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Results 2321-2340 of 3157 for Richard Adhikari

DARPA Builds Cyberwarfare Proving Ground

News of two cybersecurity efforts undertaken by the United States government surfaced Friday ...

Google’s Next Nexus: Straight Android, No Chaser

Google's soon-to-be-released Nexus 4G smartphone is going to have a dual-core processor, a very large screen, and high-definition video capture capabilities, according to a post on Boy Genius Report ...

Drums of War Pound as Facebook Musters Spartan App Army

Facebook is working on an HTML 5-based platform code-named "Project Spartan" that will seek to distribute apps to iDevices, TechCrunch has reported ...

The Cruel Tutelage of LulzSec

LulzSec, the shadowy group of hackers that has hammered Sony, blown raspberries at the FBI and tweaked the nose of the United States Senate, set up a hotline Tuesday over which people can request hacks ...

Chromebook: Big Brother to Netbook, Distant 3rd Cousin to Tablet

Samsung's Series 5 Chromebook hit the shelves Wednesday, selling for US$500 for a 3G version and $430 for a WiFi-only model ...

Privacy Orgs Take Facebook Facial Face-off to FTC

Four consumer protection organizations, led by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), have filed a complaint with the United States Federal Trade Commission over Facebook's use of facial recognition technology ...

Android Market’s Malware Flood Level Rises With Plankton Surge

Yet another Android malware package has been publicized just two weeks after the last one, dubbed "DroidDream Light," was disclosed ...

U.S. State Dept. Aims to Bring HotSpots to Political Hot Zones

The United States is developing and deploying covert communications systems intended to be used by dissidents in countries Washington deems have repressive governments, according to the U.S. State Department ...

Anonymous Arrests: How Do You Behead That Which Has No Head?

Spanish police announced Friday they have arrested the leaders of the Anonymous hacker group in that country ...

IBM Cooks Up Super-Thin Graphene Chips

IBM researchers have demonstrated a graphene circuit which integrates all circuit components onto a single wafer made of silicon carbide ...

Has the Time Come for an Android Market Drug Test?

Android apps are becoming more popular as the Android operating system gains ground in the mobile market ...

Gagging on Tagging: Facebook Facial Recognition Creeps Out Privacy Partisans

Facebook has begun rolling out worldwide a tag suggestions feature that uses facial recognition software to automatically suggest tags for the faces appearing in new photos uploaded to its site ...

Consumer Watchdogs Growl Over Verizon’s LTE Tethering Clampdown

Consumer watchdog group Freepress is accusing Verizon of breaching the terms of its agreement to lease airwaves for its 4G LTE network ...

FOSS Hacker’s Reverse-Engineering Has Skype Seething

Skype's code has been hacked and its innards published on the Web by Efim Bushmanov, a self-described freelance researcher in the tiny Komi Republic, about 870 miles from Moscow ...

Who Watches the Watchmen, Part 4: The Mobile Device Maelstrom

Who Watches the Watchmen, Part 3: Flying Headlong Into a Cloud ...

Sony and the Rise of the Hacker Hordes

Sony's security nightmare just won't end. ...

Security Boffins Smell Phish in Hotmail, Yahoo

Gmail is not the only e-mail service whose users have been targeted by spear-phishing hackers. Users at Yahoo Mail and Hotmail are also on the email infiltrators' hit lists, according to security firm Trend Micro ...

Who Watches the Watchmen, Part 3: Flying Headlong Into a Cloud

Who Watches the Watchmen, Part 2: Uncle Sam, Are You Naked? ...

Androids Dream of Electric Malware, Wake Up in Cold Sweat

Google has reportedly pulled several Android mobile applications that were lousy with malware from its official Android Market. ...

Windows 8 Preview Reveals Major UI Metamorphosis

Microsoft began its Windows 8 publicity blitz in earnest Wednesday, previewing an operating system that appears to break from the norm in more ways than one ...

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