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Results 2241-2260 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

Microsoft Opens HTML5 Proving Ground

"Microsoft is focusing much more on finishing products before they send them out these days, largely to both address past bad practices and to more sharply differentiate themselves against Google, which aggressively uses first releases as beta tests," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld...

Zuckerberg Goes Searching in China

"Baidu could be looking to invest in Facebook. If you look at the cash reserves they're building up in China, they have to figure out what to do with the money," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "There is pressure to invest in the United States to give back some of the cash they're getting, and to create U.S. jobs."

UK Plan to Filter Porn Could Be a Hot Mess, Say ISPs

"Kids don't tell the truth about their age and can likely get around most age-based restrictions," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, stated. "These kinds of provisions generally are more tied to making a government look like it's doing something than actually accomplishing anything," he told TechNewsWorld...


2010’s Breakthrough of the Year Brings Us a Hair Closer to Teleportation

Widespread, practical application of this kind of research is still a long way off, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "It's to prove quantum theories and build up a base of knowledge so that more complex and more practical applications can be derived."


Winners, Losers, Heroes and Villains of 2010

Another year is about over, and many of us are now given time to spend with our friends and families thinking back on the year that was and ahead to the year that will be. ...

Twitter Hauls in Funding, Contemplates Revenue

"The question everybody asks is how do they make money? Monetizing it has been daunting. They're selling tweets and influence," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group told the E-Commerce Times. "If you go to the site's trending area, those tweets are promoted tweets. Twitter sells those, and the paid tweets come up higher."

Why Richard Stallman Takes No Shine to Chrome

The rules surrounding data ownership in the cloud are not clear, and government protection is almost non-existent, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told LinuxInsider "Information could be shared without the owner's permission and lost," Enderle pointed out....

Microsoft’s Tablet Strategy: Every Which Way but Baked

"The Android tablets, when compared to the iPad, are selling well," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "These companies are hoping to make up the gap between them and the iPad by having a blend of products that may be a good hedge until t...

Google, Apple Scrap Over Nortel’s Wireless Patents

"Of the two companies, Google needs the patents more because they don't have a portfolio. Apple isn't known for being aggressive in a bidding war," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "However, given the ongoing litigation between the firms, both companies are not going to want the other to get these patents, and Apple is the aggressor."

OpenLeaks: A Kinder, Gentler WikiLeaks?

"That depends on how many news organizations the leaks go out to," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "No one government controls all the media, so for example, if you hit Pravda and the New York Times with the information, the two are enough at odds that one of them will publish it."


War and Revolution

As we end 2010, 2011 is looking to be a relatively violent year when it comes to technology and technology companies. As I write this, there are folkscalling the attacks by Wikileaks supporters a cyberwar, but I think it is more of a cyber-revolt, and the difference is important. ...

Oracle Tightens Its Grip, Apache Slips Through Its Fingers

"'Oracle and open source' should be an oxymoron," quipped Rob Enderle, principal of the Enderle Group. "If there was ever a company more financially oriented than Oracle, I haven't heard of it," he told LinuxInsider. "A lot of the concept that underlies the open source produc...

IE9 to Let Privacy-Minded Web Users Leave No Tracks

"It's in the nature of the feature that you can effectively turn tracking off. So it does seem to accomplish a lot of what the government was trying to do through legislation," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "It may force Chrome and Firefox to add anti-tracking as well."

Facebook’s New Profile Design Gives Ads Wider Berth

The changes are "a nice piece of work," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. They make users' identity more visible by putting critical information about them up front More importantly, Facebook made the changes to fight off a possibl...


Google and Sony vs. Microsoft, and a Touch of Wikileaks Insanity

Google and Sony vs. Microsoft, and a Touch of Wikileaks Insanity Last week was rather interesting. Both Google and Sony were talking trash numbers in competitive comments against Microsoft. Google was arguing that up to 60 percent of enterprises were ready to go to Chrome OS, and Sony was creating the impression that it had sold 4.1 million PS3 Move products. ...

Level 3 Cries Foul Over Comcast Streaming Fee

"Comcast wants to charge for the amount of data sent -- not just the speed in which it is sent, which is already tiered," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "The reason is that capacity has costs related to it, and they feel that t...

Microsoft Files for Patent on Touchy-Feely Screens

"Ideally, this would be for devices with screens which come closer to laptops and smartphones than they do to desktops," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "However, initially monitors for existing PCs and other devices are more likely to...


2011: The Year of the Tablet Wars

This has been an interesting month when it comes to tablets. Apple has pretty much owned the segment, but Samsung reports it sold (or shipped) 600,000 of its Galaxy Tablets in the first month, which may mean it's a player. HP almost had a surprise winner in its Windows 7 Tablet, but it can't seem to buy a break and under-forecast demand, which probably didn't please its new CEO very much. ...

Is That a Computer You’re Wearing on Your Head?

"Historically, users haven't liked the end product," Enderle Group principal technology analyst Rob Enderle told TechNewsWorld. Code-named the "Golden-i platform," the Kopin/Motorola offering hopes to change history with Bluetooth and WiFi enabled gesture- and voice-recogniti...

Acer Puts Its Tablet Cards on the Table

"Because the iPad is selling so well, Acer doesn't want to be left out of this segment," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "Recall that they were late to smartphones as well but got excited about that segment after the iPhone was successful."

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