
Results 1-20 of 72 for gadget.

Google Taking Pre-Orders for Its First Foldable Phone

Google is coming to the foldable market late -- although not as late as Apple, which doesn't have a foldable yet -- but it's taking advantage of its timing by targeting some of the perceived deficiencies of the Galaxy Fold.

New iPad Mini Stars at Apple Refresh Event

The iPad Mini was one of Apple's most important announcements at the new product event, maintained Tim Bajarin, president of Creative Strategies. "It uses the same chip that's in the iPhone 13, so they've given it incredible processing power," he told TechNewsWorld. "It's really a significant new u...

Unsupported IoT Devices Are Cyber-Trouble Waiting To Happen

Imagine finding out that your neighbor's identity was stolen and their life savings cleaned out by criminals who entered through their 'smart' washing machine. Ridiculous, you say? Well, have you checked your home Wi-Fi network lately? You might have several connected household gadgets and other dev...


Once the Big Tech Battler, Open Source Is Now Big Tech’s Battleground

A cadre of tech giants have created the Rust Foundation. This is neither the first nor largest contribution to an open-source project by private tech vendors. Still, the creation of this new body marks another noteworthy instance in which proprietary software companies took the initiative to found a...

Where Will the Penguin March From Here?

Linux began its life as a humble experiment in Unix porting, but from there it quickly became a popular kernel for server OSes due to its low cost and customizability. From there it morphed to power network appliances and Android, proving it was lean enough for a whole gamut of embedded systems. It'...

AdGuard Home: Another Brick in the Ad-Blocking Wall

Canonical's AdGuard Home Ubuntu Appliance is a new addition to the ranks of its appliances. With this offering, users can quickly implement a ready-made solution for blocking bothersome content at the network level on a home network. Doing so involves no more than downloading, installing, and bootin...


Linuxfx 10: A Smart, Easy Way to Transition From Windows

Linuxfx 10 could provide businesses and consumers with a Windows 7-like experience that puts users on a smooth downhill path to Linux adoption. Distributions that tweak styles and desktop environment settings to create a Windows-clone type of familiar experience are now numerous, but they often fail...


Bodhi’s Modular Moksha Desktop Is Modern and Elegant

Bodhi Linux, previously called "Bodhi OS," is a novel desktop computing platform for office or home. It offers a radically different desktop environment with a pleasant user experience well worth trying. Bodhi is a lightweight, Ubuntu-based distribution featuring the Moksha desktop. The new version,...


Linux For All Shines on LXDE Desktop

Linux For All very well could be a unifying Linux distribution that provides a common computing platform. LFA comes in just one flavor, the LXDE environment. However, LXDE is an inviting option that eliminates confusion and complexity in favor of a powerful desktop that is lightweight enough to run ...


Kodachi Builds Privacy Tunnel for Linux

Online and Internet security are not topics that typical computer users easily comprehend. All too often, Linux users put their blind trust in a particular distribution and assume that all Linux OSes are equally secure. However, not all Linux distros are created with the same degree of attention to ...


Feren OS Delivers Richer Cinnamon Flavor

Feren OS is a nice alternative to Linux Mint and an easy stepping stone to transition to Linux from Microsoft Windows or macOS. I am a long-time user of Linux Mint, but I am falling out of love with it. Mint is getting stale. It is annoyingly sluggish at times. I run it on a number of computers and ...

Open Source Software: 20-Plus Years of Innovation

Open source led to a new software development and distribution model that offered an alternative to proprietary software. No single event takes the prize for starting the technology revolution. However, Feb. 3, 1998, is one of the more significant dates. On that day, Christine Peterson, a futurist a...


Enlightenment Has Limits in Bodhi Linux

Bodhi Linux is an alternative to traditional Linux OSes that can change your desktop user experience. It is one of a very few Linux distros using Moksha, a forked version of the Enlightenment desktop. Enlightenment is a Compositing Window Manager and Desktop Shell. It is radically different from oth...

Open Source Software Turns 20-Something

Saturday marks the 20th Anniversary of open source, sort of. Open source led to a new software development and distribution model that offered an alternative to proprietary software. No single event takes the prize for starting the technology revolution. However, Feb. 3, 1998, is one of the more sig...

Zealot Loads Cryptocurrency Miner on Linux, Windows Machines

A new Apache Struts campaign that researchers named "Zealot" has come to light in recent weeks. Zealot loads Windows or Linux-based machines by installing a miner for Monero, which has become one of the hottest cryptocurrencies used in recent malware attacks. Zealot uses NSA-linked EternalBlue and E...


Bodhi Linux With Moksha Is Truly Enlightening

Bodhi Linux 4.3.1's implementation of the Enlightenment desktop, released late last month, continues this distro's tradition of providing an awesome desktop computing platform for office or home. When I last reviewed Bodhi Linux, I was attracted to the relatively new desktop environment. When the ba...

Microsoft Makes VR Drone Fight Simulator Available on GitHub

Microsoft has introduced an open source virtual reality toolkit for the training of autonomous drones. Part of Microsoft's Aerial Informatics and Robotics Platform, the beta software became available last week. It is designed to allow developers to "teach" drones how to navigate the real world by re...


wattOS Energizes Aging Hardware

wattOS is a stunning example of really great things coming in small packages. wattOS is a lightweight and fast desktop Linux distribution based on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS built around the LXDE. It uses the lightweight Openbox window manager as its default user interface. To credit this 8-year-young commu...


Bodhi Linux 3.2 Promises Clearer Path to Enlightenment

Bodhi Linux 3.2.0 is an update to the Bodhi Linux 3.x series and features key kernel and desktop improvements. It is a different kind of Linux distro. Its developers refer to it as the "Enlightened Desktop," because it draws its energy from the Enlightenment desktop. Enlightenment started as a proje...

New Stagefright Exploit Takes a Bow

Stagefright, a multimedia library in Android 2.2 and higher, has been exploited again, according to news reports published last week. Zimperium last year reported a Stagefright exploit that it said exposed 95 percent of Android devices. Google incorporated a patch Zimperium created for the exploit i...

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