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Results 2201-2220 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

Enterprise Sales Not Enough to Keep HP Humming

"HP is doing impressively well in servers, networking and especially printers, given that is a declining market," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "However, they are being defined by their consumer client business and they need to make the webOS effort a success. Their initial start isn't promising."


If I Were Steve Jobs and Had Six Weeks to Live

One of the sad rumors to break last week was that Steve Jobs may have six weeks to live. I've had several people close to me die of cancer. One stepmother was given a few months, but she actually lived more than a year and did a number of amazing things. Another stepmother died two days after the initial diagnosis, and my uncle died ugly in three months. ...

Google Cozies Up to Publishers With Friendlier Subscription Plan

"It positions very solidly against Apple's policy of wanting 30 percent of anything sold on their products and is vastly more consumer- and store-friendly," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "However, if Apple demonstrates they can sell more product than Google, they can offset somewhat the power of this."

MeeGo After Nokia: ‘I Will Survive’ or ‘Where Did Our Love Go’?

"While MeeGo does get some cofunding from Intel, right now it's very difficult for anyone to rise above the noise from Apple," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told LinuxInsider. "The Android stuff is drowning itself out because of the large number of me-too vendors."

Honeycomb Hysteria: Pad Madness Strikes MWC

"Samsung stuck carriers with the first Galaxy Tab and has so far refused to help them reduce price to move the excess inventory, so they aren't likely to get a great deal of excitement about their new product," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld...


Why Innovation Really Doesn’t Matter

I'm writing this at the IE9 launch, which happened last Thursday, and this morning I had an epiphany. Don't worry -- I'm pretty sure my meds will kick in momentarily, but until they do, it strikes me that with all the focus on innovation and Apple, Apple doesn't really innovate that much. What it does is focus and out-execute every company it competes with in most every product. One exception is Safari; Microsoft, the Mozilla Foundation and Google regularly kick Apple's butt.

Activision Euthanizes ‘Guitar Hero’

"'Guitar Hero' getting killed -- you'd think that was one of their big titles," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "I was surprised by it. But people have moved more to the Web for their entertainment. I guess 'Guitar Hero' ran its course, and Activision has moved on to bigger and better things."

Anonymous Swarms on Security Firm That Poked the Hive

Giving an interview to the Financial Times was probably a mistake, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld "One thing you quickly learn as a security company is that you don't go out and bait people," Enderle said. "You don't go out and seek new...


Is Apple Drifting to the Wrong Path?

History is filled with stories of companies that dominated their segment and then either fell from that high spot or fell off the map. RCA is probably the best example of a firm that went from dominance to obsolescence because, in its case, it played chicken with the U.S. government and lost. ...

Seasoned Devs May See a Sweet Deal in Honeycomb

The Tegra 2 processor gives Honeycomb a distinct advantage in gaming, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told LinuxInsider "Increasingly, Android's using Nvidia's Tegra 2 hardware, which lets it outperform much of what's out there," Enderle explained....

Google Debuts a Honey of an OS

While these Honeycomb notifications are "stronger and more impressive" than those offered by Apple's iOS for now, the two companies "will begin to leapfrog each other going forward," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, pointed out Google did not respond to req...

Google’s Bing Sting Could Backfire

On the other hand, Rob Enderle was taken aback by Google's nerve in even raising the issue, considering it uses similar practices -- and has committed far worse transgressions with the use of search data over the years. "Google regularly scans this same material to improve th...

Okta Offers Cloud-Crazy Enterprises a Master Key

"Historically, single sign-on has been one of the most long-lasting problems in IT, going back to the beginning of the mainframe and now extending into the cloud," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, pointed out The Okta Solution...


The State of the Technology Union

As State of the Union addresses go, Obama's last week really wasn't bad -- with two exceptions. ...

Report: Hulu to Recast Itself as Online Cable Provider

If Hulu wants to stay afloat it may need to attract more paying customers. "The market wants free content," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "It's used to free content. But they're willing to pay under the right circumstances. Cable was built on people paying for content."

Sony’s Latest Pocket PlayStation Packs Dual Cams, Quad-Core Chip

"This is the competitor to the iPod touch, and the iPhone competitor will be coming out shortly from Sony Ericsson," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld Sony Ericsson is expected to introduce a smartphone doubling as a gaming console at the ...


Steve Jobs’ Most Valuable Lesson for Apple

I've covered or worked in companies that have been led by iconic CEOs for most of my life, including Disney, IBM, Microsoft and Apple. While it is too early this cycle to be sure of what will happen to Apple, each of the other firms went through a painful transition after the departure of its iconic CEO. ...

HP to Dig Deeper Into Claims of Hurd Hankie-Pankie

"I think HP has opened its own investigation because Mark Hurd shut down their investigation when he settled with Jodie Fisher," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "HP was in the middle of trying to figure out what did or did not happen when Mark Hurd settled and she moved out of the state. That left the board not knowing what happened."

Scientists Crack Genetic Code for Rare Cancer That Beset Steve Jobs

"This is big news," said Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle, who, though he studies Apple, has never entirely understood Jobs' diagnosis. "I suspect that not only could this discovery impact the market for Apple's stock, but that it could also have a very positive impact on genetic and pancreatic tumor research generally." ...

Sneak Preview Reveals Tip of WebOS Tablet Iceberg

The Tap-to-Share option is quite feasible, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld Palm originally had a similar concept called "beaming" that used infrared rays to transfer data between Palm Pilots, Enderle pointed out. "The concept behind beam...

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