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Results 2581-2600 of 3157 for Richard Adhikari

Google Throws Its Heft Behind Jumbo Wind Project

Google is investing in a backbone transmission infrastructure to deliver wind power generated off the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States to consumers in the region ...

Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat Pokes Its Head Out

Canonical has released version 10.10 of the Ubuntu Linux operating system, code-named "Maverick Meerkat." ...

WinPho 7 Shows Us What It’s Got

Microsoft has announced a global rollout of Windows Phone 7 smartphones ...

UAE to RIM: We’re Cool

Research In Motion (RIM) on Friday reportedly came to an agreement of sorts with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), narrowly averting a ban on its services that was due to kick in next Monday ...

Google Knows Plenty About Lobbyists and Lawmaking

From Google, where privacy's just another word, and the idea of augmented humanity is one in which zombies whose memories are stored in Google's servers shamble around the streets, comes news that we need political reform ...

Logitech Raises Curtain on Google TV With Mixed Revue

Logitech unveiled and demonstrated its Logitech Revue Google TV controller in New York on Wednesday ...

Droid Pro Leads Motorola’s New Platoon of Androids

Motorola announced six new smartphones running the Android operating system on Tuesday at the CTIA conference and show in San Francisco ...

Nobel-Worthy Graphene Work Promises Smaller, Greener Chips

Physicists Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov of the University of Manchester in England have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 for what the committee described as "groundbreaking experiments" on graphene ...

Toshiba 3D TV Ditches Glasses but Demands Tight Seating

Toshiba on Monday announced what it claims are the world's first LCD TVs that render three-dimensional (3D) images without the need for glasses ...

Windows Live Essentials Jumps Out of the Beta Crib

Microsoft has taken Windows Live Essentials 2011 out of beta, and the online suite is now available for download ...

Can Apotheker Mix Up a Cure for What Ails HP?

HP announced on Thursday that it has appointed former SAP CEO Leo Apotheker its new president and CEO ...


Distant Planet May Have the Right Stuff

Planet Gliese 581g, the so-called Goldilocks planet whose discovery was announced earlier this week, may help prove Earth is not the only habitable planet in the universe ...

Your Android Apps May Be Sweet-Talking Advertisers Behind Your Back

A study conducted jointly by Penn State University, Duke University and Intel Labs has found that some Android apps surreptitiously send user information to remote servers at ad networks and analytics firms ...

Visions of Autonomous Search Dance in Schmidt’s Head

Google CEO Eric Schmidt sees mobile devices augmenting our human existence in the future ...

Will RIM’s PlayBook Flip, Fly or Flop?

With the announcement of its PlayBook device, Research In Motion this week joined the ever-growing list of companies rushing to bring out tablets of their very own ...

AOL Munches Down on TechCrunch

AOL on Tuesday confirmed it has agreed to acquire technologyblog TechCrunch, following a crescendo of rumors surrounding thepossible deal ...

Feds Seek Sweeping Power to Hunt Bad Guys on the Web

The White House is working with several federal law enforcement agencies to draft legislation that would make it possible to monitor all Internet communication services, including social networking sites, peer-to-peer messaging and encrypted email systems, according to a New York Times report ...

Virtual Systems, Real Security Holes

As businesses seek new ways to cut costs, IT departments are often placed on the hot seat, and that has fueled interest in virtualization. For example, VMworld 2010, held in San Francisco recently, drew more than 17,000 attendees and saw more than 145,000 virtual machines deployed ...

IBM’s Atomic Speed Gauge Could Mean Big Things for IT

IBM researchers can now look into what's happening in individual atoms in close to real time, according to a paper published Friday in Science ...

The Death of the Silent Majority

From Russia, where winters are cold and vodka is the best-known potato product, came news earlier this month that authorities there had cracked down on an environmentalist group, Baikal Environmental Wave, on the pretext of searching for pirated Microsoft software ...

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