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Results 2321-2340 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

Facebook Foe Diaspora Releases Source Code … Now What?

"They can help all of the remaining avid Linux fans find each other and happiness," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told LinuxInsider However, external forces may relegate Diaspora to the role of an interesting project....

FCC Likely to Give WiFi a Shot in the Arm

Technically, that won't be a problem, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "There have actually been networks deployed, so parts exist and the technology isn't expected to represent much of a problem to those making parts for other frequencies," he told Tec...

HP to Pay Sky-High Price for ArcSight

There is also a school of thought that HP might be making theseacquisitions precisely because Hurd isnow out of the picture, suggested Rob Enderle, principal of the Enderle Group "Hurd wasn't that acquisition-friendly -- and of course, he had to signoff on these deals," he to...


Come to Silicon Valley, the Drama Capital of the World!

At one time, HP was such a nice, quiet company. It was a relatively steady firm known for loyal employees, solid ethics, and products you could trust but not necessarily get excited about (unless you loved calculators and were part of the pocket protector set). While I think excitement is grand, I'm thinking there are a lot of folks at HP who are wishing for the old days. National scandals, out of control CEOs, and blossoming wars have defined Silicon Valley's last decade -- and if last week is an indicator, this decade will be even more exciting.

‘Here You Have’ Exposes Internet Security’s Achilles’ Heel

Corporations can have their email servers look for executable files and block them at the server, use services like Postini to quarantine them before they get to the email server, block execution of executable files in many email clients, or remove administrative privileges so that users can't run executable files that install programs, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld...

Google Answers Searches Before You’re Finished Asking

"Google is dominant, so all it needs to do is be good enough," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "This should help it hold users and maybe get some recent defectors back if people like what they see," Enderle opined Google did not respond...

Sparks Already Flying as Oracle Brings Hurd Into Fold

Then there is Hurd's intimate knowledge of HP. That will boostconsiderably Oracle's advantage over the firm, Rob Enderle of theEnderle Group told the E-Commerce Times "Hurd knows where the bodies are buried, knows which accounts are introuble, and which ones they are gunning f...

Android May Paddle Samsung Canoe Into Turbulent Web TV Waters

Possibly not, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld "This will be a slow roll-out both because of the cost of the solution and the fact that lots of folks have bought TV sets recently," Enderle explained. "These factors, and the noise around 3...


3Par: Pyrrhic Victory for HP or Strategic Defeat for Dell?

The entire future of a company or industry can hinge on one little deal. The US$50,000 IBM paid to license Windows was the foundation for Microsoft and the technology industry for the last couple of decades. Apple's licensing contract with Portal Player to create the iPod was nearly as big -- and certainly huge for that company. The sale of 3Par could also be one of those pivotal deals, as huge firms like HP, IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, Dell, VMware, Cisco and EMC position themselves around the new "cloud" opportunity. ...

Tablet Skirmish Heats Up With Toshiba Entry

In this respect, it is Samsung's new Galaxy tablet that diverges more from the early leaders, Rob Enderle, principal with Enderle Group, told LinuxInsider However, in contrast to Apple, "Samsung has a really bad reputation with developers," Enderle asserted.

Samsung’s Galaxy Whirls Into the Tablet Universe

"This is a true alternative to the iPad and is vastly more capable," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "It showcases what Android devices can do and is a strong counterpoint to the built-in limitations of the iPad." Tech Specs of the Gala...

HP Breathes New Life Into WebOS

Analysts Al Hilwa and Rob Enderle both think the Exhibition feature provides capabilities that HP may leverage in other types of devices in the future, such as smart picture frames Palm is opening up its Synergy integration feature to appdevs in webOS 2.0. Among other things, ...

Gmail Gets an Algorithmic Mail Sorter

The application will be a "significant time saver" for business professionals, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld "It certainly will make Gmail a more effective business tool," he said....

Intel to Bolster Mobile Ambitions With $1.4B Infineon Buy

Much of this effort won't bear fruit for 12 to 18 months as solutions are built, scaled to these new markets, and designed into hardware, said Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group. "But without Infineon, Intel would likely eventually become an insignificant player," he told the E...


Next: The Smartphone and Tablet Wars

This week, Apple is expected to announce a refresh of several iPod products (including the touch) and possibly the Apple TV. The real drama remains with its higher-profile offerings -- the iPhone and iPad -- and last week, Qualcomm gave a credible look at their compelling future. ...


Dark Matter Detector Poised for Magical Mystery Tour

"In the 'Star Trek' series, antimatter is used to power the spaceship's engines, but, for some reason, they needed lithium crystals as well, and it was never clear to me why that was," technology analyst and sci-fi fan Rob Enderle told TechNewsWorld If the AMS does discover an...

Garmin Directs Users to Send GPS Units Home

The recall may be related to Garmin's continental lineage. Garmin International's parent, Garmin Limited, is located in Switzerland. "Europe is far less kind than the United States when it comes to situations like this, which can be company killers, so firms there are far more aggressive at correcting such problems," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld...


The Problem at HP: The Glass Ceiling Was Never Broken

I just finished both reading The Big Lie, a fabulous book if you are into board room dynamics and disasters, and doing massive coverage on the HP Mark Hurd scandal. It is, however, a little unnerving to see some of the most powerful people in the world behave worse than six-year-olds ...

Intel Makes Strategic Mobile Move With McAfee Buy

"Intel has its own software platform for smartphones and likely tablet computers that it shares with Nokia," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, pointed out. "That platform will, like the iPhone and iPad, increasingly become a magnet for malware. By owning McAfee, Intel can drive a solution to its platform that would make the iPhone and Android smartphones look less secure by comparison."

Will Google Drop a Chromlet on Black Friday?

"I expect the product to be very raw, more of a late beta than a true final product for some time, but for some, and I'm likely in that group myself, that can actually be OK, given that we like being the first to try stuff out," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld...

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