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Results 2401-2420 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

WiGig Aims to Widen the Wireless Road

"Support from SiBeam adds momentum to what appears to be the industry-supported standard," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld WiGig Version 1.0 specs...

Obama Cautions Grads Against Getting Tangled in Tech

Though it might not have been delivered as well as it could have been, "I think his thesis was valid," Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld Specifically, "the common sense is that you can get easily overwhelmed," Enderle expl...


Beating Apple: A Primer

One of the interesting things about watching Apple's rollout of the iPad and anticipating the rollout of its stunning generation 4 iPhone is that competitors don't seem to get what makes Apple successful. As a result, they have generally failed miserably to bring forward offerings that have done as well. ...

Google Gives Desktop and Mobile Search Pages the Ol’ Nip/Tuck

"As the dominant vendor in the space, Google doesn't have to be better than Bing, it simply has to be good enough so that people don't move to Bing, and much of this is impression," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group."This may reach that bar." However, Go...

Chrome’s Gain Is IE’s Pain

"It does seem that people are gravitating towards a faster browser," observed Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group The Chrome browser could get another boost toward the end of this year, when Google will unveil netbooks running on the Chrome operating system....

BumpTop Buy Could Give Google New Perspective in OS Efforts

Perhaps more to the point, it can be used to significantly enhance anyoperating system, Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group told the E-CommerceTimes. "BumpTop is an advanced UI (user interface), which is designed to significantlyenhance Windows," he said However, Google's ChromeO...

First Blood Spilled in the New Tablet Wars

Internal politics played a bigger role, according to Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst at Enderle Group. "The Courier was not based on Windows, and Microsoft products are on Windows turf in Windows-land," Enderle told TechNewsWorld. "The Windows Group said, as is often the case there (in Redmond), 'Hey, our platform doesn't go on anything but us, so you're done.' Often in big companies you carve out turf, and the Courier crossed into somebody else's turf."


HP’s Deal of the Century, Android’s Short Life

Last week was a huge week for news surrounding smartphones and iPad-like tablets. I mentioned a few weeks ago how the market was moving to vertical integration, which was placing platforms like Android at risk, but I didn't expect HP to move this quickly by buying Palm and getting its own OS. ...

Adobe Strikes Back at Flash Bashers

Microsoft and Apple do have a point, contended Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "Flash is buggy and has crashed both IE and Firefox," Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. "Microsoft captures breakage statistics across all its platforms, and Flash is one of the...

Android 2.2 Goes All the Way With Flash

Or could it be that Android will ensure full compatibility with the Flash standard? "Right now, Android support for Flash isn't consistent," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld."For instance, the Dell Streak prototype doesn't yet support it fully."

Software Services the Silver Lining in 2009’s Tech Cloud

The fact that software services fared the best is not entirely surprising, Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times "Software services tends to benefit both when the market is improving and when it declines, primarily becau...


2013: The Year Tech as We Know It Changes

The market is in a planning cycle, and analysts are being asked to take a look in their crystal balls and describe what 2013 will look like. Clearly, we will have more bandwidth, 3-D TV will be ramping, and most of us will either be using tablet devices for something or moving to the next big thing. ...

Mangled McAfee Update Drives Windows XP Users Bonkers

"This kind of problem can be a killer because it effectively shut down a large number of firms, and the resulting liability could be legendary," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, pointed out "They did a lot of damage to a lot of companies," Enderle told the ...

Where Are the Robots Taking Us? Part 1

"Robots that are affordable companions and operate largely independent of the owner could be a huge initial benefit to people who are disabled," Rob Enderle, principal analyst of the Enderle Group, pointed out. "This may turn out to be one of the biggest things this century, much as affordable cars and affordable computers were in the last century," he told TechNewsWorld...

Will Office 2010 Shred Google Docs?

Despite the improvements, Google will remain the underdog in the office apps space for now. "Google's more of a nuisance at the moment," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "It hasn't stepped up to being a real competitor yet." Googl...


Technologies That Could Define the Next Century

I'm writing this from the Volkswagen/Audi event at Stanford University in California where the German Chancellor is presenting the first robotic car designed to race, without a driver, up Pikes Peak. The event is to open the Whale; the Stanford Volkswagen Automotive Innovation Laboratory, which, somewhat sadly, came shortly after NUMMI, the last California car manufacturing site was closed. Earlier this month, I was at HP Labs and saw technology that could vastly alter how we build cities and how we create personal electronics -- as well as a potential iPad killer, being developed initially for the U.S. government, which isn't a tablet. ...

Google Dreams Up Cloud Printing Service

The service could save the printer industry, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "With e-books and tablets coming in, printing on paper is on the way out, but the more Web-capable printers are, the longer they'll be around," he explained. "Making printers Web-capable would be a good defensive move by the printer vendors."

Labor Report Blasts Conditions at MS Supplier Factory

While United States laws mandate that U.S. companies impose strict requirements on overseas suppliers, the burden of enforcement often falls on the state and not the company, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "The companies can apply penalties, but they ...

Microsoft Targets Teens With Social-Climbing Phone

"With the Kin, Microsoft has pulled an Apple and created something that is incredibly easy to use and doesn't try to compete on the sheer number of features it has," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld "This is a device for folks who want a ...


Whitman and Fiorina: Why Tech CEOs Don’t Have a Chance in Politics

I seem to be getting an increasing number of calls asking me whether Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina have a chance as a governor or a U.S. senator respectively. Both are uniquely capable, and both have histories that suggest good management skills that would be critical in California -- a state that desperately needs them. ...

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