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Results 2461-2480 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

US Intel Chief Paints Dark Picture of Cyberattack Defense

We need high-level coordination between countries as well as between law enforcement agencies here in the U.S., Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "In addition, well-funded, properly trained mitigation and investigation teams are required to quickly identify and eliminate the threats and prosecute the attackers," he said. Countries that provide safe havens for criminals should be cut off from the common networks, he added...


The Folly of Ignoring Apple’s Success

The technology and consumer electronics markets are awash with companies that seem to be barely meeting expectations or are, like Sony, Sun and Yahoo, on and off death watch. They aren't alone; the relatively new Obama administration seems to also be failing, and the latest State of the Union address wasn't particularly inspirational. ...

Google Stamps Social Search With Beta Status

That could spur changes in what people post on the Web. "Many peoplemay not fully understand that what they put up on the Internet isindexed and can be found by strangers," Rob Enderle, principal analystat the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "Social Search will likelyget people to think more about what they put up online."

Oracle Puts Third-Party Support in Crosshairs

Oracle has a fight on its hands to maintain customers -- over theyears, its customers have been flocking to third-party serviceproviders to cut costs. "Oracle does a good job ofprotecting customers, but it's far from cheap," Rob Enderle, principalanalyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times...


Apple’s Mysterious Slate: Betting the Company One More Time

This is an Apple launch week, which means we'll be on pins and needles until we actually know what Steve Jobs is going to have on stage in San Francisco. ...

Amazon Unlikely to Fire Up Devs With Kindle App Store

"Amazon appears to be aggressively moving to prevent erosion from the upcoming launch of Apple's tablet and other rapidly arriving competitive offerings," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "It realizes that, in these early phases of market creation, the initial leaders are seldom the vendors who eventually own the market and wants to make sure it doesn't become one of the losers." ...

Why Is Internet Explorer 6 Still Hanging Around?

Another reason could be that corporations don't like change, pointed out Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "Once IT locks onto a technology and standardizes on it, getting them off it is like pulling hen's teeth," he told TechNewsWorld. That unwillingness t...

Android, Yahoo Take Hits in Google-China Slugfest

"If you're a platform vendor, punishing your platform partners because of a dispute with a local government isn't wise," pointed out Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "Google could appear untrustworthy from the standpoint of the carrier and cellphone manufacturers in the region, which could effectively lock them out of China."


Some of the Best CES Stories That Didn’t Make the Headlines

Last week, I spoke about how CES was back, and I gave some of the highlights. However, there always are discussions and trends going on behind the scenes, almost-invisible products, and impressions that take a while to form that can be even more interesting. ...

Wireless Industry Sounds Off About FCC’s Net Neutrality Plans

"The wireless industry is trying to get ahead of the curve," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "Once you set a rule on the wired side, it wouldn't be hard to bring it over to cover the wireless side, and most of the world is expected to go wireless," Enderle explained.

Alcatel Kicks Off Project to Make Telecom Nets 1,000 Times Greener

The Green Touch project should have no problem getting buy-in, Rob Enderle, principal analyst of the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce times. "Governments should like this trend a great deal, and I would expect they'll have no problem getting on board," he pointed out. "It may end up simply being a problem of keeping the folks that have to approve announcements down to a manageable level." ...


CES: The Magic Is Back

I was at CES last week, and the magic was clearly back in this show. In the past couple of years, CES has been dominated by one device -- making it more like a one-product waste of time. Two years ago, everyone was talking about the iPhone, making many of us wonder if we were at the wrong event. Last year, it was the Palm Pre, which turned out to be a bit of a flash in the pan. This year, it seemed at first that the Google/HTC Nexus One would steal the show, but there didn't appear to be any lasting buzz on that device by the end of the first day. Attention had shifted elsewhere...

Mystery Tablet’s Not the Only Thing on Microsoft’s Slate

Microsoft's deal with HP will make Bing the default search engine and MSN the default home page on the latter's PCs. This may help boost Microsoft's push into the Internet search market. "HP is the market leader in PCs, so this deal should be significant," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld.

HP Packs Mini PCs With More Hardware, Software

The TouchSmart tm2 is scheduled for availability in the U.S. Jan. 17 at a starting price of $949 -- not very expensive relative to other touchscreen devices. "There's a shortage of touch-enabled displays at the moment, and they tend to be kind of expensive in a value-focused market," Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld.

Google Nexus Takes Center Stage

Google appears to have succeeded to some extent with the Nexus One. "From the hardware standpoint, it's more advanced than the iPhone," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "It has a better display, it has a better camera, and it uses the Qualcomm Snapdragon 1 GHz processor, which means it will work on pretty much any carrier in the United States, Europe and Asia when you buy it unlocked." ...

Lenovo Opens Smartbook Chapter With Skylight

Lenovo's beefing up of its consumer product line, especially with the Skylight, may help its efforts to be perceived as more than just a PC vendor for the enterprise market, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. Skylight to Open Up New Marke...

Freescale Nudges Tablets Into the Sub-$200 Zone

Tablet devices will be among the "hottest" going into this coming year, Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld Each of the ARM vendors is looking at this class, in fact, reflecting a competition with Intel that could end up bei...


Which Company Will Define the Next Decade?

Each of the last five decades in technology was defined largely by the decisions of one of the major vendors: the 1970s by AT&T; the 80s by IBM; the 90s by Microsoft; and the 2000s by Apple. Google is the favorite for defining the 2010s, or teen decade -- and that's a good focus for discussion as we get ready for a battle royal this week between the company of the 2000s and the company of the 2010s.

Hackers Jimmy GSM Cellphone Encryption

The most important thing about this latest hack is that it used relatively inexpensive, widely available technology. "Processing power is increasing dramatically, with GPU (graphics processing units) in particular," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, said. "This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how this power could be used to hack into otherwise secure data streams." ...

The Imminent Netbook Explosion

The lines between smartphones and netbooks may become blurred, predicts Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "Smartbooks, which really are netbooks offered by carriers, and smartphones are drifting very close to each other," he told TechNewsWorld. "A smartphone may simply become a small netbook and vice versa." ...

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