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Results 2001-2020 of 3157 for Richard Adhikari

‘BrowserQuest’ Shows HTML5 Could Slay Flash

The Mozilla Foundation on Wednesday released BrowserQuest, a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game written in HTML5, JavaScript and other open source languages. [*Correction - March 29, 2012] ...

Google Guns for Facebook With Third-Party Comment Platform

Google is reportedly planning to launch its own third-party commenting system soon ...

LulzSec Rears Its Smirking Head in Military Dating Site Attack

Nine months after shutting down operations -- and just weeks after several suspected members were arrested -- the LulzSec hacker community has apparently sprung back to life, hacking the website of military dating site MilitarySingles ...

Amazon Adds a Hint of Eucalyptus to AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has teamed up with private cloud infrastructure provider Eucalyptus in a move that could enable the deployment of hybrid clouds ...

Microsoft Wields RICO Act to Storm Zeus-Infested Botnet Hives

Microsoft, together with partners from the financial services industry, has hit the operators of a botnet running the Zeus Trojan ...

Iceland Has the Hots for FOSS

The government of Iceland recently launched a one-year migration project for all its public institutions in what appears to be an acceleration of its movement toward free and open source software (FOSS) and away from proprietary systems, according to the European Commission blog Joinup ...

Facebook on Passwords During Job Interviews: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Reacting to recent reports that some organizations are demanding that job seekers turn over their Facebook passwords, the social network on Friday criticized the practice for undermining members' privacy expectations and security ...

Hacktivists, Not Profiteers, Stole Most Data in 2011

Cyberattacks carried out by hacktivists -- hackers motivated by political reasons -- shot up in 2011, accounting for 58 percent of the data stolen in cyberbreaches, according to Verizon ...

Is Fragmentation Breaking the Android Dev’s Will?

Developers are losing interest in creating apps for Android because of the continued fragmentation of the operating system, according to a survey conducted jointly by Appcelerator and IDC between January and February ...

Birdman Takes to the Sky on a Wing and a Wii

Dutch mechanical engineer Jarno Smeets created a stir on YouTube recently with a video that shows him flying by flapping a set of wings attached to his back -- without any connection between the wings and his arms. ...

Plan Afoot to Tame the Wild World of WiFi

Users of mobile devices on GSM networks may soon be able to roam seamlessly from one WiFi hotspot to another without having to repeatedly log in and authenticate their devices ...

Linux Throws a Bit of Android Into 3.3 Kernel

Linus Torvalds, the father of Linux, announced version 3.3 of the kernel Sunday ...

The Privacy Shell Game, Part 2

The Privacy Shell Game, Part 1 ...

The Privacy Shell Game, Part 1

With much fanfare, the Obama administration recently unveiled a blueprint to improve consumer privacy protections online in the United States ...

Loophole Could Give Android Devs a Private Picture Show

Similar to Apple's iOS, Android is vulnerable to apps secretly copying photos, The New York Times has reported ...

FBI Chief Calls Cyberthreats Public Enemy No. 1

In the near future, cyberthreats will be the leading threat to the United States, FBI Director Robert Mueller warned in a speech on Thursday at the RSA Conference in San Francisco ...

Linux Fans Gorge on Raspberry Pi

Frantic buyers cleaned out the shelves of two UK retailers offering a small US$35 Linux computer from the Raspberry Pi Foundation ...

Microsoft Opens Windows 8 Sneak Preview to the Masses

Microsoft launched its Windows 8 Consumer Preview at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on Wednesday ...

Yahoo Stares Down Facebook Over Website Patents

Yahoo is pressuring Facebook to pay licensing fees on several patents covering a variety of website functions like advertising, website personalization, social networking and messaging ...

Are Security Vendors Living in Glass Houses?

What would happen if you paid taxes or protection money but didn't get protected because your protectors themselves were getting clobbered? Worse still, what if they didn't tell you they had been compromised and that you might not be safe? ...

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