
Open-source database deployments rose dramatically in the last half of 2005, and as one might expect, as more IT pros get acquainted with these non-proprietary systems, security is a chief concern. Open-source database makers like MySQL and PostgreSQL simply must answer some of the most prevalent se...

The Free Standards Group announced this week the opening of a Linux certification lab in China. The lab will certify Linux distributions and applications to the Linux Standard Base and will be maintained by the FSG and the China Electronics Standardization Institute. It is the first certification au...

The Free Software Foundation released what many expected to be a controversial first draft of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 on Monday at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. Now it looks as though the draft may not actually be as controversial as some had speculated.

Mainsoft last week announced it is working with IBM to extend the Linux ecosystem. Specifically, the companies want to help Microsoft customers migrate to the open-source operating system. The program is designed to allow Windows Web and server applications to run on Linux across IBM's line of eServ...

A computer entrepreneur from Utah is launching a campaign to unseat incumbent Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) next year -- in what may be the most heavily Internet-reliant campaign to date, using blogs, chats and the "Wiki" open-source model. Peter Ashdown is the founder of Xmission, Utah's oldest Interne...

Mozilla is calling on independent filmmakers looking for their first big break. The open-source software maker yesterday launched the Firefox Flicks Ad Contest, which calls for submissions of 30-second ads from anyone and everyone. Mozilla has seen over 10 million Web users adopt Firefox 1.5 in less...

IBM today said it has formed a joint agreement with Univa Corporation, a commercial software and professional services provider for open-source Globus software. Under the terms of the agreement, Univa will deliver a commercially supported and enterprise-ready release of open-standard software built ...

MIT researchers are forging ahead with plans to put US$100 laptops into the hands of the world's children. A prototype of the low-cost laptop is due in November, but Negroponte showed off blueprints at the Emerging Technologies conference at MIT yesterday. MIT Media Lab leader Nicholas Negroponte sa...

Nokia is making moves to draw more developers to its platform in an increasingly open-source software landscape. Part of the phone maker's strategy is getting a little cozier with the Eclipse Foundation. Nokia this week joined the Eclipse Foundation as a "strategic developer" and board member. Nokia...

Red Hat and IBM today announced a global initiative to help accelerate the development and adoption of Linux-based solutions in emerging markets, such as China, India, Russia and Korea, as well as in established markets worldwide. The two companies will provide software developers around the world w...

In a move that could have major implications for the software industry, Computer Associates yesterday pledged open access to key innovations covered by 14 of its U.S. patents -- and counterparts of these patents issued in other countries -- for individuals and groups working on open-source software....

While the General Public License (GPL), the open-source license covering the Linux operating system, is not scheduled to be released for public comments until early next year, there is already speculation about how some of its provisions could impact developers. Specifically, the General Public Lice...

Borland Software today announced the release of JBuilder 2006, the latest upgrade to its Java integrated development environment (IDE) designed to speed up industrial Java application development. JBuilder 2006 includes new capabilities aimed at helping software teams more effectively collaborate in...

Mercury Computer Systems and Terra Soft Solutions announced today they have joined forces to deliver an advanced dual-PowerPC 970FX-based High Performance Computing cluster node. The duo announced an alliance to provide the XR9 with its 64-bit Linux OS 'Y-HPC' and cluster management suite Y-Imager, ...


Firms Develop ‘Asian’ Linux

Japanese, Chinese and South Korean firms have jointly developed an Asian version of the Linux operating system, and are preparing to unveil the Chinese and Korean versions in Beijing on Thursday. A Japanese version will follow in October.

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