported concerns about migrating to Microsoft's newest operating system ...

Data Breaches More Expensive Every Year

Companies that fail to prevent data breaches will pay higher costs to repair the damage in 2008, according to a recent report. Data breach incidents will also cost these companies additional revenue from lost business opportunities and reduced customer retention ...

MMO Security: Are Players Getting Played?

The video gaming industry has seen huge growth over the past few years with the emergence of the massive multiplayer online (MMO) model. These video games, examples of which include "World of Warcraft" and "Everquest II," allow thousands of players to interact simultaneously over the Internet in a persistent virtual world ...

There’s No System Like Linux for the Holidays

The holidays are coming, and there's no better time of year to consider buying a computer for yourself or as a gift. It is also a good time to consider a PC loaded with Linux ...

Open Source: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

When it comes time to upgrade to a new version of proprietary software -- take the Windows OS, for example -- many users are less than thrilled. Upgrades can mean an added expense for anything more extensive than a bug fix or minor feature upgrades ...

Linux Goes Hollywood With New Terra Soft Film Rendering Tool

Terra Soft Solutions, the developer of Yellow Dog Linux, has teamed up with Circle-S Studios to create Y-Film, a suite of VFX (visual effects) management and productivity tools coupled with DNA Research's 3Delight RenderMan compliant rendering engine and Terra Soft's Y-HPC cluster construction suite ...

IT Security and the No Good, Very Bad Web App Nightmare

The growing popularity of Web 2.0 applications is creating new worries about network security for IT managers and program users alike. One of the biggest concerns is the lack of attention by some product developers and the users themselves to regularly scan their computer systems for holes ...

Remote PC Repair, Part 2: Comparing the Possibilities

After the initial warranty period has expired on a desktop or laptop computer, consumers, SOHO (small office/home office) users and SMBs (small- and medium-sized businesses) may find themselves stranded when computer woes strike. Without costly warranty extension plans or an IT department, there is little to do but pay up ...

Hitting the Open Source Road With a Linux-Powered Driverless Vehicle

In what may well be one of the most unusual computing tasks performed by the Linux operating system, Terra Soft Solutions integrated its Yellow Dog Linux distribution and the Sony PlayStation 3 to guide a specially designed driverless car competing in the qualifying rounds for the DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) autonomous vehicle challenge in Victorville, Calif...

HP Offers Security Services for Red Hat Linux

HP on Thursday began offering new Multi-Level Security (MLS) Services for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 ...

Remote PC Repair, Part 1: The Warranty Alternative

Consumers and small-office and home-office (SOHO) workers often buy their computers from online stores or discount warehouses. They often reject add-on support packages at checkout to keep the purchase price low. If the computer breaks within 60 or 90 days, the manufacturer will handle the repairs, they reason ...

VPNs and Small Business, Part 2: Solutions and Alternatives

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), a staple in enterprise settings, are starting to gather momentum as a way to connect remote users and branch offices securely to the networks of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Smaller companies are finding VPNs cheaper to operate than more costly dedicated T1 phone lines ...

Enterprise Web App Platform Maker UnCurls Code

Curl plans to release much of its code for the Curl Rich Internet Application (RIA) platform to the open source community to enhance the development of Web 2.0 applications ...

Citrix Unwraps New Virtualization Strategy

Citrix Systems, a provider of application delivery products, unveiled on Monday its expanded virtualization technology strategy, which it said will extend its reach from datacenter to desktop ...

GPL v3: Was It Worth the Effort?

The third version of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3), released last summer, is on the slow road to acceptance. The new licensing conditions usher in numerous changes in how open source software developers regulate what users of their freely distributed programming code are legally able and unable to do ...

VPNs and Small Business, Part 1: The SMB Case

Virtual private networks (VPNs) are common in enterprise settings as a way to connect remote users and branch offices securely to the corporate network. VPNs extend a corporation's reach to support worldwide locations ...

Free Software for the SMB

Memo to small business owners: If you are spending a fortune on software to run your business, you'll be interested to know you may be able to get almost everything you need for free ...

New Solo Phone Disconnects Skype From Computer

Skype hardware maker Ipevo announced on Tuesday the U.S. launch of the Solo, a desktop Skype phone that makes phone calls over the Internet without being tethered to a computer ...

Making Sure Linux Doesn’t Get Lost in Translation

The worldwide open source community shares a common overall goal: better software through collaboration and peer review. It's difficult enough to achieve this task even when most of the participants share a common language. Building bridges between different parts of the world -- especially between Eastern and Western societies -- adds an entirely new element to the equation...

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