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Results 2301-2320 of 3157 for Richard Adhikari

Google+ and the Slow Boat to Scale

Shortly after launching the beta of its Google+ social network last week, Google slammed the shutters down. Like many new Google offerings, Google+ is, for the time being, accessible only by invitation. But after distributing invites rather liberally for a day or so, Google pulled back, citing "insane demand." ...


Why the Best Software Doesn’t Need Support: Q&A With SugarCRM’s Clint Oram

This story was originally published on April 19, 2011, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series. ...

Gmail Goes Under the Knife, Other G Products Next in Line

Google is making over the interface on its Gmail email service as part of a larger overhaul of the look and feel of all its offerings. The renovation project will be ongoing over the next several months, according to Chris Wiggins, creative director of digital at Google ...

New Botnet: The Horror of the Many-Headed Hydra

A new malware package is running wild on the Internet, according to Kaspersky Labs, and its creators are attempting to create an indestructible herd of zombified machines ...

HP Slings webOS Into Tablet Territory With TouchPad Release

HP will release the TouchPad in select markets Friday, putting the webOS mobile operating system the company acquired when it purchased Palm into an HP-branded tablet ...

Microsoft Wants to Patent High-Tech Snoop Software

Microsoft has applied for a patent on technology that may let its user secretly intercept Voice over IP (VoIP) communications, amend the content and store it ...

US National IT Security in a Post-Lulz World

Between the repeated attacks on the United States government's IT infrastructure by foreign hackers and incursions by LulzSec, a hacker community whose members wandered in and out of government cybersystems before publicly disbanding this week, it's not difficult to conclude that the U.S.'s federal IT infrastructure is the cybersecurity equivalent of Swiss cheese...

Microsoft Battles for Sky Supremacy With Office 365 Launch

Microsoft on Tuesday launched its newest cloud service, Office 365, in 40 markets. The service consists of online versions of Microsoft Office, SharePoint, Microsoft Exchange, and Microsoft Lync ...

Defense Contractor Heeds Microsoft’s Patent War Cry

Microsoft scored a victory Monday when defense contractor General Dynamics' Itronix division agreed to pay it licensing fees for using the Android operating system ...

LulzSec Heads for the Hills, Anon Hacks On

The hacker group LulzSec has apparently decided to shut down operations and sail off into the sunset ...

New-Fangled Computer Chips Could Mimic Brain Synapses

A recently published University of Exeter paper brings the possibility of achieving brain-like computing one step closer ...

LulzSec’s Latest Lark Targets Ariz. Cops

Hacker community LulzSec has revealed it's broken into the Arizona law enforcement agency's servers and released hundreds of sensitive documents on the Internet ...

Mozilla and Firefox 5: Upgrade or Die!

Mozilla released Firefox 5 earlier this week, just three months after rolling out Firefox 4 and a month after it released version 5 in beta ...

CEO Pours Out the Juice on Nokia’s First WinPho 7 Handset

Nokia CEO Stephen Elop Thursday showed off the company's first Windows Phone 7 device in what he described as a "secret" briefing to a room full of journalists ...

Sony Ericsson Unveils 1 Phone for Adventurers, 1 for Couch Potatoes

Sony Ericsson announced two new Android smartphones Wednesday: the Xperia Ray and the Xperia Active ...

Lytro’s New Camera: Shoot First, Focus Later

Startup company Lytro has announced what it calls the first light field camera for everyone ...

Nokia N9: A Phone for Geeks Who Wonder What Might Have Been

Nokia has unveiled the first smartphone to run the MeeGo operating system: the Nokia N9 ...

Two-Headed Hacker Monster Declares Open Season on Governments

Two ad hoc hacker communities often in the headlines of late -- LulzSec and Anonymous -- announced on Monday they intend to team up to attack government websites worldwide ...

Sega Network Joins the Hacked and Humbled

The hacker community appears to be divided over a break-in suffered last week by Sega's database ...

Will Facebook Finally Play the Tablet Game?

Fact #1: Facebook's iPhone app is one of that platform's all-time most popular applications. Fact #2: Apple's iPad has been on the market for well over year ...

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