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Results 2681-2700 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

Democrats vs. Republicans and Windows vs. Mac

Election time is a crazy time here in the U.S. I'm fascinated by what happened when John McCain, the presidential candidate of the Republican Party, chose a woman that no one on the Democratic side clearly anticipated. In campaigns, people can say some rather hurtful things, and given the feelings surrounding Hillary Clinton's loss, really stupid things. The goal generally appears to be, on both sides, to say whatever it takes to win an election...

Microsoft Gropes for Market Share With Xbox Price Cuts

"$200 is the critical break point for volume," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "People can typically justify up to a $50 premium for more features; over that is a much harder sale. The Xbox Arcade is low enough for volume. It will depend on whether the market views the Arcade as a full product or a crippled product." ...

Google Burnishes Chrome for Browser Battle

"One of the things that's going to work against Google a little bit is that typically, browser users don't change browsers unless the browser they're using is causing them some kind of problem," Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "They will try other browsers out, but they won't necessarily stick with them because they are creatures of habit," he said...

Blending Visual Computing and Visual Networking

Two of my favorite attractions at Disneyland when I was growing up and working at the park, and which are no longer there, were the Carousel of Progress and the House of the Future ...

Microsoft Shows Off IE8’s Ad-Blocking, Page-Tabbing Chops

"The launching of linked articles in new tabs coupled with the automatic grouping and color coding is probably the killer feature for me," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "I hate losing the page I'm looking at when I click on a link, and there is a huge architecture change here where rather than always navigating away from a page, you tend to -- with IE8 -- stay on the page but still see additional information."


Intel Steers Aggressive Course While Apple Appears Rudderless

Last week was kind of amazing -- I knew a number of things that were going to be happening at IDF but was blindsided by an announcement Intel made that could change the world as we know it. Nikola Tesla turned over in his grave, and we are one step closer to his Tower of Power. Intel also fleshed out its Atom platform, which I think forms the basis of a new class of cloud computing-based client devices...


Technology’s New Olympic Record

These were great games, and I particularly got a kick out of the initial U.S. swimming team win, which came in the face of the French team, who said they would "smash" us ...

Chapter 2 in Yahoo’s Summer of Drama

"Yahoo's in an interesting position," explained Rob Enderle, principal analyst of the Enderle Group. "They're a company that was traded in the early days of the Web, and to a large extent, the Web changed and moved away from their model." Businesses such as MySpace and Faceboo...


How Far Will Apple Go to Stop the Dell MP3 Effort?

Last week I thought it would be interesting -- given that both the Wall Street Journal and TechNewsWorld had covered my professional relationship with Dell regarding its new MP3 service -- to chat about what it would take to beat Apple. But in my analysis I left out one important thing: Apple is tricky. Already there are rumors of a redesigned iPod nano that would position well against this new Dell offering, and the Apple-funded sites seem to be aggressively trying to disparage this as-yet unborn product. Someone seems scared to death of this as-yet unborn product. (Note: I have not used the words "iPod Killer" myself, but Apple folks tend to be a little paranoid)...

Google Gives Marketers More Ways to Suss Out Search Terms

Indeed, "the idea is for Google to provide more value to its ad customers, no doubt -- not only so they can better tune their ads, but also so they can increasingly come to Google as the trusted source for the information they need," Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times...


The Steve Jobs Leak: Another Stroke of Brilliance?

It's been an interesting week. As if to prove the point of last week's column, Steve Jobs used his impressive skills to trick a New York Times reporter he didn't like into giving him a clean bill of health. This was brilliantly done, and there are some real lessons here that dovetail with last week's piece. ...

Dell to Take Second Swing at iPod

Dell decided to enter the fray again in an effort to fill the needs of consumers who have not taken to the iPod, according to Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group and a consultant working with Dell on the project "The reality is that before Apple entered this segmen...


New Online Market Wigix: More Like Nasdaq Than Sotheby’s

"People are creatures of habit, and it is often hard, once they get used to a tool like eBay, to get them to move. But if they are upset with the tool or the company, they may be enticed to make a change," Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst for the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times...


The iPhone 3G and the Risk of Great Marketing

It appears the latest iPhone isn't finished yet. The battery life and the problems with MobileMe have many favoring the older model (kind of like Vista vs. XP), but lines are still forming for the 3G version. This showcases both the amazing capabilities of brilliant marketing and the risks associated with applying it to the wrong product. In this case, at the core of this marketing is Steve Jobs...

Microsoft Opens Xbox Dev Community to Gaming Masses

"[Microsoft is] trying to update gaming to better embrace a community aspect -- not just with the players, but with folks who want to and can develop content. In effect, they are trying to both dramatically increase the availability of new games and reduce the cost of publishing and buying games," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld...


The Power of Balance

I like writing about conflict because it gives you more than one dimension to a story, and there were two interesting conflicts that I ran into last week. The first, more near-term, will likely define the direction of the notebook market, and it is important because it implies an ether/or decision when most of us want both ...

Microsoft Doubles Live Mesh Test Force

Indeed, "Live Mesh is one of the most promising technologies coming out of Microsoft," asserted Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group. "It allows you to be on almost anything that has Microsoft technology -- and even some things that don't -- and makes sure your stuff is with you no matter where you are."

Microsoft Begs to Differ

"The only thing that would bring [Microsoft] back to the table is if Yahoo actually approached them," Rob Enderle, principal analyst of the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "They weren't about to go back out and go after Yahoo after Yahoo had rejected them before. Their allegation that the chairman of the board of Yahoo is the one that asked them to put together the proposal -- at least to me -- rings true."


The Fall of Google, the Rebirth of Microsoft and the Changing Face of Apple and Linux

Sometimes it's the little things that can cause you to step back and rethink how you look at a company. For much of this decade Microsoft has been the "evil empire" with Apple, Linux and Google on the side of the Force (sorry for the "Star Wars" metaphor) ...

Kmart Ad Trumpets Xbox Price Dip

However, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld the $50 drop is not a surprise -- though it comes a bit earlier in the year than he had anticipated "We thought they were going to do a price cut before the back-to-school season. This is a little...

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