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Results 221-240 of 577 for Jim McGregor

VCs Cough Up $100M for Cybersecurity Startup Illumio

"This is a software security solution and, like any software solution, it can be hacked," said Jim McGregor, principal Analyst at Tirias Research. "It's ironic that most of the startups focusing on security are targeting the network and data center, where there already are ma...

Mayer Wins Concessions in Rejiggered Microsoft-Yahoo Deal

"Yahoo has an opportunity for greater revenue from the deal," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research. "If it can sell those ads, they have the potential for capturing that revenue," he told the E-Commerce Times....

Investors Squirm as Zynga Founder Takes Back Reins

It's interesting -- but far from shocking -- that Wall Street reacted negatively to Pincus' return to the head of Zynga's table, observed Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst of Tirias Research. With the exception of Steve Jobs, founders typically don't improve their c...

Devs Rev Up for a Weekend of Galactic Problem-Solving

"This is a great way to get more academic and community involvement, as well as free coding services," enthused Jim McGregor, principal at Tirias Research On the other hand, the code "will only be useful for the platforms that it's being developed for," he told TechNewsWorld.

Microsoft Could Throw Windows Wide Open

If Microsoft wants to remain relevant in the market, it will move toward open source Windows sooner rather than later, maintained Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research However, the problem remains how to make up any revenues lost by tinkering with the ...

John Oliver Tackles Surveillance in Surprise Snowden Scoop

"There is so much information coming from so many sources in today's society -- and no filter to really determine what is correct and what is not," observed Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research Still, "if a comedian can do an effective job of bringing an issue to...

Facebook Invites App Devs to Join in Messenger Family Planning

"They had to do something to make Messenger more relevant compared to the other solutions out there that people have adopted and are more flexible," said Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst with Tirias Research "They're trying to give Messenger all the features the oth...

FTC Blasts WSJ’s ‘Misleading Narrative’ on Google

"The FTC hasn't had teeth for quite some time," said Jim McGregor, Tirias Research founder and principal analyst. "This is clear -- at least compared to what companies like Google have faced in Europe and Asia," he told the E-Commerce Times....

Glass Is Still a Twinkle in Google’s Eye

"The issues of privacy and security are going to be ongoing issues that we struggle with as an industry and society, but like it or not, cameras are all around us," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst atTirias Research "Products [like Glass] can survive the privacy backlash, ...

Mars One Could Turn Out to Be Mars Zero

"I think anyone close to the space program knew this was unrealistic," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research "There are major challenges to colonizing another planet, some of which scientists are still working to overcome," he told TechNewsWorld, "but the con...

Windows Hello Waves Off Passwords

"I'm a fan of the facial recognition and iris technology because it's using something already in these devices -- a camera," said Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research "It's also not dealing with touch," he told TechNewsWorld. "Whenever you touch somet...

Schumer to FAA: Straighten Up Cybersecurity and Fly Right

The FAA's system is very complex, and that increases the possibility of intrusions, said Jim McGregor, principal at Tirias Research Still, "considering the potential impact of this system on both public safety and security, the FAA should be doing everything it can," he told ...

Ellen Pao Airs Kleiner Perkins’ Dirty Laundry

That attitude isn't uncommon among some college grads, suggested Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research. "I've seen a lot of these 20-somethings that come out of college and think they're entitled to a six-figure salary," he told the E-Commerce Times....

DeepMind AI Exterminates Space Invaders, Pac-Man

Forget the Terminator scenario for now, said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research. It "would require advanced robotics combined with a machine capable of supporting a very high number of unimaginably complex algorithms and unlimited memory, especially for real-time interactions."

Government Spies Came Up Dry, Says Gemalto

"They may be able to track everyone, but it is unlikely that they are tracking everyone," Tirias Research Principal Analyst Jim McGregor told the E-Commerce Times. "Tracking everyone's information would be a Herculean task that I don't think anyone truly has the resources to handle."

Yahoo CISO, NSA Chief Slug It Out Over Security Backdoors

"Not really," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research. "This would open the floodgates for similar actions by other governments," he told the E-Commerce Times, "which would ... threaten everyone's trust in current electronic systems."

Citizenfour’s Oscar Highlights National Divide Over Snowden

"Many people do not agree with some of the actions or methods used by the U.S. government to gather information," suggested Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research. "As a result, they feel Snowden's actions were justified." Petitions do tend to lump people together,...

YouTube Targets the Mother Goose Set

"For Google it's always about eyes -- trying to get the right eyes looking at the right products," said Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst with Tirias Research. "By creating this, they're going to have very targeted advertising for the kids version of YouTube," he to...

Government Spies Steal SIM Card Cryptokeys

However, the theft of the SIM card encryption data "is exactly what criminals do," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research. "I generally support the efforts of our governments to identify and track potential threats, but this seems like a rather alarming way t...

Azure Machine Learning Aims to Convert Data to Information

"The Azure solution is much more intuitive than existing network and platform management solutions, especially for nontechnical people," noted Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research Microsoft and Machine Learning...

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