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Linux entered the world of technology with little more than a kernel to call its own. That was the intent of a young computer science student from Helsinki named Linus Torvalds in doing this personal fun project. In 1991, he created code that would become the basis for a completely new approach to o...
MakuluLinux Shift is a well-designed Linux distro that blends several mainstream design concepts with performance features not found elsewhere. One of Shift's most unique features, which is greatly expanded in this latest version, is the ability to modify major design elements effortlessly. Hence, i...
Google went live earlier this summer with its new Core Web Vitals algorithm to determine search rankings. With the implementation of Core Web Vitals as a key component of its search algorithm, Google has made a well-considered decision to reward sites that perform the best and that have been specifi...
The Linux Foundation, Amazon, and more than 20 other gaming companies hope to make open-source game playing more of a win-win technology for both developers and players.
Organizations are beginning to develop, design, and manage their own voice assistant systems that are independent of today's general-purpose voice platforms. The desire to manage the entirety of the user experience is driving this transition. The Open Voice Network is dedicated to supporting this tr...
MakuluLinux is an ever-changing family of Linux desktops built on its own base around several heavily modified desktop environments. Core, the latest release, is an evolutionary redesign well worth trying. Most distribution maintainers focus on annual or semi-annual OS updates. MakuluLinux creator J...
Open source software is now the foundation for the vast majority of applications across all industries, however many of those industries are struggling to manage open source risk. Organizations, regardless of industry, must do a better job maintaining open source components given their critical natu...
Microsoft isn't just building for the future. The company is focusing on tools that will allow an ever-broader group of people to program for themselves. At the heart of this plan is Microsoft's pivot to open source; and while there were several benefits of that action highlighted at Microsoft Build...
The software industry fueled jobs and GDP growth in the United States in 2020, according to a report by Software.org: the BSA Foundation. The software industry supported more than 15.8 million jobs in 2020. While the largest concentrations of software jobs remain in traditional tech hubs, such as Wa...
Some 400 million patients worldwide are affected by more than 7,000 rare diseases; yet treatments for rare genetic diseases remain an underserved area. The father of a boy born with a rare disease created the RareCamp project and the OpenTreatments Foundation to enable patients to create gene therap...
Google is now paying developers more money to work on securing their Linux kernels this year. The gesture may well be the start of the company's bid to enforce a tighter grip on open source. Google's action comes on the heels of rising threats to Linux that unfolded in the last year, as hackers pivo...
MakuluLinux is an unusually creative operating system that developer Jacque Montague Raymer is constantly changing with each major upgrade. Some of these changes are radical and innovative. Trust me on this point. I have had my hands on so many Linux varieties that the really good ones are in a leag...
Sourcegraph has launched an automated internal coding tool that allows enterprises to automate and track large-scale code changes across all repositories and code hosts. The new tool, called Batch Changes, also provides developers and enterprises ways to manage the resulting change sets through che...
A cadre of tech giants have created the Rust Foundation. This is neither the first nor largest contribution to an open-source project by private tech vendors. Still, the creation of this new body marks another noteworthy instance in which proprietary software companies took the initiative to found a...