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Results 2661-2680 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

Anticipating the First US CTO

I am breathing a long sigh of relief this week now that the election is over and it appears, for once, the most qualified candidate actually got the job. This seems to rarely happen, and my only remaining hope is Apple gets a clue from McCain's loss and switches off the negative advertising and instead works on improving its own products ...

XBRL: An Agent of Financial Reform?

It may prove to be a Herculean task for some companies to institute XBRL as the standard in financial communications -- but the change ultimately will be positive, according to Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group "The goal here is to make it easier for inves...


It’s Dangerous to Assume People Are Stupid

In the current US election, I would argue the winner actually will benefit from the excessive negative campaigning done by his opponent, who sacrificed trust and in many cases implied the U.S. voter was too stupid to go to the Web and look things up ...

The Netflix Stream’s New Tributary: TiVo

"The more places people can consume Netflix content, the larger their potential market, so they are likely to do as many deals like this as they can. Think of this as you would mailboxes -- the more people that have them, the more people are potential Netflix clients," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times...


Why Dell Is Beating Everyone, Especially Apple, in China

I can remember the day, way back, when the U.S. was the most important market in the world and companies from all over fought to build a presence and establish themselves here. Our politicians have creatively fixed that advantage, and now China is the place to be. According to projections, the Chinese market will eclipse the U.S. and the European markets combined by 2015 -- and that has a lot of folks fighting to become the major technology player in that future China...


Apple and Google Try to Remap Laptop, Smartphone Landscape

I was tempted to pick FUD as a topic and talk about how McCain's use of it killed his campaign. However, last week we had two major launches, one of which was Apple releasing its latest notebooks and embracing graphics as a defining feature but avoiding Blu-ray and HDMI ...


AMD, HP and How Crisis Can Drive Major Changes

Crisis breeds change, and given people don't like change, this can result in market shifts in months that otherwise might have taken years. This week, three things happened that I can tie back into this theme. AMD, driven by crisis, provided a strong example of how the U.S. could address its financial crisis by changing what was a going-out-of-business disadvantage into a potential competitive advantage.

Revenge of the Wii, Part 2

"In the current generation, the Wii is easily the winner in terms of console sales, though the Xbox still leads in secondary attached revenue," Rob Enderle, principal analyst the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times Hit Parade...

Microsoft Aims for an Experience, Sony Just Wants a Home

It's an interesting way for Microsoft to expand its community and create greater system loyalty, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group Gamers may see this as an added value, he said. "PCs have typically been better at this kind of thing, though, so it will b...

Cloud Storage, Part 2: The Consumer Data Closet

There are some potential legal ramifications to storing data online, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group "Music is always iffy, particularly if the site allows sharing, because it violates licenses," Enderle told TechNewsWorld. "Most photo sites allow sh...


Schwarzenegger for President?

After watching the first presidential debate, one person on that stage clearly showcased the leadership, focus and bipartisan attitude the U.S. needs to turn itself around. Unfortunately, Jim Lehrer isn't actually running, so it didn't help my own decision process much, and I remain decisively undecided at the moment. In watching the bailout last week, it became clear that tech is clearly at risk, and I was struck by the reality that were the U.S. a company, the CEO, CFO and chairman of the board (Speaker of the House) would likely have all been, and should have been, fired.

Revenge of the Wii, Part 1

"They rethought the system and took it back to more of what the original Atari focused on -- games that are shared or play well in living rooms rather than bedrooms," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times "The original name for the Wii ...

Microsoft Adds More Goodies in Bid to Hook Searchers

"You need to have incentives or disparage the existing offering to get people to move," Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "But you have to have something the people that move see as better so you hold them," he continued. "Otherwise, they just rotate back."

Cloud Storage, Part 1: The Business Data Warehouse

"As the recent hurricanes reminded us, off-premise backup solutions can make the difference between being out of business for good and being on hiatus for a few months," Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. A Complicated Question...


Your Next Computer May Be a Smartphone

Last week was so ugly the economic conditions had me up on YouTube looking for things to put a smile on my face, and I found two -- one that has the "Pimp My Ride" folks pimping an IT shop with an Xbox (not some marketing group's best moment), and an HP ad spoof that has Steve Jobs selling HP computers. Increasingly lots of us are viewing these ads and other short videos on our phones, and that isn't all we are doing. E-mail, light document creation, and even a lot of gaming have moved over to cell phones...


Presidential Candidates Can Be CEOs

Last week, HP's ex-CEO and current Republican Spokesperson Carly Fiorina, in a poorly thought-out attempt to help McCain win, indicated that none of the presidential or vice presidential hopefuls could be CEOs like she was ...

Is Google Getting Into Gaming?

If Google is indeed in talks to purchase Valve, it's part of the company's effort to take on Microsoft on all fronts, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group "Google is making a broad spectrum attack against Microsoft. That means they're coming at them with applic...


Hard Choices: iPhone, iPod Nano and Gates-Seinfeld

This last week I've watched Apple's stock drop sharply as the market was disappointed with Apple's announcements, but I thought it was being unfair because the disappointment was largely due to overset expectations ...

Video Game Market Gets a Case of Summertime Blues

The problem for the industry in August was that there "really [was] nothing that interesting moving sales," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group "The platforms are all aging, and the one exciting one, the Wii, is both constrained and doesn't really have that ma...

Online Auctions, Part 2: The eBay Diaspora

It adds up to potentially dangerous times for eBay, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group "People don't like change," Enderle told the E-Commerce Times, referring to recent alterations in eBay's fee structure that shifted the burden from items listed to it...

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