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Results 2561-2580 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

Microsoft Makes Apple Eat Humble Apple Pie

There's generally more attention on the fight between Microsoft and Google this decade than on the fight between Apple and Microsoft. That's because Google seems to represent the future, while Apple and Microsoft are often seen as anachronisms from a prior age. ...

Survey: 40 Percent of Businesses Ready to Roll With Windows 7

"Time and resources have always been one of the biggest problems to upgrading," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "The cost of deployments exceed the cost of new software, and often companies do as much as they can to put things o...

Microsoft One-Ups Google With Office 2010

What Microsoft is really trying to do, according to Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group, is make sure it holds onto existing customers before Google figures out a way to market its free productivity suite in a way that really makes it take off with consumers ...


Is the Chrome OS an Apple Killer?

You betcha. OK, I'm just kidding -- but in most markets that are divided like the PC market, where one vendor has 90 percent and the other 10 percent, a well-funded competitor would likely take out the 10 percent vendor on the way to taking on the 90 percent vendor. ...

Kindle 2 Price Cut May Not Be Kind Enough

"It's not so much profit coming from the Kindle, but more profit from the books that people consume," Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "With a new product, you get a wave of people wanting to be first to own it," he noted. "Ther...

Google Sets Sights on Chrome-Plated Netbook OS

The trouble is, marketing is Google's Achilles' heel, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "Google's marketing makes Microsoft's worst days look good," Enderle told LinuxInsider. "It needs better PR and marketing skills than it has so far demonstrated in ...


Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Freedom

In the United States, the 4th of July is celebrated as Independence Day, recalling the time when Americans stepped away from a government they viewed as repressive and forged a new future. Over the years, I've worked for a number of harsh managers and companies. Some were actually good for me -- others not so much. I wonder if we all shouldn't take a moment to consider whether we wouldn't be better off in another career, department, company -- or retired.

Bing Dips Toe Into Real-Time Search With Twitter Tie-In

Easy, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst of the Enderle Group: "Like a lot of companies, once they (Google) reach dominance, they primarily want to keep that product running and go look at other things," he told TechNewsWorld "Microsoft did this with Office -- the dominant pr...

Pirate Bay Decides to Join the Navy

Pirate Bay did itself no favors with its attitude, Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "The Motion Picture Association of America, through their actions, have made pirated content more valuable than content people pay for," he said...


A Tale of Two Demos: Innovation vs. Desperation

Over the last two weeks I attended two events: one organized by the Blu-ray folks and one by HP. Both PR teams did excellent jobs; however, one had a strong offering to work with, while the other was stuck with a toad of a product offering. ...


Iran, Technology and Truth: Do You Care If Your Information Is False?

Whether you're identifying with a religious group, a technology group, or some other group, I often wonder if you truly care if the information you receive is false. If you look at how people flock to Web sites that are obviously on the extreme right or left of an issue, or if you watch debates on abortion or gay marriage -- or even whether the sitting president has a clue -- don't you often get the sense that for many, believing they are right and putting down those who disagree is more important than actually being right?...


Apple Pounds Palm, Sets Sights on Redmond

Apple is making an impressively strong statement that it can survive Steve Jobs' departure. While I still don't think it has the magic that Steve Jobs brings to the table in terms of execution, it is actually doing better at the moment than when he was there and active. ...


Natal Drops Jaws, Nvidia Shines, Pre Sets New Bar

Last week was one of those rare weeks when there was way too much going on to cover in one column. Microsoft stole E3 with what may be the closest thing to a "Star Trek" holodeck yet. ...


Microsoft Goes Bing, Palm’s Pwned

Last week, Microsoft announced its new search push at Google -- and unlike Live Search, which was a joke, Bing looks to have the right stuff. The question is, can Microsoft get people to move? Palm initially looked as though it was going to get iPhone users to move, but that hope started to sputter last week. It increasingly looked like Palm would follow Netscape and Transmeta in making the mistake of scaring a competitor into corporocidal (as in "homicidal," but with corporations) behavior. Rather than taking a bite out of Apple, it looks like Palm may be pwned. ...

Microsoft Chimes In on Bing Buzz

Bing is the successor to Live Search and was indeed being developed under the codename "Kumo," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group It incorporates both semantic Web technology and a decision engine, which Enderle believes is a first. "Decision engines are ...


Google Is the Sarah Palin of Enterprise Vendors

We all remember Sarah Palin. Like many, I too got excited about the difference she would bring to the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign. She showed well at events, and she looked good on paper. Then came her interviews, and suddenly she was the new Dan Quayle -- or, basically, another person who trades on looks and luck and doesn't figure doing homework is actually necessary. ...

Can a Semantic Kumo Wrestle Google to the Mat?

Microsoft regards Kumo as its Google killer, according to analyst Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group, and the software company is banking heavily on it despite deep internal divisions over the project. Kumo will reportedly take over Microsoft's Live Search and incorporate seman...


The Coming Visual Computing Revolution

For the last decade, the PC market has kind of sucked. Against the massive growth of the '90s, and with the exception of Apple, which didn't do well in that decade, the PC market has been a poor reflection of the excitement that once surrounded it. Part of the problem was the focus on computation and the lack of focus on things that make computing exciting. In this respect, Apple was the exception, and the fact that it put much more emphasis on the visual aspects of computing -- and recently put a graphics chip in every computer -- helps explain why users tend to be more excited about Apple products. They have, until now, virtually stood alone -- but that is about to change.

Microsoft Disowns Zune Phone Teaser Tweets

"Microsoft is getting into this very competitive stance, which we haven't seen for a while," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. The ad campaign escalates an increasingly vitriolic ad war between Apple and Microsoft, but it may backfire, E...


How Apple Made Windows 7 Better

Last week, a number of Apple supporters took me to task for my comment that Apple made the technology equivalent of sugar water and that Steve Jobs gave up on his goal of changing the world. I'm hardly original in thinking this way. It does amaze me that not a single Apple fan cared about global warming, philanthropy or even Apple's lack of computing prowess. They earn their reputations every week.

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