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Results 2161-2180 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

Google Polishes Up Some Shiny New Chrome Hardware

"They don't seem any different from regular netbooks to me except that they may not have hard drives and may not let users work offline until later this year," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld On the other hand, a dedicated device such as...


CEOs Gone Wild: You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

This last few weeks has been kind of amazing as I've watched companies like Oracle and Cisco, which are well regarded for brilliant moves, seem to suddenly act as if they were naked and wanted to run with scissors. ...

Facebook, Google May Duel for Fair Skype’s Hand

"I never got why eBay wanted Skype, but Facebook is in the communications business and Google has Facebook lust," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times It all comes down to deeper connectivity. Facebook and Google are both looking for w...

Latest WinPho7 Patch Exiles Update Outlaws

"Microsoft has to maintain control over the product," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, pointed out "The lesson we've learned from Apple is, if you want to assure the quality of your product, you have to maintain control over it," Enderle told TechNewsWorld....

RIM Starts a Fling With Bing

"Microsoft recognizes it needs enough market share so advertisers treat it with some level of parity with Google, otherwise it can't compete," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times Although RIM is losing ground in the global smartphone ...


Will the Tablet Follow the PC Path or the iPod Way?

There is this debate going on in the analyst community with most arguing that the tablet market is like the PC market was, and Apple will once again be overwhelmed -- in this case largely by Google and Android. But a few of us, mostly me, are arguing that it is behaving much more like the iPod market, and Apple will emerge preeminent unless something big changes. Let's see who is right. ...

Hacker Chatter Suggests Thieves Have Millions of PSN Customers’ Credit Cards

"Sony did not disclose quickly enough, so that's going to be a problem for them," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "They've taken a pretty hard image hit. For a company that is very conscious about image, it's hard to see how they recover."

Life in a Linux-less World

"Linux probably did more damage to Microsoft's competitors financially than Microsoft itself ever did, and it clearly cut into Microsoft's profits as well," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told LinuxInsider An Alternate Mobile Reality...

Location, Location, Location: Congress Steamed Over Mobile Device Tracking

"This is the ramp-up to a presidential election year," noted Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group. "Things change when people are looking to get elected or re-elected, and it does appear as though privacy is trending to be a topical issue." By contrast, the lawsuit will face an u...

Nook Color Becomes Dwarf Star in Tablet Universe

"The Nook Color is really a tablet," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "The difference is an e-reader uses e-paper -- like the Kindle -- and a tablet has a TFT screen. The tradeoff is that e-paper is vastly better for reading, while the TFT is vastly better for video. The Nook is a tablet -- they've just positioned it as a reader."


I Need a Hero

I've been watching some of the drama surrounding Donald Trump, the concerns surrounding the air traffic controllers, the close call with the first lady, tourists being shot in Florida, U.S. citizens being shot off their jet skis, the inability to control spending -- and the "Shrek" version of "I need a Hero" started playing in my head. We have children committing suicide at an increasing rate and even folks jumping off the Golden Gate bridge again here on the West coast, and I really think a lot of this can be connected back to a government that has simply forgotten about the fact that the country is made of individuals who worked together to fix problems -- not politicians who complained about them. ...

Amazon Kindles Enthusiasm of Library Crowd

"This was one of the primary reasons heavy readers that didn't yet have a Kindle had for not buying one," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "Amazon wants to be THE company when it comes to e-book readers, and that means it can't just be for purchased content, but borrowed content as well. Eventually, they will have to deal with people that want to pass books around as well, though that is going to be a difficult balancing act."


Goodbye, Hello and WTF?

Last week was a busy week that seemed to be filled with crazy people -- some in a good way, most not so much. The most annoying story was that Cisco, which currently has market share leadership in digital cameras with the Flip, is shutting down this half-billion-dollar acquisition after screwing it up. ...

Groupon’s Buzz Machine May Fuel IPO Success

"There have been concerns about Groupon's business model since the idea of an IPO came about," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "It seems like it would be easy to copy, but you have to have a competency in social networking, and that competency has been daunting for companies like Google. That has been the major challenge for companies trying to copy Groupon."

Groklaw Calling It Quits After a Job Well Done

"Groklaw was created to fight SCO, and most of their funding came because of that," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "Once SCO lost, the funding dried up," he told TechNewsWorld. "Their reason for being has gone."

Level 3 Goes Out on a Limb With $3B Global Crossing Deal

"This is an impressive acquisition which gives Level 3 a powerful market position," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "Yet large mergers tend to be relatively difficult to pull off, and the acquired company tends to have difficult...


So, Is Apple Cheating?

Last week, another iPad competitor bit the dust, and so far no vendor has even come close to bothering Apple in the tablet space. In the smartphone space, the only thing that seems to hurt Apple is the carrier and the anticipation of its next phone, which is due shortly but rumored to be delayed. ...

Facebook Opens Door to New Data Center, Invites the World In

"Given Facebook's needs are likely similar to what most companies will want when it comes to client-focused cloud computing, the result is likely better solutions sooner," noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "Facebook becomes an excellent lab where you ca...

AMD Ships 32nm Llano APUs at Long Last

"Chasing Intel wasn't working for them, and where they led Intel, in graphics, created the opportunity to change the battleground to one that better favors AMD," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, pointed out "Thus the need to create an APU where they could h...

Tough Execution Ahead for TI, National Merger

"TI looks to be trying to corner the analog chip market and, if successful, this could make the price seem reasonable," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "However, mergers between two struggling companies often don't turn out well -- particularly if they are both of similar sizes. Big mergers are tough, and there are very few people who know how to do them well."

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