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Results 2481-2500 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

Leaked Specs Describe Lustrous Google Chrome Netbook

How likely is Google to settle for 64 GB SSDs? Very likely, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "It's all about the price point, and SSDs with 64 GB capacity or less are vastly more affordable than those with 128 GB or more," he explained. While SSD prices will inevitably fall, "a good 128 GB SSD will likely cost more than Google can sell the netbook for," Enderle pointed out.


Best Things From the Dismal Aught Decade

From a technology perspective, this decade -- with Apple and Google being exceptions -- sucked. There were some interesting things that happened that set us up for the teen decade, though, and that fuel anticipation for the 20s, which a hundred years ago, was actually a decade of wonder and excitement (and had a better name). ...


Wither PC Gaming?

Both the console and PC game markets are suffering at the moment, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. Hardcore gaming is declining in general, he said, in much the same way that the traditional TV market is fragmenting "The problem for both gaming segment...

E-Reader Mania Hits Barnes & Noble in the Pocketbook

"Forty percent of the retail price is quite a hefty sum," remarked Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "Still, it's better than alienating a lot of existing customers who may end up with's Kindle instead," he told the E-Commerce Times. "Right now, Ba...

E-Reader Mania Hits Barnes & Noble in the Pocketbook

"Forty percent of the retail price is quite a hefty sum," remarked Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "Still, it's better than alienating a lot of existing customers who may end up with's Kindle instead," he told the E-Commerce Times. "Right now, Ba...

E-Reader Mania Hits Barnes & Noble in the Pocketbook

"Forty percent of the retail price is quite a hefty sum," remarked Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "Still, it's better than alienating a lot of existing customers who may end up with's Kindle instead," he told the E-Commerce Times. "Right now, Ba...

Intel to Boost Netbooks’ Atomic Power

That has led to expectations of strong sales, which in turn are pulling chip vendors into the market for mobile computing chips. This could cause Intel a headache. "The big problem for Intel is ARM and the massed number of companies, ranging from Marvell and Qualcomm to Nvidia and Freescale, that are suddenly focused on this emerging segment of small personal products," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld.


Do You Really Want a Smart-Tablet?

This is the question that is floating around this year. What is strange is that people act like the anticipated Apple device is made of fairy gold and powered by gnome breath. It will do everything and anything you want because we all know it is surrounded and protected by Steve Jobs' now-famous reality distortion field. ...

Blu-ray 3-D Coming Soon to a Tricked-Out Home Theater Near You

There's been a lot of buzz about 3-D players in recent months, the Enderle Group's Rob Enderle told TechNewsWorld. This has only been bolstered by director James Cameron's new 3-D movie "Avatar," which hits theaters this week, Enderle said. "'Avatar' is the poster child for this technology," he pointed out.

Google May Give Quantum Computing a Job in Search

"This could lead to smart services that better anticipate users' needs and quickly customize themselves to the user," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "This could be a game changer." ...


Imagining an IBM, Apple Merger: iApple?

I've often wondered what you would get if you combined Apple and IBM. The two companies have little overlap today in either customers or products, and both have what the other lacks to grow their respective markets significantly. While the cultural issues would likely make such a merger not only inadvisable but impossible to actually do, both firms could learn a lot from the other. ...

Pubs to Take Glossies Digital With Online Newsstand

Device manufacturers could prove to be a sticking point, however. Whether or not they accept the consortium's standards will depend on how badly they want its content, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "Text media isn't as well-controlled as either music or movies, suggesting the consortium lacks the power it needs to drive device makers to it," he pointed out. This could lead to fragmentation and push the consortium and possibly the e-reader industry into failure, Enderle warned.

Google Sharpens Search With Real-Time Results, Android Photo Finder

The real-time search capability could impact ad revenues at professional news sites, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, pointed out. "People will be spending more time on Google properties and increasingly clicking on ads that provide Google with revenue at the expense of the professional news sites," he explained.


How Google Could Kill Microsoft (and Maybe Apple) and Vice Versa

I've been spending a lot of time thinking about the battle between Google and Microsoft and how it is largely counterproductive for both companies. ...

2009 Web Searches Driven by a King’s Death, Vampire Love

Indeed, such lists "tend to showcase our interest at the moment," commented Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst at the Enderle Group "The most popular terms generally have to do with things that happened at a given point in time," he told TechNewsWorld....


Who Wins, Who Loses if Google’s Chrome OS Takes Off?

Google launched its Chrome OS, which is really a copy of several products already on the market and an interesting recreation of the thin client concept that Sun and Oracle came up with over a decade ago. You could argue, however, that most successful products, like the iPod and iPhone, are simply better copies of what came before. Really, nobody cares that much -- consumers only care about whether a new offering will make their lives better. The Google Chrome OS goes directly to a primary need that mainstream PC users have had unmet since the beginning: an appliance experience. ...

Publishing Heavies Join Forces on Digital Newsstand

Device neutrality will be critical to the venture's success, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "A service like this needs to be hardware-independent because there's no certainty as to which hardware platform will win out, and there's every likelihood that we'll end up with several formats," he pointed out.

Google Spills Chrome OS’ Guts

Google's totally Web-based approach may stumble over some snags, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told LinuxInsider. "This anticipates a more reliable Web than we have today," he explained. "Still, you have to start someplace." The Chrome OS' simplicity in...

AOL Spinoff May Send Third of Workforce Reeling

Another tech company that was facing a similar large challenge about 10 years ago managed to right its ship and reinvent its brand, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst of the Enderle Group. "In many ways AOL mirrors Apple of the 1990s. I think they need a Steve Jobs-style turnaround. They need someone who has read Jobs' book to do for them what Jobs did for Apple."

Adobe Makes Video Power Grab With Flash, Air Betas

Adobe might pose a bigger threat to Microsoft than Google does if it succeeds, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "Both Adobe and Google want to trivialize the core OS by separating it from the application value," he told TechNewsWorld. "Adobe is going about this pragmatically, Google with the Chrome OS more directly." ...

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