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Results 2261-2280 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

HP Untarnished by Silicon Valley Sideshows

"In its performance, the drama doesn't matter. HP has a corporate office that oversees independent-like firms, and they remain untouched by Ellison," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "Much of what we're seeing is historic financi...


Black Friday Strategies: Shopping Smart

This Friday is Black Friday. Well, we could probably call November Black Friday month, since many of the retailers started their discounting efforts last week. There will be an incredible number of deals to be had, based on some of the leaked information from megavendors like Best Buy. ...

OnLive’s Tiny Cloud Console Could Revolutionize Gaming

"It's a pretty phenomenal product -- one of the 10 most powerful technologies released this year," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "This is revolutionary. For a hundred bucks, you get a product that will never become obsolete. You get ...

EMC Blazes Trail Into Big-Data Market With Isilon Buy

"This is a market of very big data. That's a fairly unique market that is defined by speed as well as capacity," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "The data has to be very well protected and it has a unique storage requirement for quick access. Isilon will fit with EMC, since EMC is a major storage company."


Oracle Hunts Apotheker, Google Hunts Loyalty

Last week was an interesting week, with increasing coverage of the Oracle vs. SAP trial and word out that Larry Ellison had put a bounty out on HP's new CEO Leo Apotheker so his attorneys could chew him out on the stand for taking Larry's buddy's job. ...

Galaxy vs. iPad: Clash of the Tablet Titans

"So far, I do think this is the best iPad alternative to be brought to the market," Rob Enderle, principal principal at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "The smaller screen does make it a little harder to type with, but it's still so much better than a smartphone screen that I doubt most users would care."

Cisco Gives the Bears a Rude Awakening

"Yes, and it may mean they are now incurring some of the economic costs related to their going into the server business, which resulted in stronger competitive positioning against them by companies like HP, Oracle, IBM, and Dell who were mostly neutral or even partners before," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group told the E-Commerce Times...


Obama, Palin, Best Buy and Lessons in Leadership

You may recall that even though this is a technology column, I did predict that Nancy Pelosi would be a problem for Obama, and that both Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina would lose. A few of us have been discussing this, and what was missing in all three cases is leadership. ...

Google Puts Buzz Privacy Flap to Rest

"They were wise to settle," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group told the E-Commerce Times. "A protracted trial would not have been good for Google. A company that uses people's private information does not look like success." Google is also facing privacy conce...

ATG Swept Up in Oracle Spending Spree

"They are clearly moving broadly in the software space," Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group, told CRM Buyer. "ATG gives them a nice adjunct to CRM and e-commerce. It brings in retail and puts them up on the Web." Oracle acquisition tally comes to nearly ...

Oracle Seeks Its Ton of SAP Flesh in Court

"SAP's trying to contain the costs of the lawsuit by focusing on the judgment amount," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, said. "That is where it can make its strongest argument, rather than on the intellectual property issue, which it can't defend successfully against."

Microsoft’s Head Is in the Clouds

"This emphasis on the cloud is likely Ray Ozzie's signature contribution to Microsoft, and it looks like he actually did an impressive job of getting a lot of folks who don't normally work together to cooperate," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld...


Oracle’s Masterful Political Obfuscation Strategy Against HP

This may be election week, but the big political battle isn't really the mid-term elections -- it's the drama going on between Oracle and HP with the unprecedented action of Oracle's CEO and founder calling HP's new CEO a thief in what appears to be a massive pre-emptive effort to discredit the man. However, like the elections, I think this is mostly smoke to cover up other problems Oracle has, and that's what I'll focus on this political week.

Microsoft Gets Its Shine Back in Q1

"Microsoft's biggest strength is Windows. They're doing a yeoman's job," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "Office 2010 has done very well. In a slow IT year, they've performed surprisingly well." More to Come...

Chinese Supercomputer Blazes Path to Glory

"Supercomputing is where most of the cutting-edge work is done -- aeronautical research, automotive research, there's hardly a single industry where work isn't conducted with supercomputers," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "Supercomputer performance defines the leading technology in the world."

Ellison’s Apotheker Accusation Pulls HP into Oracle-SAP Tarball

Perhaps Ellison's trying to convince people that he was right in hiring former HP CEO Mark Hurd, who left HP under a cloud, speculated Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group Larry and Leo...

Wi-Fi Direct Lets Wireless Devices Talk Face to Face

"This could be very frightening for businesses," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "With every wireless PC now capable of being a wireless access point, the potential for a network breach goes up significantly." There are programs to ensu...

Is Barnes & Noble Sending Nook Over the Rainbow?

The next Nook "could be another version of the Pan-Digital Novel," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "If Barnes & Nobel go that route, they'd find it easier to bring a new product to market, and it's fairly cheap," he added It's not as if...


Obama’s Visit With Steve Jobs: Here’s What I Hope He Learned

Unfortunately, I think I'm part of a group that is becoming extinct. Regardless of which party holds office in the U.S., my true hope is for its success, because I have this twisted view that if we have successful president, we'll have a better quality of life. Unfortunately, both of the U.S. parties seem to be competing as to which can screw up the country more effectively and, at the moment, the Democrats are winning, largely because they control government. ...

Google to Big 3 TV Nets: Tear Down Your Walls

The network resistance to Google may be a result of how Google typically obtains content, suggested Rob Enderle, principal of the Enderle Group. "The problem is that Google has been cavalier with how they deal with other people's intellectual property," he told the E-Commerce...

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