Search Results

Results 1721-1740 of 1987 for Jack M. Germain

BlueRoads CEO Shinya Akamine: Out With PRM, In With POM

Channel partner opportunity management firm BlueRoads announced on Sept. 17 a new lead referral moduledesigned to help vendors gain strategic insight into the management of better sales channel yield. The newsoftware module captures new referrals from a vendor's extended partner community and harnesses previouslyuntapped sales opportunities ...

Web 2.0 Is Security Soft Spot for Enterprises, Report Says

While many sectors of the business community are accepting Web 2.0 usage with open arms, enterprise IT departments are not prepared to deal with the consequences posed by related threats, according to recent research ...


SpiralFrog CIO Jim Campbell: No Need for Piracy, a free music download site that launched on Sept. 17, allows registered users to download more than 800,000 songs and videos. As long as downloaders keep renewing their free monthly site registration, they can continue to play the song and video files on their PC. Users can also copy the downloaded files to two other devices ...

Media Player Exploits: New Vectors, New Threats

Two separate exploits involving the Apple QuickTime and the Microsoft Windows Media players could continue to plague computer users regardless of which Web browser is installed as the default on a computer system ...


FireEye CEO Ashar Aziz: Battling the Zombie Hordes

Computer security company FireEye announced on Monday a new strategy for fighting the worsening threat to consumers and businesses posed by botnets ...

Great Linux Sites for Developers

What's a poor, lonely Linux developer to do? Where are all the good support sites? How am I going to fix that troublesome bug? ...

Online Billing, Part 2: Problems and Possibilities

While bill payers and many businesses have been slow to adopt cyber billing, consumers are much moreaccepting of paying their monthly bills electronically. Still, consumers often face a struggle withmerchants who don't make e-payments a priority or the process of paying online easy to set up ...

KHTML vs. Gecko vs. Trident vs. Presto: Behind the Browser

When a Web surfer clicks on an icon to launch his or her favorite Web browser, only the geekiest of the geeky pay any thought to which engine layout is at work. The typical Web user has no clue that a different browser choice may also include a different browser layout engine ...

Lenovo Thinks Small With New Energy Efficient Desktop Line

Lenovo introduced on Wednesday its newest energy-efficient desktop line with the ThinkCentre A61e, an ultra small form factor PC that combines a small footprint the size of a telephone book with 45-watt AMD Athlon 64 X2 and Sempron energy efficient processors ...

Online Billing, Part 1: Leaving the Paper Trail Behind

Weeks before hearing that Apple had cut the price of its iPhone, the gadget's first buyers were met with a different surprise: an AT&T phone bill that in some cases was almost the size of a Stephen King novel. The wireless carrier meticulously detailed every connection and every data exchange. Some customers received bills several hundred pages thick, delivered in cardboard boxes...

Open Source Programmers, Developers to Hold First Power Powwow

Power.Org will sponsor the first Power Architecture Developer Conference in the Austin Convention Center September 24-25 ...


iPerceptions VP Duff Anderson: Marketing the Voice of the Customer

Duff Anderson, vice president of research, development and knowledge delivery at iPerceptions, is apioneer in the attitudinal Web analytics field, endeavoring since 1996 to forge standards for onlineresearch methodologies and analysis. iPerceptions, with offices in New York, Montreal and Toronto,provides business intelligence strategies for Internet marketing...

Hack-a-Thon II to Put Distributed Coding Skills to Test

Terra Soft Solutions, the developer of Yellow Dog Linux and the HPC Consortium, will hold Hack-a-Thon II in Austin, Texas, Sept. 22-25, two days prior to the start of its four-day Power Architecture Developer Conference ...

What’s New in Open Source Search?

Yahoo, Google, and MSN hold a huge lead in search engine technology over open-source alternatives. These search giants are competing in a battle among themselves to be a computer user's default search site for search ...


Xandros CEO Andreas Typaldos: Getting Along With Redmond

Linux platform provider Xandros has taken one step further in a collaboration agreement with Microsoft that it signed in June over how the two firms will handle intellectual property on Linux interoperability projects ...

The State of the Desktop

The laptop computer has been gaining on traditional desktop PCs for some time. Replacing one's desktop completely with a portable computer that has enough power to handle any common task is now a feasible option for consumers, and more are heading that direction. Laptops are siphoning off sales of desktops ...


Open Source Security, Part 2: 10 Great Apps

Open source security products do not generally carry the same following as their business suite andoperating system brethren. However, the same reasons for supporting open source products in general also apply to open source security applications ...

The Woes of WiFi, Part 2: Digital Defense

WiFi has became pervasive. Not just laptops, but an arsenal of palmed-sized devices including smartphones, PDAs (personal digital assistant) and mobile media players, now connect to the Internet using Wireless Fidelity technology ...

Open Source Security, Part 1: Securing Credibility

Open source applications have come into their own. For some time, open source programmers held much the same reputation as shareware authors. They were little more than experimenters and programming geeks who chose the alternate code-writing route because they could not or did not want to compete in the real software industry of commercial programming...


Galdos CEO Ron Lake: Mapping the Future of the Browser

The face of the Internet is rapidly changing. For instance, Web maps are no longer about finding yourhouse online. A few years ago, map-making power remained in the hands of specialists. Today, map-making power is within everyone's grasp ...

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