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Results 2461-2480 of 3157 for Richard Adhikari

Egyptian Government Executes Nationwide Internet Blockade

As anti-government protesters take over the streets in Egypt, the country's government has reportedly cut off most Internet and cellphone service ...

Is True Do-Not-Track a Pie in the Sky?

Developers of the major browsers -- Microsoft, Google and the Mozilla Foundation -- plan to implement so-called do-not-track features into their browsers so consumers can indicate when they don't want their movements online to be observed and recorded by site hosts, which generally use the information to strengthen their advertising systems ...

Sony’s Latest Pocket PlayStation Packs Dual Cams, Quad-Core Chip

Sony Computer Entertainment has disclosed further details about the PlayStation Portable 2, nicknamed the "Next-Generation Portable," or NGP, at a press conference in Tokyo ...

Google to Let Android Apps Work the Cash Register

Google will reportedly allow in-app payment abilities in Android applications sometime this quarter ...

Natty Narwhal Ditches OpenOffice for LibreOffice

Canonical, which leads the Ubuntu project, has reportedly decided to switch from the OpenOffice productivity suite to LibreOffice in future versions of the popular Linux distribution ...

Nvidia Barreling Ahead With Tegra 2 3D

Nvidia will reportedly ship a Tegra 2 3D processor, to be used in mobile devices, this year ...

Big Questions Surround Sony’s Little Gaming Machine

This week, Sony will officially unveil the PlayStation Portable 2 (PSP2), the sequel to its original PSP mobile gaming device. Several rumors surround the upcoming gaming console, one of which is that it will incorporate a smartphone ...

Scareware Scam Has Tweeters Atwitter

Twitter has been hit by fast-spreading spam using Google's URL shortening service ...

The Long Leap to Clear Mobile Payment Hurdles

Coffee shop chain Starbucks this week brought the power of mobile payments via cellphone to new users -- provided those customers happen to have the right kind of device. The company announced that customers at its retail outlets in the United States will be able to pay for purchases using its mobile payment app on select smartphones ...

Facebook App Caters to Phones of Average Intelligence

Together with mobile software maker Snaptu, Facebook on Thursday launched its branded mobile app for feature phones ...

Sneak Preview Reveals Tip of WebOS Tablet Iceberg

New details and specifications have surfaced concerning the webOS tablet HP is expected to unveil Feb. 9 ...

AMD Gives Embedded Systems a Shot of DirectX 11

AMD on Wednesday announced what it claims is the world's first accelerated processing unit (APU) for embedded systems, the Embedded G-Series ...

Facebook Does About-Face Following Privacy Backlash

Facebook has temporarily shelved plans to share members' home addresses and mobile numbers with app developers, following a strong backlash over privacy and safety concerns ...

Open Source in GSM Could Breed Mobile Mayhem

Mobile malware may grow as a security threat this year, but security researcher Ralf-Philipp Weinmann says there's a worse threat lurking around -- the GSM baseband system ...

Can HP Wedge webOS Into the Tablet World?

HP has invited members of the media to what it describes as "an exciting webOS announcement." ...

Microsoft Gives Semi-Pros a Free Web Dev Toolbox

Microsoft on Thursday released WebMatrix, a free Web development tool that it claims lets website developers of all skill levels create, customize and publish websites to the Internet easily ...

WebM vs. H.264: Google Bets Big on Itself

Google announced Tuesday that its Chrome browser will stop supporting the H.264 codec in a couple of months and will support its own WebM and Ogg Theora technologies instead ...

Freedom of Online Speech in a Post-Wikileaks World

In the wake of Cablegate, the massive release of sensitive documents released online by WikiLeaks and the subsequent DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks by pro- and anti-WikiLeaks factions on each others' websites, a fact long-known to only a few cognoscenti became public -- free speech online is very much endangered ...

Feds Launch Show-and-Tell Site for Online Trusted ID

The National Institute of Standards and Technology has set up a website to provide the public with information relating to the U.S. federal government's National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) program, which is aimed at protecting people's identities online ...

Hacker Shows How Cloud Could Wash Out Wireless Security

German hacker Thomas Roth's announcement that he used's cloud service to crack a wireless network security standard has left some security researchers scratching their heads. Others are merely shaking them in disbelief ...

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