Search Results

Results 1761-1780 of 1987 for Jack M. Germain

Kace Extends App Management Tools for Computer Administrators

Systems management appliances provider Kace announced on Monday the integration of the recently acquired AppDeploy Live service with its Kbox Systems Management Appliances ...

Boutique Malware: Custom-Made for the Executive Suite

A sophisticated group of spammers has been targeting since late May high-salaried workers at selective corporations in a spam attack using e-mail disguised as messages from the Better Business Bureau (BBB), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ...

Linux Devs, Architects Talk Open Source at Collaboration Summit

Key kernel developers and more than 230 Linux leaders participated last week in the first Collaboration Summit hosted by the Linux Foundation to discuss solutions for the most pressing issues facing greater Linux adoption ...

Disasters and SMBs: Plan to Survive, Don’t Fail to Plan

Small businesses, beware. Can your business survive a natural disaster? Chances are against your survival if you do not have a recovery and continuity plan in place ...

Performance Technologies Broadens Embedded Linux Product Line

Rochester, N.Y.-based Performance Technologies announced Tuesday additions to its NexusWare Linux-based operating system and development environment to include support for a wide range of single board computer hardware offerings ...

The Shrouded Sharing Shenanigans of P2P Programs

People who use popular file-sharing software at home, in school and in the workplace to download music and videos are likely to expose their own personal and corporate data stored on their computers' hard drives ...


SpaceTime Browser Adds New Dimension to Search

An innovative three-dimensional search program puts a unique spin on Internet searching. All results are displayed in a 3-D space that users can navigate and manipulate ...

Big Pirate on Campus

A Congressional committee last month gave universities with high volumes of student piracy violations 30 days to return a survey on Internet piracy and network practices. The committee is scheduled to resume its meetings Tuesday in Washington ...

Fedora 7 Tips Hat to Developers

Red Hat's Fedora Project has released the Fedora 7 version of the Linuxoperating system, which features a new build capacity allowing for the creation ofcustom appliances to meet individual needs ...

Open Source and the DMCA: What Hath Digg Wrought?

The flap erupted earlier this month ...

House Bill: Spyware Solution or Limp Legislation?

Antispyware legislation awaiting Senate action offers little promise of meaningful prosecution against violators, said Ron O'Brien, a senior security analyst with antispyware firm Sophos ...

The Net Generation Goes to College

Turn on your monitor and boot up your computer, because class is in session. Many college students now raised on the Internet and mobile devices will not be limited to sitting in traditional "brick-and-mortar" classrooms as schools look to the latest offerings in virtual technology and Internet broadcasting to update education ...

The Image Spammer’s New Bag of Tricks

Senders of unsolicited electronic messages, also known as spammers, are deploying a new generation of image spam to outsmart e-mail filters and other technologies designed to thwart them. ...

Barracuda Reporting Engine Trails Web-Surfing Workers

Barracuda Networks has added advanced reporting capabilities to its Barracuda Web Filter appliance, the company announced Wednesday ...


Imperva CEO Shlomo Kramer: Security Is All About Visibility

Imperva specializes in data security and compliance solutions for the data center. Its product lineprovides an automated and transparent approach to protecting and controlling sensitive datathroughout transactional data systems. The Imperva database and Web application appliances aredeployed in leading financial, retail, telecommunications, healthcare and government organizations around the globe. CEO Shlomo Kramer, who founded Imperva more than five years ago, is recognized by someindustry publications as one of the 20 luminaries who changed the network industry...


Trolltech CTO Benoit Schillings Offers a Mobile Linux Solution

Trolltech CTO Benoit Schillings sees the future of mobile phone communication in the cross-platform solution that Linux can provide. His vision was buffeted recently by a prediction by market research firm ABI that Linux will ship in more than 200 million phones in 2012, up from 8.1 million in 2007 ...


Zend CTO Andi Gutmans: Pumping Up PHP

Zend CTO Andi Gutmans likes to tout the benefits of PHP and Web 2.0 development for business. In fact, he calls Zend "the PHP company." PHP, which stands for "Hypertext Preprocessor Platform," is becoming the language of choice for companies embracing service-oriented architectures, creating and mixing Web services into a whole new generation of sophisticated commercial applications...

CIO Survey Shows Mobility Going Mainstream

Competition is pushing all types of businesses toward greater mobility as companies ready plans to adopt mobile applications for core business activities ...

Red Hat, Intel Cook Up New Desktop Recipe

Red Hat announced at the Red Hat Summit this week its new operating system for the enterprise. Red Hat Global Desktop is a client product for the Linux operating system that delivers an enterprise-class suite of productivity applications ...

Latest Intel Chips Land in Lenovo Laptops

Lenovo unveiled on Wednesday three new notebooks built around a new processor and chip set announced the same day by Intel ...

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