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Results 2181-2200 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

Executing on Ideas and Other Magic Acts

Two books came out last week: Idea Man, about (and by) Paul Allen; and The Steve Jobs Way, about (but not by) Steve Jobs. These books reveal differences in the approaches the two men took to achieving their goals, showcasing why Apple is so successful and why other companies just can't make the grade. ...

Look Before You Leap: A Consumer’s Guide to the Cloud

"A company that is sold has no interest in maintaining customers, which points to a substantial risk getting such services from companies that don't have a strong financial record," remarked Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group Go with big players such as Amazon...


FUD-Bombing Intel and HP: What’s Next From the Crazy Guys at Oracle?

Last week, Oracle FUD-bombed the Itanium processor. Like Oracle's own SPARC chip and PowerPC at one time, Itanium was supposed to be the future for most everything -- but all of these chips ended up on the largest and most fault-tolerant systems each company supports. ...

Will the Real iPad Challenger Please Stand Up?

Initially, the Motorola Xoom was seen as posing a real threat to the iPad. Several analysts, including Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, stated that its features went beyond those available in the original iPad The Xoom has two cameras, a dual-core processor...

Judge Burns Google Books Settlement

Governments have to keep Google in check when its practices begin to ignore copyright and antitrust laws. "Google is having increasing trouble working with governments, this seems to reflect growing momentum to block their key efforts," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "Court process moves slowly and this apparently wasn't a high priority with the court."

Froyo, Gingerbread Get Full Frontal Flash

"Honeycomb is very recent, and it is unlikely that Adobe has been able to test it across hardware platforms, so there will be some breakage," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, suggested "This tells folks to use the product at their own risk so that breakage ...

Waiting for HP’s Other Shoe to Drop

Right now, HP's software acquisitions are tied to the concept of HP as the cloud platform and are focused on management, reporting and ecosystem, Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group told the E-Commerce Times. "So far, it is avoiding business applications and appear to prefer to partner to get there." ...

Lawyers Smack Sony’s Hand as It Reaches for Hotz’s Hard Drive

"The situation is that of a developer trying to restore a feature that Sony in Japan at one time provided -- Linux -- and discontinued when it found that wasn't used too often," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld Hotz originally shot to fam...


Killing PowerPoint and Changing the World

Last week, I was at the HP analyst event where DreamWorks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg got up on stage and gave an example of what every speaker should do -- tell a story. Behind him slides went by, and we even saw a preview of one of the coming movies. Looking back, it was one of the two best presentations of the event. The other, by Chandrakant Patel -- on powering a data center using cow dung -- was actually just as fascinating for much the same reason. ...

Critics Poke Holes in Android vs. iPhone Browser Test

Perhaps the difference in speed may not be all that important, suggested Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "On this last cycle, other things have started to take precedence over speed -- safety and the ability to take advantage of the new multi-core processor...

Does Mozilla Have a Speed Problem?

Without a series of new releases, Firefox could fall to the wayside, much like the Opera browser. In fact, Opera has almost dropped off the map except for mobile products. And Opera's developers do not cycle new releases so fast, noted Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group. "The m...

IBM Aims to Help Enterprises Smarten Up About Social Commerce

"Social networks are best at customer retention and customer acquisition through advocacy," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "These tools appear to provide metrics and best practices to lower the cost of advocacy-based customer acquisition, and monitoring customer satisfaction and loyalty to optimize customer retention."

Power-Sipping Nanotech Could Give Rise to Methuselah Batteries

"It's likely that racetrack memory will compete to some extent with PCM," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "The two appear to have similar uses." Getting to the Money...


Could Nvidia’s CEO Be the Next Steve Jobs?

I'm writing this before the iPad release last week, so you now know what I don't -- whether it met expectations. I imagine Apple sold out, but things aren't looking so rosy at the moment, and I wonder if it will sustain the kind of growth the iPad 1 did ...

Sprint, T-Mobile Merger Rumors – No Pain, No Gain?

From that perspective alone the deal makes sense, Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group told the E-Commerce Times. "T-Mobile and Sprint have been struggling for relevance in a U.S. market defined by Verizon and AT&T." A Tech Issue...


Apple, Personal Computing and Owning the Future

The biggest event last week was Apple's launch of the iPad with Steve Jobs presenting it. While many seem to see the new iPad as an iterative release and not as exciting as the first one, I think it will quickly eclipse its predecessor. It is vastly more capable and moves even closer to being a full PC. ...

Bing Capitalizes on the Online Coupon Craze

"This is a deal aggregator which pits the deal sites against each other," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "It will put a lot of pressure on their margins and make it even more critical that they find ways to differentiate other than just price." ...

Google Tapes Up Gmail Sprain

However, Google's explanation doesn't wash with Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "A backup process should never delete what it's backing up," Enderle told TechNewsWorld. "That's a going-out-of-business problem."


Making Steve Jobs Immortal

Last week, I tried to come up with some epic things I would like to think I'd do were I given six weeks to live -- a rumor that's been floating around about Steve Jobs -- and was as insanely wealthy as he is. The purpose was to focus on something other than the end we will all eventually share. ...

Did Xoom Whiff It on WiFi?

"About a third of iPad buyers got the 3G model, but only about one third of them turned 3G on," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "They bought the 3G capability as insurance since you can't add it later." Only about 10 percent of iPad buy...

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