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Results 2041-2060 of 3157 for Richard Adhikari

Storage Tech Sizzles With Hot, Hot Hard Drives

An international team of researchers led by the University of York in England has demonstrated fast data recording on hard drives using heat ...

DDoS the Weapon of Choice for Hackers Driven by Politics, Not Profits

Politics, rather than good old-fashioned theft, is increasingly the motivation of malicious hackers who attack websites using DDoS techniques ...

Anon Lets Fly With Symantec Code After Ransom Talks Collapse

A hacker who was negotiating a ransom for stolen source code to a Symantec product released the data via peer-to-peer networks on Tuesday after negotiations fell through ...

Google Gets in Your Eyes

Google's apparently taking a cue from movies like "Iron Man" and "The Terminator in designing one of its upcoming products: Eyewear that displays data and information to the wearer ...

iOS More Crashtastic Than Android

The rivalry between Google and Apple in the cut-throat mobile device world took a new turn recently when mobile-app support platform company Crittercism published a study that found iOS apps crash more often than their Android counterparts ...

Facebook May Be Chasing Mobile Ad Pot of Gold

Facebook is working on a system to put ads in its mobile services, the Financial Times has reported ...

Leaked Info Offers Glimpse of WinPho’s Muscular Future

Microsoft is overhauling Windows Phone 8, which is still in development, to make it more competitive with market leaders iOS and Android, according to leaked information reported in PocketNow ...

Anons’ FBI Phone Snooping Casts Long Shadow on Cybersecurity

The hacker community Anonymous on Friday landed another blow in its war with the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) ...

Vizio’s Widescreen 3D TV: Plenty of Features, Little to Watch

Vizio has unveiled a 58-inch 3D widescreen HDTV with a 21:9 aspect ratio -- far more than the standard 16:9 ratio HDTVs use. Users can set the TV to upscale 16:9 content to fill the screen ...

Spark Tablet Coming for the FOSS Crowd

The recently announced Spark tablet might prove to be the first Linux-running open source tablet fully capable of being modded by users ...

Super Bowl Advertisers Pile On With Multimedia Blitz

Superbowl Sunday, the biggest, flashiest U.S. sports event of the year, is also the country's biggest advertising event of the year, carrying some of the cleverest ads on TV ...

‘Mind-Reading’ Tech May Give Speechless a New Voice

Someday, people whose ability to speak has been damaged by illness or injury may be able to vocalize anyway with the help of technology. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have made strides toward translating the words a person thinks into real speech ...

RIM on Cartoon Kerfuffle: Just Playing

Already battered, flailing and in the throes of a corporate shakeup, RIM is now being savaged by critics over an infographic it created to depict the result of a Twitter campaign it launched over New Year's Eve ...

Samsung Patent Blitz Attracts Scrutiny of EU Trust Busters

The European Union has begun looking into whether Samsung Electronics has engaged in antitrust behavior ...

New Android Scare: Just How Malignant Is That Malware?

Antivirus vendor Symantec announced recently that up to 5 million Android devices may have been infected with a particular type of malware ...

New Email Spec Aims to Tangle Phishing Lines

Fifteen leading email service providers and tech companies have announced a joint effort to fight phishers ...

Twitter Builds a Better Gagger

Twitter announced on Thursday that it can now withhold content from users country by country on demand, while still making that content available to the rest of the world ...


Scientists Close In on Invisibility Cloak

That invisibility cloak Harry Potter throws around himself to hide in plain sight soon may be fact, rather than fiction. Researchers at the University of Texas in Austin have demonstrated one -- sort of ...

Symantec Tells Customers to Pull the Plug on pcAnywhere Following Code Theft

Symantec is sounding the alarm for users of its pcAnywhere remote access software following threats from a hacker. In some cases, said the security software maker, they might want to turn off and disable the application entirely ...

Is the Tablet Market Turning Into a Two-Horse Race?

With sales of the iPad 2 and the Amazon Kindle Fire breaking records over the holiday season, it might appear that the tablet market is becoming dominated by two devices, with the iPad at the high end and the Kindle Fire at the low end ...

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